Susan Lankford

"Susan and her staff are very very supportive and encouraging to their patients. They customize exercise and fitness programs to your ability. "

Steven Fowler

"Dr. Fowler is a young, attractive, outgoing and energetic surgeon. With every encounter with Dr. Fowler, I only gained confidence in him as well as his abilities.rnEveryone associated with the Surgical Weight Loss Institute at Castle Medical Center was awesome. They were encouraging and helpful. Everything was personalized to me.rnThe only thing I don't like about Dr. Fowler is that he isn't in his Kailua office enough!rnFuture patients should understand that Dr. Fowler is very skilled and knowledgable about bariatric surgery. This area is his chosen field and he likes to help obese patients.rnDr. Fowler insists on the comprehensive aftercare plan with the physical therapist, personal trainer, dietiican, and program coordinator. rnDr. Fowler addressed all risks of the surgery very well, and answered any and all questions I had.rnOverall, Dr. Fowler is excellent. I would highly recommend him to anyone serious about improving their health through bariatric surgery.rnDr. Fowler's surgical competence and bedside manner are both outstanding."

Brenda C. Lovette

"Dr. Lovette is very understanding and helpful in assessing bariatric patients. She provides important insight into the reasons for obesity and various lifestyle difficulties. she offers excellent suggestions to improve your life."

Linda Rasmussen

"Dr. Rasmussen is warm and caring. She takes the time to answer any and all questions patients have. All of her patients know and understand that she will give them personal attention and will treat them with respect."

Howard Keller

"Dr. Keller is a very knowledgable and caring physician. He treats each patient with respect and spends whatever time is needed with each patient to answer any questions the patient has."

Anna Peters

"Anna is truly dedicated to helping obese patients in their journey to lose weight. She is caring and extremely knowledgable about bariatrics. She has been working exclusively with bariatric patients for more than 5 years."

Mary Arakaki

"Mary was excellent in assisting me to find appropriate foods to eat that met my tastes and lifestyle"

Castle Medical Center

"Castle is a warm, caring community hospital, away from the stresses of Honolulu. They have excellent staff and facilities; you don't feel like just a room number or procedure; you're really a person with needs"
About Me
Sep 07, 2006
Member Since
