Posts from my first OH Profile starting from 2002

Mar 20, 2009

03/28/02 Well after changing insurance carriers and finding a wls friendly pcp everything was moving along smoothly, I was diagnosed with sleep apnea and have started treatment. My first consultation with the surgeon was scheduled for next month and now I found out that I'm pregnant. That really threw me for a loop. I didn't think I could get pregnant and was having the surgery to lose weight so I could get pregnant. Now I have to play the waiting game all over again. Maybe someone trying to tell me this surgery is not for me....

11/12/02 Okay I've done the baby dance. What a scary experience! I had my son prematurely at 29 weeks due to pregnancy induced hypertension and several uterine fibriods that were not detected until my c-section was performed. All the doctors were very nice (and I had several!) but I took an AFp test that "detects" birth defects which came back abnormally high that meant my son would possibly have spina bifida or another skeletal defect ie dwarfism. I was I wreck. They did all types of tests on me and ultrasounds but they could not see anything because of my big belly so I feel they made up stuff, telling me my baby would die if I carried it to term. Well I found out that the AFP is abnormal for most overweight women because they need to factor in weight when processing the results and the naturally assume that only skinny chicks get pregnant so my test came out way wrong. The doctors see this defect on the ultrasoud, well I proved them wrong, my son was born early and only weighed 1 lbs 11 oz but was otherwise prefect in everyway. Never needed any oxygen, only had 2 blood transfusions and was in the hospital basically to gain weight. The hypertension was due to all the stress they put me through and is completely gone now. My baby is home and healthy and happy and now I want to concentrate on having this surgery again while I'm on leave from work. I did manage to lose 40 pounds after the delivery. I joined Weight Watchers but it's just not working for me. I was watching Al Roker on Tv and it renewed my hope/trust in the surgery. I thought I had changed my mind because of all the risks, I really need to be her for my son since his father turned out to be a deadbeat, but I figure I will probably die in ten years if I don't have the surgery. I now looking at surgeons again, will probably see Dr. Alexander in Dallas as soon as I can. Hopefully will post another update soon.


5/31/04--I am now anxiously waiting to hear back from Dr. Dirk Rodriguez's office to schedule a consultation. I have been contemplating having surgery for over four years now. I'm finally over my fear of anesthsia and I'm ready for my new birthday. I know that I will have to fight with my insurance carrier and employer since they stopped covering gastric bypass surgery on 1/1/04 but for me I know it will be medically necessary so I'm staying positive. Hopefully my next update will be with my surgery date!

7/18/04--Well I have a date!!! 8/23/04 is my "new" birthday. I can't wait!! I am so ready for this now. I can't wait to start my new life. I will try to post my before picture soon

7/26/04---My First round of pre-op testing is complete. My surgeon is very thorough and today I had a Stress/Lung Test, Echocardiogram and Psyche eval. When I'm closer to my actual date I will have all the routine pre-op testing plus I will have a filter put in my leg to prevent blood clots after surgery. Again my surgeon leaves nothing to chance!! I'm feeling good today. I was nervous about the surgery again feeling like I won't make it through surgery, but I have praying alot and getting great advice from all the wonderful people on this site and I'm feeling good again...

8/13/04-- My date has been postponed by one day. I'm not to upset about it. I found out today I'll have my filter placed next Friday. It's all starting to be very real. I'm nervous and scared but I have tremendous faith in God. I know He'll see me thru.

8/21/04-- I have finished the final round of pre-ops and had my filter placed yesterday. It was a simple minor surgery and I have felt no pain. I was afraid of the anesthia but it was not bad at all. Although it is nothing like what's to come. They had to stick me 3 times to get the I.V. started. They told me on my surgery day they will probably have to put the iv in my neck! I'm trying to take it easy the weekend. I start my liquid diet tommorrow. By my next update I will be a loser!

8/30/04--Well, it's over!! God has brought me thru! I'm one day shy of being 1 week out and I'm feeling pretty good. The only thing that's happened is some pain in my right hip. The surgeon nurse said it is due to the way they have to position you during the surgery can cause some pain. Well it hurts like HECK!! I can't even move around has much has I would like because the pain is intense. Other than that no nausea, vomitting... I still trying to get a feel for the new pouch. I get full really fast. I having trouble getting all the water and protein in because I full up so quickly. But I'm not complaining. It could be a lot worse.

10/24/04---It's been a long time since I have posted! It's been 2 months today and the last time I weighed myself two weeks ago I was down 45lbs!! I don't weigh myself that much because if I did it would make me crazy! I've been feeling very well lately, although I did go thru a bout of vomitting from weeks 3-5. I have been able to do things with my son that I wasn't able to do before and that is a wonderful feeling!

11/30/04--- Just a quick update. I had my 3 month follow -up today and I'm down 70.4 lbs!! Life's good!

