Sleep Study Done

Jul 28, 2008

Well, I just returned home from my sleep study.  I don't need the Cpac or whatever it's called.  I'm so glad.  It really was difficult falling asleep with all the wires but once I did, I didn't wake up until Laura woke me up.  I'm one step closer to my goal.   I have my 3 lifestyle classes next month and then my clearance examine in September with Dr. Monsert.  I also just found out I have jury duty for the month of September here in Easton.  Maybe it will help the time fly!!!!

Just Checking In

Jul 23, 2008

Hi All,
I'm still in Atlanta and thought I'd check in.  I've been having a great time with my family.  I've made it to the pool a couple of times so I've gotten my swimming in.  I head back for Easton tomorrow afternoon.  Monday night, I have my sleep study done.  I'm a little nervous about that.  Has anybody had one????


Jul 18, 2008

This is new to me so I hope I'm doing it right!!!!!  I've never blogged before  I'm leaving for Atlanta tomorrow morning and will be gone for a week.  I'll be visiting my children and grandbabies.  I will be keeping up with my swimming, though.  I look forward to seeing everybody at next month's meeting.  Counting the days to my Oct 29th surgery date!!!

About Me
Easton, MD
Surgery Date
Jun 24, 2008
Member Since

Friends 12

Latest Blog 3
Sleep Study Done
Just Checking In
