janelle kennedy
surgery over and done!
Dec 30, 2008
I arrived at the hospital at 7:00a.m and was home on my couch at 1:30p.m. I hope this means good things. My stomach is really sore where the valve is but i have learned to NOT use my stomach muscles. I was trying to turn using my stomach and it just cause great pain. Its hard to not use them but I learned how to use my legs and arms instead of course while holding my hand over my main incision. I havent had any sickness yet. I havent slept well I think its the viacidin. I see my doctor is 1 week so will update again then. I hope that everyones goes this smooth for them to start out. Oh and I am keeping the 2oz of pudding down. My doctor put me on full liquids when i left the hospital. He was great! he visited me before and my hubby after. Cant wait to see what lies ahead for me. Good luck to all