12/04/04--- I have been very depressed lately. I should be happy about my weight loss and I am but I'm also very lonely. I really want to have someone to share my life with and while I try to be optimistic I know I should be realistic too. Hopefully I will get out of this funk and be back to myself soon.


01/01/05 ----- Happy New Year!!! I'm feeling much better since my last update. I don't have an update on my weight loss. I don't weigh myself that much because I have a tendency to become obsessive about how fast I'm losing. So I try to weigh only once per month, that way if I do plateau I won't know and I can't freak out. Last year was all in all a Great year for me. For the first time in a long time I ended the year weighing less than when I started. My surgery was a great success. I was promoted twice last year after working in the same position for 5 years. I also had my 5 year anniversary at work. My son is happy and healthy. He's a very charming 2 year old, just like his father. And baby daddy is finally coming around. I think he sees how great I look now and is trying to get back in. We'll see...
This year I would like to loose at least 100 lbs more. I know I can do it, i just have to start, yes I said start exercising. Putting my walk away the pounds dvds to use. I am also cutting out carbs from my diet this year, which means no more mashed potatoes and popcorn which have been some stables in my diet. I also want to increase my water intake to 120 oz per day and remembering my vitamins everyday. I guess I'm just going back to the basics. I also going to starting to be more active in my personal life as well. I want to be more outgoing and not so shy. I will take more pictures so I can see my progress. I still feel the same although others have told me I look like I've lost a lot of weight. Someone even called me sexy a couple of days ago and I am still in the high 200's. I pray this year will be even better for me and my little one and that God continues to bless my genetic and OH families.

01/03/05 -- weighed myself today only lost eight pounds lost months, but I guess that's better than gaining 8 pounds over the holidays. I am determined to reach the century club by my next visit with the surgeon in March. I've got to loose 20lbs. I'm at 296.

01/26/05 -- Well yesterday I got some shocking news. I have a mass of some kind in my left breast that will need to be removed. I had been having some pain and a clear discharge from my left nipple. I went to the doctor on last friday and had to have a mammogram on tuesday. They did that mammogram 3 times and I also had a sonogram of my breast. Then the radiologist starts talking about a different test called a ductogram where they put a needle in my nipple, yikes. Luckly she said to see a surgeon first to see if she wants it, some do, others don't. I will see my surgeon on friday afternoon. I'm really scared but I have gotten alot of support from the black american forum. I really don't want to have another surgery but if I have to I will. I weighed myself and I'm down to 285 lbs, the best news I've had all week.

02/05/05 Well, I had the biopsy of my left breast on Thursday. It was a day surgery, I was in the hospital for 6 hours and was pretty sleepy afterward. The doctor will have the final pathology report on Monday but she said she does not believe it was cancerous which was a big relief. I've been a little sore and groggy but otherwise okay. I should return to work on Monday. I haven't weighed myself in a while, I have been eating very poorly while on this emotional rollercoaster, eating potatoe chips eek!! Forgetting all that and starting over fresh today. No bread, pasta rice, crackers, POTATOE CHIPS!! Need to be down 100lbs by my next follow-up on March 1. I've got 10lbs to go.

February 19, 2005 -- Well everything is going just great for me. I now down to 279lbs, just 4lbs shy of my 6 month goal. I very pleased with my weight loss and if I never lose another pound this would have been worth it. I am eating a lot better. I've ordered some new protein shakes just waiting for them to come in. Things in my personal life couldn't be better. My son's father has finally stepped up (Jesus DOES answer prayers) and We are working torwards being a family. We are not "offically" (I don't have the ring yet) engaged but will probably tie the knot sometime next year. I have always wanted a New's Eve Wedding in Las Vegas but I'm not sure he wants to wait that long. He should know by now that if I haven't left already I'm not going anywhere. I did get the final pathology report back on my breast and it was not cancerous. That experience did make me realize that I do want to pursue plastic surgery once the weight loss is complete. After my hand assisted lap-rny I decided no more surgeries for me. I was in alot of pain in recovery and then the muscle pull was also bad, I still to this day have pains in my hip from time to time. My breast surgeon Dr Terre Q. McGlothin was one of the most caring surgeons I have ever had the pleasure to meet. She told me everything she was going to do step by step drawing diagrams and speaking to me like I was a friend. She knew I was nervous about the procedure and held my hand in the O.R. until the anesthesia took effect. I was very impressed with her beside manner and skill. Well until next time.

March 2, 2005 -- I had my 6 month follow up appointment on yesterday and I have met my goal of 100lbs lost. Exactly 100 pounds. I have very happy and my surgeon was also very pleased. I need to found out how to get my Century Club member card!!!

