Headed in for surgery......again.

Nov 08, 2009

Well the last visit to the hospital for a scope a couple weeks ago, revealed a huge ulcer that started at the top of the intestines and covered 1/3 of the inside of the stomach.  We knew he had an ulcer, but it started out small.  Apparently from all of the ballooning he has had done, it stretched the ulcer....and the ulcer is continuing to get bigger.  Well, so here we go...back to the hospital on Friday morning to get 1/3 of his stomach cut out since the medicine isn't touching the pain, and the ulcer is growing.  So, guess what this means...yep, a smaller stomach, back on liquids again, time in the hospital, time off work....for what?  What if this doesn't take care of the problem?  With everything else he has been through this far, it's hard for him to keep a positive attitude and keep going, ya know?  In the past 9 months he has lost 178 pounds.  He has gone from 330 to 152....Just this past week he has lost 5 pounds, so he is continuing to lose more every week.  He's 6'1" and his bones are sticking out everywhere.  Ofcourse he has skin hanging in his belly, butt, and under his arms....right there is probably another 10 pounds or more.  He can't sit on his butt still due to his tailbone hurting soo bad and his butt being soo skinny.  He has gone from size 44 pants to size 30 pants.  Please, Lord, let this be the answer to our problems. 


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Aug 24, 2009
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