
.... it has been a VERY long time since I've updated on this website...in fact I don't recall ever doing it! Today is my 2 year anniversary since being banded.... the first time...yes, that's right I sadi the first time.... I was almost to my goal when I realized something wasn't right...so In I go for a scope..oopppss...a slip had occured, and they removed my band. Because of all the scar tissue they were not able to replace it until Jan (07)... Which sucked...in the interm, I met the man of my dreams, gained 13 pounds, and have never been happier! It is a day to day struggle to try and loose the last 25 pounds I want to loose...but I look at the picture by my name and realize just how far I have come, it amazes me! My surgeon was fantastic, and he continues to be supportive.... I would do it all over again in a heartbeat, now I am not saying I enjoyed having 3 surgeries, but my life has changed DRAMATICALLY! I give all the praise to Jesus for helping me get through all of this.....Through this I have learned that I am a valuable person, I always have been, I just hid behind all my fat! My life is sooooo rich and full right now.... I continue to pray and hold my head high and I know I will make it! I look forward to the day when I reach my goal! It's been a long journey, but well worth it! I'm in love, in better shape than I was, and healthy.... what more could a girl ask for??? (of course a flat tummy and a nice boob job would be nice....lol)

About Me
Surgery Date
Dec 02, 2002
Member Since
