The Road to WLS - and Thereafter!

2/9/03: I have an appt. tomorrow at 3:30p with my PCP to get a referral, most likely to Drs. Robert Hill and Robert Martindale. I want to see two docs so I can do a little comparing and contrasting. I've heard great things about both.

2/10/03: Saw my new PCP today. She's really nice! My old doc, whom I loved dearly, retired and referred all of his patients to this woman, so I was a bit skeptical of seeing a new doc. Anyway, my blood pressure was high, so she put me on a diuretic that will help with some mild edema I have AND hopefully lower the blood pressure. I've never been diagnosed hypertensive. I just really think my BP was elevated because I was so nervous! Only thing I didn't like about my experience with this new doctor was that the office staff couldn't locate the little hanging weight that's added to the old-timey scales for us folks over 350lbs. So I have no real indicator of what I weigh. Good news is that she's calling a referral in to Dr. Robert Hill so that I can get the surgery process started! I'll keep everyone posted. Won't know of an appt. date til tomorrow or so

2/11/03: No call re. an appt. date with Dr. Hill. I'm so anxious, I'll probably call my PCP tomorrow and make sure they don't forget to make the referral and get me an appt. ASAP!! After all, while I know these folks are busy and I'm not their only patient,it only takes a minute or two to make a phone call to give a referral. Get with it, people!!!

2/14/03: NOT such a Happy Valentine's Day for me. After I finally decided that my PCP's office must have forgotten about the referral to Dr. Hill, I decided to take it upon myself to call his office. Well, typical of my life (sorry - feeling rather low right now), there's not an appointment available until May 23rd!! ARRRGH!!!! MAY!! That's over three months from now! What am I supposed to do in the meantime - get fatter?!? I can't...I just CAN'T!

So I've decided to call Dr. Martindale's and Dr. Gooden's offices on Monday to see if I can get appointments with them any sooner. They're both supposed to be excellent surgeons, as well, so I don't really mind. I'm just so sick and tired of hearing the voice of the thin person I ate *haha* long ago screaming,"HEY! Let me out of here!! It's so squashed and unhealthy in here! I want to live!!" Don't we all.

2/18/03: Pardon my French, but Crap, crap, crap, and MORE crap! I called Dr. Gooden's office (didn't have time yesterday) this morning, and wouldn't you know that they don't have any bariatric surgery-related appointment until SEPTEMBER!!! JEEZ!!! Who do you have to bough to get WLS in this town?!?

3/11/03: Went to one of my several doctors today for a checkup. Fortunately (or not, depending on how you want to look at it), he has "big people scales". I weighed in at 382, approx. 30 lbs less than what I thought - so I guess that's something! My blood pressure was an incredible 100/54. I also recently had blood work done (see previous entry), and everything was NORMAL. I had great cholesterol levels, triglycerides,glucose, etc. Thank the LORD!!!! :-)

5/23/03: SURGERY CONSULT DAY!! First of all, I had to be there at 11am so I could sign a few papers, have my blood pressure and weight checked (I'll get to that later), and watch a video of Dr. Engler talking about obesity and the gastric bypass procedure. My actual appt. with Dr. Engler wasn't until 11:30am. Well, they didn't take me back for my blood pressure and weight check until 11:30am. Then we (mom went with me the first time - I'll get to that) watched the video - that was another 1/2 hour, THEN when we went to tell them the video was over, we waited until 1pm, and mom asked how long it was going to be. The nurse said that he was "a talker", that he was with a patient, and there was still one person ahead of me! BAAH! So she said we had time to go out for some lunch or whatever. I was so glad. Man, I was hungry!

We stopped and got Arby's to take home. We then went by the apartment to get Jade. Poor Rory. Apparently Jade woke up about 10 minutes after I left at 10:30am and didn't stop crying for me until 12:30pm - and that was only because she fell back asleep!She wouldn't even eat for him, except for a little dessert and two ounces of formula (damn the separation anxiety phase! *l*). So anyway, I drove mom and Jade back to mom and dad's house, then went back to Dr. Engler's office on my own. When I FINALLY got in to see Dr. Engler, three hours after my scheduled appointment (!), he said that since I had been approved before (back in 2000 - had the date scheduled and everything, but I chickened out :( Wish I hadn't!) and I have the same insurance that I had then, he's just going to send a request to Aetna to update their ORIGINAL approval. He's going to send them copies of the tons of paperwork and questionnaires I had to fill out back in 2000 and again recently, a copy of his original insurance letter, and a copy of their letter approving the surgery. He's not mentioning that I chickened out... He's just telling them that I got pregnant before I could reschedule!

