Package submitted to insurance!

Jun 28, 2011

The "package" for my insurance (including 6-month supervised diet notes, nutritional assesment, and psych clearance) was submitted last Thursday so I hope that I will hear something before the 4th of July weekend. I have a huge time crunch with my childcare arrangements so my surgeon's office is letting me start my 2-week diet now to expedite the process. After I get my approval (fingers crossed), I still have several appointments to complete before surgery: Upper GI series, 2-hour nutritonal group meetiing, a gallbladder ultrasound,and pre-op appointment with my surgeon/lab work . Its going to be a busy two weeks trying to get all of my appointments scheduled!

It is amazing to me all of the hoops that must be jumped through to have this surgery. Usually, if a patient medically needs a surgery, your doctor schedules you and your insurance pays for it. It's ridiculous, and in my opinion a bit discriminatory that we have to go through so much just to have surgery!

I am getting somewhat excited, although I don't want to get too excited until I know my insurance approval is complete. It has been a two year process to get here; I'm so, so ready!


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