I began my weight loss surgery quest in 2005.  My ins co. denied my claim, just because they don't cover WLS.  I went on disability through Medicare in May of 2005.  I qualified for my medicare medical card on May 1, 2007.  Once I received the card I started the process all over again.  On May 30th I was notified that I had been approved for WLS.  They gave me the week of June 18th as a possible surgery date.  The hospital will be in touch with me shortly, with a specific date and time.  I am so excited!  I just want to get healthy!!!  I want to be able to walk to and from the car without being out of breath, sweating all over and feeling like crap!  My highest weight has been 303.  I am currently weighing 292.5.  I have been working out with a personal trainer two times a week.  I do cardio, weight training, and pool classes.  I, along with four of my sister's were sexually abused by our father.  In my 30's I started counseling to deal with the bad nightmares I was having.  Two years later I finished counseling...but I had gained about 50-75 lbs. in the process.  Then I began to get many other health problems that prevented me from being able to lose weight through diet and exercise!  I have fallen about 4-5 times due to my weight.  Which has set me back in my exercise work out sessions.  I was very skinny as a child,  actually I had malnutrition.  My father always got all he wanted to eat, then IF anything was left the kids got something to eat!  I was the fourth child out of five, so there wasn't much to eat by the time I got the plate. 

About Me
Des Moines, IA
Surgery Date
Jan 16, 2005
Member Since

Friends 24

Latest Blog 14
4 1/2 month update
10-22-07 Update ~ The scale is moving again!
October 16, 2007 Update
Sept 14, 2007 Update
August 24, 2007 Update
My one month post op visit 8-3-07
I was forced to leave my house today!!!
first post op visit
Tomorrow is the BIG day!