Dr. Engler is also planning to mention the new medical problems I've developed since that time, such as arthritis in the knees and low back, and hypertension. And "just to make sure", he's having me get my husband to take front, oblique, and profile photos of my big ol' fat gut this weekend to be developed tomorrow and brought back to his office Tuesday, since Monday is Memorial Day. Everything should be sent off to Aetna by Wednesday. Then begins "the waiting game". Dr. Engler assured me that if for some reason they will not update their previous approval, he will "start from scratch" with them using my most recent paperwork. But he feels very good that they will update. Wouldn't that be wonderful??

Worst part of the visit was weighing in. I felt like killing myself in their office - I've officially broken the 400lbs weighing in at a whopping 402lbs. I broke down and cried. I suspected in my mind that I'd reached 400lbs, but never allowed my heart to believe it. His nurse was soooo sweet to me. She told me (and I actually believed her) that I do not look like I weigh that much at all, and that once I have my surgery and the big ol' protruding hernia is repaired, too, I'll be pretty flat in no time! *hehe*

Overall, I felt a lot more positive about this experience than I did with the one back in 2000. I don't know if someone gave Dr. Engler a big attitude adjustment or what, but he was sooooo much more pleasant and everyone in the office was just wonderfully supportive and friendly. In sum: Good Vibes!!!

6/16/03: Time flies and things change! I've decided to go with a different surgeon. Yes,I know, I haven't even met Dr. Hill yet, but after meeting my new doc, I can't imagine going with anyone else. I've opted to have Dr. Stephen Gooden do my surgery. I had an appointment with him today (and to think, the weather was so bad and I got such little sleep last night that I almost cancelled it!). He thinks he can even do it lap! He said that it wouldn't be my weight or even the fact that almost all of my weight is in my gut that would possibly pose a problem, but rather the fact that I've had a c-section. Dr. Gooden said that it would be possible that he might have to convert from lap to open if I had a lot of scar tissue or adhesions. If he could even TRY it lap, I'd be grateful!!

Another deciding factor was the fact that he's yet to lose a patient...Yes "lose", as in "die". No one has died from this surgery under his care! That's a pretty good sign, in my book! Dr. Gooden also happens to be a very nice guy. Very down-to-earth, humorous, but also no-holds-barred when it comes to giving you the facts and detailing the risks. He has a great reputation as a surgeon, and I was nothing short of impressed. He said he'd dictate the letter to Aetna this evening, it would go out tomorrow, and that I should call Aetna in about three weeks just to make sure they've got everything they need. I'm not anticipating any problems. My visit with Dr. Gooden left me very optimistic and overall feeling extremely hopeful about my future in the world of the healthy! If I have to wait another six months to have him do my surgery, it'll be worth it!!

8/10/03: I HATE Aetna!! They've done nothing but make my life a living hell, as if being morbidly obese wasn't already hell enough. THEY DENIED MY SURGERY!!! I couldn't believe it. I still can't believe it. Those dirty bastards, who APPROVED surgery for me 2 1/2 years ago when I was 50 lbs lighter and in far better health(remember my mentioning that I chickened out? God, I wish now that I hadn't!!), DENIED my having this surgery based on the fact that "there is no evidence of my having attempted to lose weight with the help of a physician and dietician within the last two years." What a CROCK!! How could I diet while I was PREGNANT??UGH!! I am not giving up, though. I have already obtained an attorney to help me fight this. He suggested that we enlist the help of the high-risk OB/GYN who treated me while I was pregnant and who delivered my daughter. She is writing a letter stating that I was pregnant, therefore could not have dieted, and that she recommends my having this surgery or, basically, I will die. What I REALLY think they're trying to do is stall me long enough that COBRA will run out and they'll never have to cover me. Well, Aetna, you ain't seen NOTHING yet! I really think that with my attorney's help, they'll HAVE to approve me the second time. Will keep you all posted!

10/19/03: Boy, it's been a long time since I last posted to my profile! I've been so busy keeping up with all the wonderful messages I've been getting on my surgery support page. I am truly blessed. Thank you, Lord! To make a long story short, my appeal to Aetna was accepted and I'm now just just 2 1/2 days from my October 22 surgery date! I'm a nervous wreck, but I'm so grateful and happy at the same time. I've waited so long for this, as have my family and friends. They, too, miss the "old Amy". Heck, some people haven't even had to pleasure of meeting the old me - like my husband, for instance.

