Mar 04, 2011

 Celebrated 2 years this past December 2010. I am still doing great and have no regrets. This was the best decision ever. Just need to save up for plastic surgery.  I promise to check on my profile more regulary. If you have any questions feel free to hit me up.


Love and Peace to all always.

1 year later

Dec 01, 2009

It is hard to imagine that a hole year has gone by since I had my surgery. I thank medical science, my Dr's and nurses, my love eddie and my family and friends and most of all God. Thank you for this new opertunity to a better life. I met my goal weight 2 months ago and I feel great.

peace and love always,

Size 5 ladies red pleather pance

Aug 17, 2009

So today I was able to squeeze into size 5 ladies pleather pance.. a pair i plan on sporting at BurningMan in 2 weeks.. super excited for this years burn. Can't believe how much wieght I have lost and how great I feel. Thank you God.


May 10, 2009

Last Tuesday for Cinco de Mayo I went Swing dancing with a few friends at a local bar. I had so much. I had never swinged before. I am planning on going every Tuesday night for some lessons. it was a blast and its great cardio..

all in all life is great...


May 01, 2009

Last night I had lasik surgery.. the procedure was a snap. before I knew it was over.. this morning I had my post opt visit with the Dr. and I have 20/20 vision.

no more glasses.. thank you God and Science..

down 10 more lbs

Apr 14, 2009

I just got back from my Dr. appointment and I have lost another 10 more lbs. I am 10 lbs away from what I use to weigh in high school.. hella crazy I don't know what to do with myself.

hard to believe that I am 40 lbs away from the goal weight my Dr. suggested. WOW

1 comment

LOA all most out

Apr 13, 2009

Man I have been on intermitten leave from work and its is about to run out.. pretty sad it was nice while it lastested.. I would go to my follow up appointments and then take the rest of the day off.. not any more back scheduling my PTO. Ow well...

I have a check up appointment tomorrow early A.M. and then its off to work.. fun times



Mar 31, 2009

Last night we went to our first team meeting for "where my pitches at" it was a meet and great for the team.. luckily im not the only new player. very exciting.. I won't be going to the support group meetings for the next 2 months because our game nights are on the same night. sad but pretty cool that I can finally play something again. its been at least  since high school that I played a team sport.
Tomorrow I go to see a Lasik Dr. to see if i am able to have this procedure since I am technicaly not diabetic anymore.. i hope it all works out..

Today i was able to fit into this Dior sweater that I had bought for myself 5 yrs ago with the hope that I would be able to fit into one day.Today was that day loving it....

1 comment

lab work

Mar 02, 2009

so i have had a couple of labs done and I an no longer diabetic, no more high cholesteral, no more hypertension...

but its not all good news,.. it seems I am also low on Iron and Potassium... so I am taking iron pills over the counter and a prescription for Potassium....

My hair is thinning out a bit I think I will buzz it off for the spring and summer untill it starts growing back.. I have beed taking my Biotin so hopefully it will kick in and my hair will start growing back..

all in all I feel great and I love the clothes that I am wearing now... I definately look different...

1st check up

Dec 13, 2008

saw my surgeon on thursday for my one week check up. down 30 lbs. and everything is good. I was feeling very very weak and dizzy sometimes.. seems that my blood pressure was very low. So my Dr. said no more Hypertension pills. Next to get rid of glucophage pills to have no more diabities. before surgery i was on 1000 mg of glucopahge and now I am 250.

today I started stage 3 of my diet muchy foods. had tortilla soup from safeway and blended in the blender pretty yummy, some cottage cheese, and had some fresh juiced apples/carrots. tomorrow cant wait to have an eggs and maybe some mached potatoes..

I ordered a body shaper on ebay for my mid section. I feel like my belly dropped want to start holding it together so my skin won't be so loose. hope it helps me but either way I am saving up my pennies for my tummy tuck in 2 yrs.

my next check up is in a month...

have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

About Me
west sacramento, CA
Surgery Date
Jun 11, 2008
Member Since

Friends 15

Latest Blog 16
1st check up
