In the Hospital

Apr 12, 2010

I'm 8 hours post op.  It has been rough but it's already getting better.  I've gotten up and walked around the recovery area several times.  That seems to help.  The pain is intense but now not so bad that the pain killers have kicked in.  I won't make the mistake of asking the nurse for pain killers as long as I can hold off again.  What was I thinking?  They tell me this pain is from the gas that they used to blow me up for the laparoscopic surgery.  I wish I could just get rid of it.  I can't.  I can't burp and it's not coming out in other ways either.  I couldn't tolerate the jello but the vegetable broth was ok.  I just keep reminding myself that if I don't walk, and eat something, and get in some water, I'm not going to get better.  I'm highly motivated to get out of here but I've decided to stay the night.  Most people, they tell me, stay the night after lap band surgery.  I thought that most people went home.  Boy was I wrong.  I'm a lucky guy though.  My wife has stayed here with me and taken care of me.  She's gotten the nurse when I've needed her.  She's spoon fed me broth.  This summer it will be 20 years with her and I'm just one lucky dude.  She told me that when I had too much to drink back before we were married and she took care of me when I was puking, that I said, "hmmm... maybe she's a keeper".  I was right.  I wish everyone had this sort of support from home.  I've only felt good enough to blog for about the last 90 minutes and soon I'll go back to sleep.  I told the nurse I was in pain and she said, "well you did just have surgery you know".