Yes, I was 100 lbs lighter than I am now when we first met, but I was STILL 300 lbs. A very tiny part of me (pardon the silly pun! *l*) is scared that my hubby might not like the thin Amy as much as the fat one. And then grandiose part of me says that the thin, beautiful Amy will intimidate my guy. In fact, during a recent argument, he made the comment that I'll probably leave him once I've lost all my weight. I felt awful that he would even think such a thing, but all I could REALLY think was, "LEAVE him? What, for someone better looking??" I don't think that's possible. When Rory and I first got together two years ago, I was in a daze...I couldn't figure out just how "someone like me", a big, fat bull-moose, could have such a tall, thin, gorgeous man fall in love with me. Then, as time passed on, our daughter was born and I kept on my pregnancy weight PLUS 60 lbs, ballooning upto my present 400lbs+. And still everyday I look at Rory...And after my heart does it's proverbial skipping of beats, I wonder how he can manage to look past all of my viscous, ugly, extra, umm "padding", and still love the woman trapped beneath it all. And after some pondering, I realize it's because he is not the least bit superficial. He manages to see the things inside of me that I've been unable to recognize for a very, very long time now. I mean, hey - I KNOW I'm a funny person. I pride myself on my sense of humor. But that alone doesn't make up the whole picture of who I truly am. I recently asked Rory just what it was that he loved about me. He told me I was funny, smart, very sweet and caring, fun to be with, a great mom to our darling daughter, Jade -and yes, pretty. I could recognize all of those things about myself - except for the "pretty" part. *SIGH* I just look forward to the day when I can not only FEEL healthy and pretty, I can LOOK healthy and pretty to my worst critic - myself!

10/21/03: Less than 24 hours to go before I'm on the other side. Surprisingly, I'm not too terribly nervous. The only thing I'm really concerned about is that I feel like I might have a mild urinary tract infection. JOY! - NOT! So I'm drinking a ton of water and cranberry juice while I still can to hopefully flush all the bad bugs out of my system. It's going to be bad enough having a catheter in for three days (just the way my surgeon does things).

So I had pre-op yesterday, and I was amazed at how quick it was. University Hospital really has streamlined the whole preop testing process! You used to have to be there for hours, mainly because you'd have to go from one end of the hospital to another, from the lab to, say, x-ray. Now they get your blood while you're lying in THE most comfortable chair (I swear, if I could have stolen it, I would've! (*lol*) getting your EKG.

11/02/03: I DID IT!!! I was hoping and praying for a lap, 'cause I've had both lap and open procedures before and I know how much easier lap recovery is. My surgeon, Dr. Gooden, bless his heart - he TRIED to do lap. But after 7 keyhole incisions, he still couldn't get around my liver, and had to go open. He said I was very lucky I decided to go for this surgery when I did, as my liver is just ENORMOUS as a result of my years of obesity. Eventually, it would have become cancerous or just failed. I should be good to go now, though! I was sooooooo drugged up the first two days, I hardly remember a thing. The most awful thing I remember waking up in excruciating pain and being bathed in bed by two nurses. Gentle?HAAA!!! I don't think these two women knew the definition of the word "gentle". I was crying and begging for them to stop, but they just kept telling me "we're almost done". My poor father could only sit back and watch. Awful, HORRIBLE pain!!! Now that I'm stronger, I wish I could go back and slap those two witches! *l* Surgery was 10/22 and I was discharged on 10/25. I stayed at my folks' house until today (came home this afternoon), and they were just wonderful. My mom's a nurse, so that was an even nicer advantage. My hubby kept our daughter at our place, bringing her over to see me during the day. This has been an adjustment for all of us, but everyone is doing so beautifully. I'm very proud of my family - AND myself!!

