My Friday!

Jun 12, 2011

Wow, so today is my friday!! WOO HOOO!! I got through the first few work days without any problems. I worked thursday a normal 3-11 shift and them my crazy self goes and works a 12 hour shift from 1100-2300, then i turn around and drive home and then get up at 5:30am to work again at 0700!! So needlless to say i was beat, but me and my husband are going to buy a house when he gets home from overseas so mama is workin her tail off. It keeps me busy and honestly it helps me with the whole eating thing. I notice when i was home if i was bored i would tend to "migrate" to the kitchen for no reason. Something i wasn't really aware that i did before. So it was nice working those hours...tiring but nice. I just wish i would had taken a few more days off instead of being super women and going back so soon. I haven't had any problems with nausea or vomiting and with the help of man made sythentic medication i was not in any pain either!! LOL I am very proud to say that i have been following my diet and portion sizes the way the doctor has told me to as well! I weighed myself at work today and was down to 218!! I feel like i am losing too fast since i do have the band and the weight loss is supposed to be slower but honestly i think it's because i am doing what i am supposed to, not falling off the wagon (at least not yet, fingers crossed, will power on!!) and i am up moving and constantly being active. That is the only thing i can account for losing that much. It's wierd, i have scrub pants that didn't fit me a few months ago and now i put them on and look like i belong in a snoop dog video cause they are saggin to the ground! Feels great. Like i said before i haven't always been big like this and i forgot how it feels to try on clothes that DON'T fit cause they're too big rather then being skin tight:) talk about makin my day!! Awesome feeling!! 

First day back to work

Jun 09, 2011

Today is my first day back to work since my surgery. I am a little nervous cause i am still pretty sore at the port site and the incisions are a little sore. I work as an RN in corrections and that place can be nuts! I don't always get to eat when i am there so it's not the eating part i am worried about, i am taking a tiny bit of beans and cottage cheese and making a fruit smoothie to eat at lots and lots of water!! Hopefully i make it till 11pm!!  

6lbs lost!!!

Jun 08, 2011

SO i went to my first post op appt today like i blogged earlier and I lost 6lbs!! I am now at 223!! My blood pressure was beautiful and I feel great!! They advanced me to soft foods and I promptly went to the store and bought HEALTHY soft foods like non fat beans, low fat cottage cheese, soy milk and so on! I also bought a tons of fruits to make fruit smoothies. I have a recipe book that my nutritionist gave at the class i took and it has a bunch of recipes for some pretty tasty blended drinks. Today i have had a lot of water, beans, cotttage cheese, applesauce and made a smoothie out of vanilla soy milk, strawberries, blueberries and watermelon sherbert! I have to get used to my new stomach because the old me wanted to eat like a cup and half of beans but my tummy only allowed me about 1/4 cup with maybe 4 tablespoons of applesauce and then i was full!! I think it's just the motion of eating that i have to get used to that is different..but with the results that i am going to get eating the way i should eat, that is motivation enough for me!! I wore a shirt that i haven't worn since december with a pair of black tights and athena sandels!! It was actually big on me and i felt great!! I have a lot to go but it's these moments that make me so glad i made this decision!!  

1st post op appt!!

Jun 08, 2011

 Ok so i am nervous/excited/all the above to go see my surgeon/doc this morning for my first check up appt since my surgery last tuesday. I am so exicted to see if i lost any weight, for him to advance me to at least liquid with some consistancy and to see what is next in this journey. I am still alittle sore but i do have a port in my side now! haha. I also had a hiatal hernia fixed so i probably would be a little more sore than normal. Well time to get ready! 

Day #6 post op

Jun 05, 2011

Today is day #6 post op and I am wanting food soooo bad. Not really anything major, a blended bananna would be better then broth or jello! I did fall off the wagon yesterday when i ate 1 peice of chocolate:( I think since that being the only mess up i can live with myself! I think this website is going to help me though when i do feel like falling off the wagon because i write and i feel better...just like i do now so i am going to wake up tomorrow and be proud that i am doing my clear liquids just like i am supposed to. It's all part of the process and i can do this!! so until tomorrow

New kid on the block

Jun 05, 2011

OK so I heard about this website from a friend who had WLS and I was hesitant to try it out. I recently had the lap band done on May 31, 2011. Was very hesitant to even get that done. It has been an emotional ride since i started this process. So i decided to jump on board and get surrounded by people who are going through the same thing that i am. I kept hearing "oh you don't need to do that" and "why don't you just exercise?" or "why don't you just cut calories?".....well if those things worked don't you think that I would have done that instead of going under the knife?! Geesh come on So here i am

I am currently 6 days out post op, sore, feeling a little tired but I know this is all going to be worth the benefits that me and my family are going to experience as a result of Mama feeling better not only physically but emotionally as well! 


About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 05, 2011
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