Pre-Op Diet
Nov 14, 2009
So, today is my 5th day on the pre-op diet. I can tell that I feel less bloated and I am sure I have a lost a few pounds. The first 3 days were definitely the worst. The headaches were really bad, but those are not as bad now. I am not craving too bad, but I do get kinda woosy at times from not eating. I think all and all it is going OK and I am counting down the days until 11/23. I am having a lot of thoughts about whether I am making the right decision or not - should I do this, have I done enough on my own, maybe I should be able to do this on my own, etc... I think a lot of it is being scared of going through the surgery. I wish i didn't have so much time to think about this, but I am sure it is all for a good reason. My visit with the surgeon showed me at 252 and I realized that I need to take my before and after pictures this weekend..
About Me
Homer Glen, IL
Surgery Date
Jun 02, 2009
Member Since