11/19/03: Ok, I've had a few minor problems since my last post,but nothing too incredibly major. Nearly 2 weeks ago now, I began experiencing the most incredible spasming pain on my left side, just beneath my ribs. At first, I thought I'd just pulled something and it would go away in a day or two. When it continued to get worse, however, I called my doctor's answering service in the evening. Unfortunately, Dr. Gooden wasn't on call. Instead, I got a general surgeon who had little, if any knowledge of gastric bypass surgery. He agreed that it did sound muscular in nature, but said there's nothing he could do except call some Vicodin into my pharmacy. At that point, I didn't care. I said, "Fine", and my mother went to pick up the prescription for me. God, that dense doctor!! I TOLD him I was only 2 weeks out from surgery - yet what did he do? Ordered me huge Vicodin HORSE PILLS! I sat at my kitchen counter and crushed the suckers into powder. Since I wasn't hungry, I didn't mix them with food. Rather, I poured the powdered grossness into my Crystal Light lemonade. EWWWE!! Talk about nasty!! Still, I managed to drink it all down. So then I waited and waited - and waited and waited for the pain to ease up. NOTHING, not even the Vicodin, was working. By 1am, I was clutching my left side and sobbing in pain. My mother took me to the ER, where the doctors did x-rays and took a ton of blood for lab work. Result? No problems surgically. Thank the Good Lord! Dr. Dumbass (as I call the guy on-call for Dr. Gooden that night) did only one good thing that night: He ordered that I be given Demerol via my IV before being sent home. WOOO!! Talk about feeling stoned out of your mind! But it allowed me to go home and sleep without pain for over 12 hours. God Bless Demerol!! *lol*

The following Monday, I went back to Dr. Gooden to have my gastrostomy tube removed (it's his practice to leave it in to decompress the old stomach. Even though he clamped it off the day I left the hospital, it still needed to be left in for 3 weeks, because he used dissolvable sutures). I was again moaning and crying, practically doubled-over in pain when I walked into the office with my Mom (who, as you can probably tell, is my ROCK!). I didn't even have to wait. A nurse got me back to a room away, and Dr. Gooden came in shortly after. Finally, I was given a hypothesis as to what was going on with these spasms. Apparently the sutures had dissolved a few days early, so the g-tube was kind of free-floating. And judging by the way he could feel the tube coming out as he gently pulled on it, Dr. Gooden said that the bulbous, mushroom-shaped end of the tube had probably snagged the muscle just below my left rib cage, thus causing the spasms. He gave me a prescription for Valium, 5 mg, to take 4 times a day until the spasms stopped and assured me that I'd feel like a new woman the next day. Unfortunately, he was wrong. In fact, Dr. Gooden just happened to call me several days later on Friday while I was mid-spasm. He was very concerned over the pain I was having, so he told me to go to the ER and he'd meet me there and order more tests. So Mom and I, with my 16-month-old in tow, proceeded to the ER AGAIN. I got more blood drawn for lab work, more x-rays, and this time I had to drink a really subpar Orange Cream flavored Barium for a CAT scan. Well, to make a long story short (too late, right? *heh*), everything looked great. There's absolutely nothing wrong with me surgically. Dr. Gooden just said that obviously it was going to take some time and patience for these spasms to go away. In the meantime, though, to try to keep them under control somewhat so the muscle could heal, he prescribed Flexeril and Demerol (HOORAY! More Demerol! *lol*) to go along with the Valium. So as you may have ascertained, I've been pretty out of it the past several days, but in a lot less pain.

I had to go back to Dr. Gooden again today because my main ncision (the big 12-incher) had developed what looked like a blood blister in the middle of it. Plus, the skin on either side of the incision had turned bright pink and warm. I was afraid it might be cellulitis, but it wasn't. Instead, Dr. Gooden sliced open the blood blister only to discover a great big seroma (a cavity filled with blood and other body fluids. He expressed as much of it as he could, then packed it with some sort of wicking material to absorb any remaining fluid. Tomorrow I'm supposed to remove the packing and begin cleaning out the cavity with a Q-tip and peroxide(EGAD!). Hopefully, it'll heal up soon!

There IS a silver lining amidst these clouds: I've now lost a total of 36 lbs in just under a month! I can't wait til these spasms stop for good and I can start working out, 'cause I know that'll speed the weight loss along, too. YIPPEEEE!!! I'm so happy!! :-)

