The alien baby is gone and let me tell any of you out there who may have a hernia...a word to the wise, FIX IT before it grows to be the size mine was. What a nightmare this surgery has been. Dr Colella & Dr Patel fixed me up, but waiting so long to fix it caused me some problems and they had a ton of repair work to do internally and sadly that kept me from having the excess skin removed.
It is taking me a little longer to recoup than I expected. Because this thing caused so much damage internally, I came out of the surgery with more pain than anticipated and now have a huge abrasion in my incision where they removed some skin due to the hernia pushing it out so far. Usually at 6 weeks out of surgery, I'm feeling good and ready to go back to the real world...not this time. I hurt 24/7 & am back to taking pain meds a few times a day. I know that once this stupid thing heals I'll be great and I can't lie...it is wonderful having that giant lump gone....but I wish I would have fixed it sooner and not had the damage that I had. My own fault...Dr Colella left it up to me as to when I wanted to fix it and I should have done it immediately instead of waiting so long.
I will hopefully go back to work the fist week of March....so hopefully this thing will be healed as it is right at my waist & doesn't allow me to wear anything that snaps, or zips, or it causes great pain. Thank goodness for sweat pants!!
I am so grateful to Dr's Colella & Patel as they have been wonderful thru this ordeal....I love them both so much!! Dottie, their nurse has also been a godsend....as has Debbie who handles all the dealings with my disability insurance. Bless her as they are nightmares to deal with.
Other than that, I'm doing well...losing weight again. Yippee!! I hopefully won't have to have any surgeries again for a long time...even the skin removal will have to wait as I am not anxious to be cut again for a very long time if ever.
But...I'll say it again as I always do....even knowing what I know now...I would do this over again in a heartbeat. Life is much better today than 4 years ago.
Bless these docs who have the skill to change & save our lives!!

Well...the alien baby is scheduled to be removed on Monday...I can't wait to get this giant lump out of my belly...it's driving me crazy! Hopefully this will be my last surgery and my last hernia...Dr Joe is going to remove some of the extra skin as well which will be great since I won't have it flapping around all the time.
I wanted to wish all of my WLS family a very happy and healthy holiday and New Year. It is definately the time of year to be grateful for all of life's blessings and to appreciate all that you have. We lost a very good friend a few days ago...the husband of my best childhood friend. I don't always understand God's reasoning in life...but...it is truly when horrible things happen that we look around us and appreciate all the blessings and learn to not take anything forgranted. Tomorrow is a gift and many of us have that gift because of our amazing surgeons and their skill. In memory and in honor of our friend, I ask all of you to let those close to you know how much you love and appreciate them....and do it every day....it's important.
Thank you all for listening to me ramble over the years....and I'll post again after the alien is gone. :)
Wishing you all the magic of the holidays and Peace in the New Year.

11/3/04 I know I don't update much on here lately...but I think I've said most of everything I can in regards to this surgery..it's the best gift I have ever given myself. I'm 3 years out (as of 10/31) My life has changed in more ways than I ever could have imagined. Meeting my husband, losing 90% of my excess weight, having a life again...all of it a dream come true. I am forever grateful to my amazing surgeon, Dr Colella, He gave me my life back and he has stood by me thru every single up and down over the past 3 years. He is the best of the best and I am so glad I picked him (and Dr Williams) to do my surgeries. I do have another surgery on the horizon...another hernia that needs to be fixed...but it's okay...compared to other complications, this is nothing. I can't tell anyone that this surgery and the road you travel will not have bumps and obsticles...but life in general has bumps and you have to face them with a smile..know they are temporary and do whatever you have to do to get thru them...and you will. I have gained more from having this surgery and every bump in the road was worth hitting. I have so much more in my life today than I did 3 years ago when I walked into AGH and on to that operating table. I have an amazing, wonderful, loving husband...who in the last 2 years has traveled this road with me. (He is also a patient of Dr Colella) It is NOT the easy road to travel...there are frustrations and rough spots along the way. Plateaus and food issues still are there...BUT...we find that we are stronger than we ever give ourselves credit for and we get thru them.
If you ask me again today, knowing what I know now, would I have walked into the hospital 3 years ago and had this done...I would tell you YES, without any hesitation.
I have been blessed with a phenomenal surgeon and friend, Brenda, Dottie & Debbie in his office are wonderful people and friends as well...a circle of WLS family thru support groups, A wonderful Husband, and a whole new world, new life, new ME. This surgery not only saved my life, but it gave me the opportunity to be alive...Jimmy Buffett says it best...I'd rather die while I'm living than live while I'm dead. This surgery allows you to LIVE! God Bless you all who are considering this journey and my email is listed if anyone has any questions or just wants to talk.
4/24/04 Well everyone, it's official! Joe & I got married on March 29th. I still can't believe my life today. Thank you Dr Colella for changing my world!
1/15/04...Hi all....well, today I checked my BMI...I went from 69.4--morbidly obese to now...34.7--overweight....Now who'da thunk you'd be excited to be overweight...but I am!! I'm no longer morbidly obese..severely obese...obese...I am mearly.."overweight" This is an accomplishment!!
I did end up having to have a revision done...turns out that I had an intestinal blockage from all of my scar tissue..and hidden beneath the tissue was a bad ulcer...which ended up bleeding and I ended up in ICU..not fun...but I'm all good now and go back to work in another 10 days.
I've lost a few more pounds...and am down a total of 220 pounds..I would like to lose about 40-45 more. I am so thrilled every time I can buy a pair of $10 jeans from Target...it's amazing...I can find bargains...no more $50 for stretch pants.
