
May 08, 2009

Hooray,  I'm down to 264lbs, it's been years and yet I honestly do not think I could have done it otherwise because it's still a fight and will always be a lifelong battle but I have a tool that has helped me sooo much.

Wow, it's almost Summer!

May 01, 2009

A little bit of my story:

Let's see, text book fat kid and I think I remember weighting like 130 in Middle school and by High School I was up to 196lbs.  I used laughter to get through the pain and I remember trying so many different ways to diet on my own.  Once, we were all at the dinner table and my little sister started to tell my parents that I was trying to starve myself and how I would try to eat like a mouse but of course I sure as heck didn't look like one.  Needless to  say, it's sad how we live our lives trying to get thin when, we do nothing but complicate it when we don't try to do it the healthy way.   After high school I  started to yo yo like crazy and spent thousands on diet pills, Dr's, WW, Atkins, South beach and whatever else is out there, but when I got pregnant with our son, I topped out @ 247 lbs,  Dropped 20lbs and then set out to spend more money on Herbalife, which at the time still had Ephedra in it.  Had to scare of my life when I thought my heart was going to explode and I stayed on the phone with my husband all night prayiny that if God spare me and let me get better I would drop the pills.  Needless to say, I did drop the pills but I ballooned to my heaviest in Jan 2009 of 304lbs and Woo Hoo, got approved for surgery in Feb.   I went through a year of testing and research, weigh ins and what not and here I am today to say, that I thank the Good Lord above for each and every day that I awake.  I still have so far to go and yet, I'm eager to get to 269lbs and then I will go from there.  I love my Dr's office and I will always be thankful that God has gifted him with the steady hand and knowledge to know what he is doing. 

About Me
Mar 15, 2009
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