03/03/04: Gosh, it's been TOO LONG since my last update!! Work here at ObesityHelp has kept me busy, as has the fact that we recently moved to a newer, better apartment. I was able to help and actually MOVE things because I'm no longer so weighed down by all that darned FAT!! My weight loss is slowing, gradually, but it's still happening. I know it would happen even faster (and more would come off) if I exercised like I should, but I've been bad the past few weeks. No excuses. Just need to get off my butt and go walking like I was doing before we moved! I went to Dr. Gooden today for my monthly check-up and I've now lost a total of 101 lbs. HOORAY!!! I'm now a member of the century club!!!!!! I cried, I was so happy! *hehe* I can't tell you just how much better I feel. It's indescribable. FINALLY, I can walk!! FINALLY, I can stand as long as I need or want! FINALLY I can use seatbelts in other people's cars! FINALLY, I can carry my growing-like-a-weed little girl!! I can do all those things again that most non-obese people take for granted - and that I, myself, took for granted before reaching 402lbs! I no longer mind being photographed. In fact, I rather enjoy it. I like looking at the "new me"...She's so much prettier than that huge, puffy, fat-bloated freak I feel I'd become. And I must say, my hubby is enjoying the new me, too... Our sex life is better than ever!!! ;-) For the first time in a very long time, I can honestly say that I am truly blessed and very happy. Life is good. God Bless Dr. Gooden and WLS!! :-)

HUGE thanks to my good pal and co-worker, Shannon H, for making my century club card. Thanks, girl. Love ya!!! :-)

04/06/04: Well, the weight loss has finally (and noticeably) slowed, but it's still happening, praise the Lord! I'm down to 291.5 lbs for a total loss thus far of 110.5 lbs in 5 1/2 months. Not too shabby, I'd say! For the first time in my life of weight loss ups and downs, I'm losing a good bit of my gut, too. In the past, I'd always lose from everywhere else before my belly would begin to look thinner. But since WLS, I've lost 15 inches from my waist. For the first time ever, I actually have a noticeable waist. Curves, baby!!! *lol* I'm truly loving life again. Sometimes, I'll clean the house or carry the trash out to the dumpster just because I CAN! *l* I have more energy than I've had in years. I'm truly, TRULY blessed!

I've also been having a ball buying new clothes. I've had several "sprees" lately, a couple of which were from the Roaman's and Lane Bryant catalogs online. Then this past Saturday, I made my first post-op journey to the mall with my mom. I can't tell you how good it felt to be able to actually WALK and STAND for hours without having to once sit down!! By far, I had the most fun in Lane Bryant. I'd not been able to buy from the actual store in nearly three years (they don't carry sizes above 28W, after all, and I'd reached a 34W/36W). I thought I'd be brave and do something I'd not tried in years: Try on a pair of jeans that do NOT have elastic in the waist. See, my weight has always been in my belly (I'm a born "apple"). So all the jeans I'd ever worn fit or were tight in the waist but HUGE in the butt and legs. Then, of course, I reached the point where the only jeans available for someone my size to buy were those with elastic all around the waist (not just in the back, like some pairs). I never even ventured to purchase a pair of those, 'cause I knew that with my 64-inch waist, the legs and butt would look ridiculous. So, knowing that my huge incisional hernia would play a role, I picked up a pair of size 28 Venezia jeans and journeyed off to the dressing room. I was actually NERVOUS! But you know what? THEY FIT!!! Yes, the butt and legs were way too big, but the fact that I was able to wear a pair of "elastic-less waist" jeans was just phenomenal to me. I showed my mom, and she almost cried. I don't think she believed that they would fit, but they sure did! I didn't buy them, 'cause they looked like clown jeans everywhere but the waist. But I sure had a ball trying them on! In all actuality, I'm wearing mostly size 22Ws and 2Xs now, with a few things in 26Ws. I've gone from size 14 to size 10 undies, and I'm down 4 bra sizes!! This WLS thing is a truly wonderful gift. :-)

02/13/05: Been TOO LONG for an update!!! I'm pretty frustrated right now. Reached my 1 year post-op on 10/22/04. A week or two later, I saw Dr. Gooden and weighed in at 259lbs. Since then, I plateaued (a TRUE plateau - 2 months+) at 257 lbs. Then, of course, I gained 15 pounds over the holidays, bringing me back UP to 272 lbs! So for the past several weeks, I've been trying to be diligent in watching what and how much I eat. Back down to between 264 - 265 lbs, depending on the day (you know how we fluctuate!). I've also ordered Leslie Sansone's "Walk Away the Pounds" DVD set from (came highly recommended!) so I can workout indoors when I get off work each day here at OH. They should be arriving tomorrow or Tuesday. Come on already - I'm ready to get started!

