Hellcatmama 21 years, 9 months ago

Hey ya'll. Good news here! I went to Dr. Black's to have my staples removed today and for my check-up....(I am 12 days post-op) and I weighed in at 320 lbs. WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOO! 39 pounds gone forever! Thank you God for this "tool"! I am never hungry (yet). I hope I continue not to be, lol. Makes everything alot easier for me! My Dr. said I could start walking and he would see me in 2 weeks. I am feeling better and better everyday. Just still no energy here to speak of, yet......lol. I am sure if I am patient, it will eventually return. (hopefully) Well, I won't keep ya'll. Just had to share my news. God Bless Us All and Peace~~~

HOLLY P. 21 years, 9 months ago

Hi...congratulations for being post op...i wish you a speedy and healthy recovery...how are things going for you... I have my consult date 9/12 cant wait....best wishes Holly

blank first name B. 21 years, 9 months ago

I am SO happy you are home and recooperating!!! God bless you!! Tina

Sherri H. 21 years, 9 months ago

Traci. I am so glad you are up and around. Wow! did you have a time or what? But you are right 29 pounds is 29 pounds. You know I have a ton of questions so when you are up to it e-mail me and I will call you. Glad you are home. Your friend Sherr. Sis says get well too.

Hellcatmama 21 years, 9 months ago

Yes Ya'll, I came home yesterday. Surgery was the 7th and surgery for my hernia was the 10th. That's why I had to stay so long. Day of surgery I got there at 5:45am, checked in at 6am, changed into gown and was rolled into the waiting room around 6:30ish. The nurse that took me back was so great, brought my daughters back and everything to wish me well. The kids did great even though I could tell they were nervous, Bless their hearts! Surgery lasted from 7 til around 12. Dr. ran into a few adhesions from old surgeries that had to be worked around. Found a small hernia that he left...(had to go back in Saturday and repair though). After my tube came out they had me on liquids (water, grape juice) then the next day carnation instant breakfast and the others. Had to stop the liquids for the hernia repair, but the following day they resumed them. I was down 29 pounds yesterday morning but I am sure I will not continue losing THAT fast. But hey, 29 is 29 anyways. A GREAT START!!! Thanks to everyone that signed my page or posted for me. I am totally GREATFUL to GOD for this new chance!!!!!!!! HE brought me through this!!!! I have many hurdles in front of me, but with my family here and on this board i know WE will make it!!!!! God Bless Us ALL and Peace~~~

gale C. 21 years, 9 months ago

traci- i am soooooo happy that you are home and safe. i was waiting for you to post when you got home. i am hoping that this finds you well and you are able to send me the details of your surgery when you are able to sit at the computer. i wish you all the good wishes in the world for a speedy recovery. take care, gale

Hellcatmama 21 years, 9 months ago

I finally got to come home today. I have a loss of 29 pounds. That was really something. I will be more excited when I am feeling a bit better....lol. I will give more details soon as I am more myself. Thanks to "Jamie" ....she is the Bestest Angel and to all who posted and sent prayers and well wishes! Everything was much appreciated......the visits were wonderful too....my family, Jamie, Sherri and her sis. Ya'll are all so awesome! God Bless Us All and Peace~~~

Frankie D. 21 years, 9 months ago

Hey Traci, Your sister,Frankie here.Glad to here you are home. will try to see you soon.I love you. Congratulations on that 30 pounds you have lost already !!!! We are so proud of you. God Bless !!!!

jamie C. 21 years, 9 months ago

Traci. Glad to hear you are home!!!!!!!Call me if you need anything or have any questions. I will help you in any way I can. CONGRATS!!!!! LOve, JAMIE

jamie C. 21 years, 10 months ago

Hi, everyone!!! It's time for the angel to update now. I saw Traci today and she looked wonderful!!!! She is in good spirits and bless her heart she wants to go home already. She knows she will feel more comfortable at home. If all goes well she could go home tomorrow.Then she can start posting again too. She said she misses her computer and I know she really does. Keep her in your prayers and you all take care and god bless. JAMIE
About Me
anniston, Al
Surgery Date
Feb 06, 2002
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
I was ready for surgery~~2002
Christmas 2003
