I have been overweight almost all my life, with brief flashes of "normalcy" in my teen years.  I guess I'm pretty "textbook" in my efforts to lose weight, with fleeting success, only to end up gaining the weight back.  I have a very busy and full life and it has been frustrating and befuddling that with my talents, skills and acheivements, losing my excess weight has been the "one thing" that has evaded me all this time.  I rejected the notion of WLS for several years, convinced I didn't need it and just had to lose weight the "normal way".  Finally, something "clicked" with me a few months ago and after much introspection and research, I decided WLS was the way for me after all.  I have had to humble myself, realize I couldn't succeed without this very powerful tool, and change my outlook.  Now I'm out of the gate, unstoppable in my quest to have this surgery, gain this tool, and use it to finally, truly and permanently change my ways and change my life.  On 09/24/2007 I had lap RNY gastric bypass, proximal with a 150 cm Roux limb and 100 cm biliopancreatic limb.
