teegee 17 years, 2 months ago

joy... you go girl! i hope to join you on the losing side someday! my your recovery be swift and the ice chips satisfing.

Vicki In A Clam Shell 17 years, 2 months ago

Congrats Joy - I am so happy for you, praying you will heal quickly and completely!

LaChelle R. 17 years, 2 months ago

So happy that you are finally on the losers bench! I will be right there with you soon enough! Prayers are being sent your way for a speedy recovery!

CarolynK 17 years, 2 months ago

Yipee Skipee another loser! Joy sending thoughts and prayers your way and wishing you a speedy recovery and return to us! Hugss CarolynK

Kellie_B 17 years, 2 months ago

Just wanted to let everyone know I talked with the Nurse's station just now and they said that Joy. J.'s surgery went great and she is doing well. They said she has been sawing logs all since she got in her room! I know this is true because I called and she didn't answer her phone...lol I hope to be able to go up there or at least talk to her tomorrow so I will keep everybody updated. Would be great to go flood her surgery page with all kinds of well wishes when ya get the chance! Have a great night!! Kellie

Kellie_B 17 years, 2 months ago

Just wanted to let everyone know I talked with the Nurse's station just now and they said that Joy. J.'s surgery went great and she is doing well. They said she has been sawing logs all since she got in her room! I know this is true because I called and she didn't answer her phone...lol I hope to be able to go up there or at least talk to her tomorrow so I will keep everybody updated. Would be great to go flood her surgery page with all kinds of well wishes when ya get the chance! Have a great night!! Kellie

Kellie_B 17 years, 2 months ago

Hey Joy! Just wanted you to know your in my thoughts and prayers and you will do great tomorrow! When you wake up you'll be on the losers bench and you'll be starting a brand new life. I'm so happy and excited for you and gosh I can't wait to actually meet you finally when you are ready for company. You have been a blessing to me since I joined this site and I'm so happy this is something we can share together. Take care of yourself and don't worry about Autumn she will be fine. Hugz and prayers! Kellie

Kellie_B 17 years, 2 months ago

Hey Joy! Just wanted you to know your in my thoughts and prayers and you will do great tomorrow! When you wake up you'll be on the losers bench and you'll be starting a brand new life. I'm so happy and excited for you and gosh I can't wait to actually meet you finally when you are ready for company. You have been a blessing to me since I joined this site and I'm so happy this is something we can share together. Take care of yourself and don't worry about Autumn she will be fine. Hugz and prayers! Kellie

Kellie_B 17 years, 2 months ago

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PEARLJAM73 17 years, 2 months ago

You are in my thoughts and prayers-- Best Wishes... from sunny Fl. :)
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