April 4, 2005 -- Well I'm now down 107 pounds. I am very happy about that. I need to do something (exercise) to speed up the process because my mother thinks I should have lost more than that by now. I think 107lbs in 7 months is good. I'd like to see her do it. I've been in a pretty pissy mood. Things with my son's father are not good. I told him yesterday that I think our relationship has run its course and he told me I've just gotten the "big head" since I had surgery and he is using my losing weight as the cause of our probelms and not the fact that he's a trifling bastard. My heart aches for him because he really needs to grow up and be a man and I fear that will never happen. I need to get some updated pictures; I haven't taken any with my son since last year. I guess I'll make any appointment with my local photographer soon! next month

April 29, 2005 ---- WTF?!?!?!??!? Uh?????????
************* I'm Pregnant??? ******************
Surely there must be some mistake here!!

May 27, 2005 ---- Yes I'm Prego! I was so mad at myself and in such shock this past month. I'm afraid I'll gain all of the 120lbs that I lost back. I CANNOT afford daycare and I don't know how we will make it. Still don't, but I at peace with it now. This baby was sent to me for a reason and I have finally accepted that. I will nurture it with everything I have. I was going to have a hysterectomy because of the large fibroids causing me pain but here I am 8 weeks along. My boyfriend/son's father asked me to marry him. Not sure if that's the right thing to do. I told my surgeon at my nine month visit on Thursday and Dr. Rod was very cool about it. Not at all what I expected. He told me I can still lose weight during the pregnancy and I was very happy about that. I have about 100lbs to go but I would be extremly pleased to get under 200lbs and that's only another 58lbs.

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Lilypie Baby Ticker


It's been a long time since I've posted. My second pregnancy was not as difficult as the first, My daughter was born at 36 weeks. It was very painful I had to talk medicine torwards the end to stop the contractions that began at 20 weeks but it was all worth it, Lauryn is here and healthy. She weighed in at 5lbs 8oz and 18inches long. I was exactly the same at birth, weight and length. For anyone who happens to read my profile none of my pregnancy complications had to do with the surgery. They were all from the fibroids. This last pregnancy was the healthiest of the two and that is certainly do entirely to the wls. I did not gain any weight during my pregnancy. I am down 25 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight to 235. I would like to lose at least another 60lbs. Not really trying to be skinny just healthier than I was at 420. Lately though I can't get a grip on my eating. I've been at home since the baby was born and have been eating nothing but junk. I'm hoping when I return to work on I can get back in the swing of things. I know I have to get back to basics so my kids won't pick up my unhealthy eating habits. I have to do it for them. As far as the personal life goes I've moved back in with my parents, I'm not able to swing daycare for 2 under 3 and rent and carpayments and feed the kids and keep them in a lit house. But I know it well be better soon. The father of my children was true to form and not there for us, it's like he refuses to work and help provide for them so the attorney general will be paying him a visit soon. I didn't want to file for child support especially since he is not working because he really can't help from jail but he needs to be held accountable and made to be responsible since he can't seem to get himself together. I have faith that God will work all this out for me and send someone my way who will treat me and my children the way that we deserve to be treated. But that's not even on the top of the list right now. First I've got to get me healthy and drop 60 more lbs, I mean really get on the stick. Next I've got to start saving some money for my children and their future and build us a nice nest egg. I also want to complete my degree in nursing. Then I want to buy us a house. I plan on making all of this a reality by 2009 so I've go a lot of work to do. With God's help of course. I'll try to update my picture soon. I'm not fine yet but I not that girl down there anymore either!

I'm Susie!

You're the kind-spirited, competitive friend of the babies, Susie Carmichael! Your trademarks are a fierce competition with Angelica and a consistent help for the babies.

Which Rugrat are you?

Take Other Caffeine Nebula Quizzes

Septemeber 15, 2006
It's been far too long between updates. Sorry about that. I've been dealing with some personal issues and trying to get my head right. I need to update those pictures too, just NOT the computer girl. It took me 3 months to learn how to sign on to update since OH changed things up. Well I'm down to 220. Still struggling to get under 200. I was hoping I could get there by my birthday but no such luck. Well I do have 3 months so all is not lost. I just have to get a handle on some things. I've been diagnosed with severe depression (big surprise) and I've started meds and counseling. Trying not to give in to the stigma that my mom is trying to put on me for seeking mental help. But I feel I have to do this for my little family, so my kids can have a good foundation and some kind of normalcy. My kids are great. I need to put there pictures on here too. I love my babies so much. if it weren't for them I don't think I would get up most mornings. Also coming to this site when I get some free time also helps me alot. The before and after pictures are such an inspiration. I also lurk on the Black American Message board. That's one great bumch over there. One day I will gather up my courage and start posting instead of just reading again. Anyway, now that I've got my password again the updates will come more often. I wish everyone well with in their journeys to healthfullness, which ever road they take. Bye for now.


About Me
Allen, TX
Surgery Date
May 06, 2001
Member Since

Friends 6

Latest Blog 2
