New start
Oct 31, 2009
My name is Connie and I am from Battle Creek, MI. I've been a member of OH for quite some time but have never participated. After exchanging emails with Yvonne last week, decided it is time for a new attitude. Instead of feeling like such a loser after RNY in 2000, losing from 302 to 186, now back up to 260 - I am looking at this as if I was just starting out fresh from surgery. Back to the beginning of the program and trying to be as positive as I can be (not easy for a natural born pessimist)!! I enjoy reading all the positive comments and try to start my day by reading a few to get me in the proper frame of mind and again before bed to go to sleep with positivity instead of negativity. I have been unable to locate any local support groups, so if anyone out there is from this area maybe we could form our own group? I am so glad I communicated with Yvonne - she made me feel so much better about myself.