3 days out

Apr 03, 2009

My surgery took place on Wednesday, April 1st - April Fools day.   The surgery went very well.  There were no complications & I woke in recovery feeling like a truck was parked on my gut.  The 1st day at the hospital was a little rough. but the morphine was helpful in bringing relief.  I did not get a chance to walk around on Wednesday but got out of bed & into a chair for a little while.  Thursday morning I walked several laps around the 5 South wing & was feeling pretty well. 

Thursday afternoon around 3:00 I was switched from injection type pain relief to a swallow variety & had an allergic reaction.  My skin get very red, very hot & my upper arms experienced intense pain.  The staff was very affective in helping me to feel as comfortable as possible and try to figure out if it was the medication or the protein drink I was also started on.  I was in so much discomfort that by 10:30 at night I was send to ultrasound to rule out the possibility of DVT.  Though they found that I was not at risk for DVT they did discover a partial clot in my left shoulder.  I was very thankful Rhon stayed with me through the night.  She was vitally helpful to me.

It is now Friday afternoon & I have been told I would be released to go home around 6:00pm. I will need to give myself a blood thinner shot in the stomach for the next 10 days & then do a follow up with both Dr. Smith, who has been a wonderful surgeon & support & Dr. Hefner from Vascular medicine.  I am currently waiting for my picc line to be removed (not looking forward to the discomfort) & to give myself my 1st shot in front of the nurse so she will know I can do this.

I am looking forward to being home with my family & continuing this journey toward a better me.


About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 22, 2009
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