Did I NEED to have this drastic surgery???

Jun 06, 2009

So, after replying to one of my e-mails on my OH website, I realized I had some thoughts I needed to get out.  OK, I thought at one point, did I REALLY need to have this drastic surgery to lose weight and be healthy?  I had family members saying, after seeing how easy it is for me to make healthy eating decisions and my want to exercise, I could have done this on my own.  But could I?  Looking back at myself, I was happy with the person I was but not with my health going down the crap shoot.  I was 378 lbs people and damn near in a size 30 jeans.  That was the FINAL STRAW!!  I wasn't getting smaller...with every child I put on more weight and then feeding a family of 6 it was just easier to stop and get fast food or cook processed foods which I was eating alot of and so was my family.  This surgery helped my of course lose weight but also gave me control back of what and how much I was eating.  I prefer to eat healthy and only want to buy the healthiest foods I can afford for my family (no I can't go completely 100% organic, all natural, and minimally processed just yet...but I'm working on it!!).  I do a pretty good job of that.  In return, this surgery has helped my kids live healthier and hopefully won't fall into the same bad rut I was in that ended me up on the OR table getting WLS.  This surgery isn't a quick fix.  It's just a tool to help you lose weight.  You can NOT rely solely on the surgery to lose weight and think you can eat ANYTHING you want and still be successful...that's SO not true!!  It's pretty easy for the weight to come off for the first 6 months or so but after that...it's almost all YOU!  You CAN trick your body into eating more by drinking with your meals but that completely defeats the whole purpose!!  So the surgery is NOT fool proof.  You have to be mentally ready to fully commit to a whole new lifestyle of eating and being active to truly be successful.  So, to answer that question, I think the answer is yes.  I needed the help the surgery gave me to live a healthier life and I would go back and do it time and time again.  I would definitely recommend it to anyone who was in my shoes.


About Me
Terrell, TX
Surgery Date
Jul 17, 2008
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