Flying in on the wings of Hope Forallofus' (Karen's) angel, Theresa to help her update on Karens surgery progress!!!
Theresa wrote a beautiful post on the DE board that I would like to include here for all to see.
"Hi everyone. I'm not sure if I have done this correctly, but I am the "angel" for Hope Forallofus (Karen Howell). Today was her surgery and she seemed to have breezed right through it. I know that this was very important to her and I just want everyone to know how very proud I am of her and that I love her very much. She had the courage to do all that was needed to make this day a reality. She is one very special lady and my best friend. It will be very difficult not seeing her on a daily basis, but I know that when she returns she will be more vibrant than ever. To me, Karen is always beautiful. And I didn't realize what pain she felt living in her frame. I did though when I read her profile. I never want to see someone that I love that much in doubt. So, keep Karen in your prayers and thoughts and know that your thoughts, prayers and words of encouragement have helped her find her new self. God bless all of you. Theresa (Hope's Angel)"
Christiana Hospital has a wondeful new service. They are allowing patients to receive well wishes via email. Is that great or what? If you can't be there, you can still send your love right away!!!
If you would like to send Karen an email at the hospital to let her know that you are thinking of her just click below:
Karen Howell-Ortiz Room # 5034-B
When I was in the hospital just last week, it was a real treat and spirit booster to receive my emails.
Have a great day!