I've set a personal goal for myself - b/w 245 lbs and 250 lbs before my hernia repair/panniculectomy/tummy tuck, which will probably be taking place sometime in June. I think I can pull that off, don't you?? My ULTIMATE goal, even here 15 months post-op now (I can't believe it's been that long!) is to weigh 200 lbs, maybe a little less. With my height, large frame, and big bone structure, trust me - I look nearly like a stick figure! *lol* That'll also put me in the area of a 25 BMI - for the first time in I don't remember when, just OVERWEIGHT and not OBESE, MORBIDLY obese, or (as I began this journey) SUPER MORBIDLY obese! I know this far out that it'll take some hard work, but I'm up for it, darnit! I didn't come this far and put myself through so much as far as surgery goes to GAIN. I'm gonna work my tool!!!

04/25/06: Holy crap, time flies! I really have no excuse for not updating my profile other than just pure shame for the longest time. I let myself creep back up to 300 lbs. Fortunately, though, I got mad at myself and gave myself a good talking to *lol* and now I'm back on the right track. I've lost 12 lbs since April 10th, putting me back down to 288 lbs. And Dr. Gooden actually gave me a goal weight and it's one that is perfectly reasonable: 200 lbs. So I can now say that I'm 88 lbs from goal. Better than triple digits, right?? When I get down to 200 lbs, it'll be the first time since my senior year of high school! I can't wait. With my height and large frame, I look pretty damned smokin' at 200 lbs! ;-) And more importantly, I FEEL great when I'm that thin. So I'm going to remain diligent and meet my goal, by God!!!!!!

Even though I'd maintained my weight at 265 lbs for nearly two years before I fell off the wagon, I still looked like a balloon with a pinhead because of "that damned hernia". Well, once the hernia went from being just a pain-in-the-ass eyesore to a pain-in-the-ass eyesore that was starting to cause problems, I finally decided to put my pain fears aside and have the sucker taken care of! So on April 11th, I had open hernia repair (there was no way to do it lap - it was entirely too large!), Dr. Gooden doing the honors, of course. I'm happy to report that I made it thru surgery with ZERO complications. Best part is that I no longer look 9 months pregnant - More like a chick whose got 88 lbs to go before she's in tip top form! Hey, I can handle that!!

This was the 4th surgery I've had in my lifetime and by far, the suckiest as far as pain goes. OW! OW! OW! Tuesday night (the night of surgery), Dr. Gooden had me up and walking and it really didn't feel all too terrible. I was thinking, "Ok. If this is as bad as it gets, I can get thru this fine!" Then Wednesday arrived - HOLY CRAP!! I kept asking everyone was I going to live *lol*. I not only felt like I'd been run over by a tractor trailer truck, but like I'd been run over, then backed over and run over AGAIN. I couldn't get enough of that morphine, I tell ya! When Dr. Gooden came in and I asked him why it hurt so awful, he explained it to me this way: "You had about 3 suitcases full of intestines in that hernia that needed to be stuffed back into 1 suitcase - So we stuffed it back in and THEN had to sit on it to close it and sew it up" *lol* Gotta love him. He's truly a wonderful man and I wouldn't trust my innards to anyone else! Like I said, though, with the help of prayers, morphine, great nurses, and the best mom (and nurse!) a girl could ask for, I made it thru.

By Thursday I was getting around MUCH better, able to pull myself up in the bed and push myself to my feet (thank God for strong legs!) and Friday I was discharged. First few days at home were a little rough, mainly from standing up from the comfort of our nice, cushy sofa. I had no incision pain whatsoever. It was all muscular. But by my 5th post-op day, I no longer needed the Dilaudid pain meds I was sent home with. Ibuprofen worked just fine! Two weeks later, my only surgery-related complaint is that I still feel pretty wiped out and I need to lie down and rest fairly often. Hey, it's rare that my body tells me I need to sleep or rest so when it DOES tell me, I listen! *lol*

Got my staples removed yesterday (had about 50 or 60 of the suckers... incision was approx. 12 inches). Unfortunately, though, while I was at Dr. Gooden's office I picked up a stomach virus! It just snuck up on me FAST: Diarrhea, vomiting, profuse cold sweats, shaking, and some of THE worst stomach cramps I've ever had in my life! I called Dr. G's office early this afternoon when all this stuff hit me and they said this bug has been going around their office the last week or so and I probably got it. Uhh, yeah, I'd say so! *ha* I was told to limit my intake to just water and Gatorade, and they were wonderful enough to call in some Lortab for the awful stomach cramping pain I'm in. *sigh* This, too, shall pass!

I'll close this update with a hernia repair before and after pic. I'm so happy that sucker's finally gone!!!

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Mar 29, 2009
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