I can't get over the feeling of freedom that I have every day. Free from those awful looks that you get...from the points, the oinks, the moos, and the famous..."you have such a pretty face..if only you'd lose weight" UGH!! You just want to say to that person...you are doing damage here!!This does not help me!
But....they mean well...I think.
Anyway....Life is good. It has been a rough road...4 surgeries in under 3 years...some pain some nausea...and all worth it. I understand the fear involved with making the decision to change your life...BUT...let me tell you this...I'd do it all again if I had too...I'd make the same decision...and I am grateful every single day for my new life and my new world. So much has changed for me...I met the man I want to spend my life with and have 2 months til my wedding day...I am happy...depression has gone...food is no longer my best friend nor my worst enemy. I still enjoy it...sometimes it doesn't enjoy me...but I have learned that food is not the cure...it's not going to make sadness disapear....and it's not going to make everything OK.
I wish all of you out there who are starting on this journey..the best of luck. This is the road to a whole new you..a whole new world...new opportunities and new adventures. You will hit some bumps a long the way...you will miss food as your crutch...but...you will get through the bad times and you will find the sunshine on the horizon. We're all on this road together...so you are not alone!
11/02/03...Well, I've reached my 2 yr anniversary...(unless you count the revision date as the anniversary...that would be Thursday!!) So much in my life has changed in the last 2 years...it's just amazing to me. First of all...Joe & I got engaged in June and are getting married March 29th. Whoda thunk it...me getting married?!?! For sure, I never thought this would happen!!
I'm wearing between a 16 and a 14..not much of a weight loss since May...but..I'm okay with that. I'm happy with who I am and with my life. I'd love to lose a little more...but I can't complain. This surgery gave me back my life and has helped to improve it so much. I joined Curves and love it. I hope this helps me to lose some inches and firm up a bit. I am not having the Panni done yet since Joe & I want to have children and having the panni and then getting pregnant, just doesn't make much sense. Joe has done amazing with his surgery...he looks great and he's got so much get up and go with the exercise..I am in awe and a little jealous of his ability to set his mind to something and not let anything stop him from achieving his goals. He's pretty amazing!!
Well...I just wanted to update...it's been 2 years since my surgery and I don't have a moment of regret for making this decision. I'd do it again tomorrow!!
Best to all of you who are thinking about making this journey...who are on the journey and who are taking the journey along with someone.
5/31/03 Sorry, guess I'm not very good at keeping this updated, but life is busy these days. Joe & I moved in together last month and got an adorable new little puppy..her name is Molly. We now have 3 dogs and 2 cats..which gives us a very full house..but they are wonderful. I am down a total of 210 lbs since my start...but unfortunately it's taking me a very long time to hit my goals. The doc has discussed a revision and if it's something that he thinks I need to do, I will. I haven't traveled this road to not achieve my goal. Although...I am in a size 16..wearing a Large shirt and no longer in the XXXXX's. I can run and jump and dance and breathe. I know that everyone doesn't have the complications that I've had with this...and...I would go through every last one of them again, because what I have gained thru this experience and this surgery is so much more than a weight loss....the friendships, and living life again is so amazing to me and I am forever grateful for all of this. My surgeons have my undying gratitude...they are truly miracle workers and angels. I thank God daily for their gift of life. I still find myself having food issues though...I guess that is part of the addiction...I am a food addict...I don't know that I will ever beat this addiction but I hope that I can continue to battle it. I try not to do the emotional eating thing...but sometimes it's hard. Then I think back to where I was 3 years ago...the pain of living in that awful body...and I know that I don't ever ever want to go back to the darkness & depression that surrounded my life then. I am so grateful to be living life again...to be happy and healthy and to have found someone amazing to share my life with. I just find it amazing that I have found myself and my life again. I am so thankful for those of you who have and continue to walk on this road with me. I wouldn't get past the bumps without having you guys to hold on too. We are all on this road together....and I've learned that if you need help...you have to ask...someone will be there for you.
Thanks for letting me ramble on again. Love ya
3/28/03 Wow...I've been a little lax in updating, haven't I. oops! Well...I've reached the 200 mark which is amazing to me...clothes fit better...I fit better. I can't even believe how much my life has changed. I've met an amazing guy, have the greatest friends in the world, and even got a promotion at work to a management position. The world is brighter than ever and I am loving life.
11/26/02 Another Thanksgiving is here and I can not believe how much I have to be thankful for...it's amazing to me to think about where I was a year ago. Just out of the hospital..living on chicken broth and pain meds..and here I am a year later...having lost almost 200 lbs (not there yet)sitting indian style infront of my computer and wearing between an 18 and 16 in clothes. I can't even believe it has happened. My life has changed so much in the last year. I feel human again. I enjoy going out and no longer feel that I'm too big to be in a roomful of people and I can do so much that I couldn't do before. I never could look towards the future before and now I can't wait to see what it holds. I have gained so much by having this surgery. I've gained my life and my health back..I've gained the world's most wonderful friends..I've gained self confidence and self assurance and I am so thankful for that.
I thank God everyday for my wonderful supportive family and friends, for my surgeons who saved my life,and for all the people I've met on this journey.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!
Well..my 1 year anniversary is almost here. (10/31) I can't believe it's been a year..wow! I've gone from a 5x or size 38 to a size 18 and have lost aprox 180 pounds. I still have a ways to go..another 65lbs or so..but even if I never lose another pound, I will be happy with where I am. Despite some of the ups and downs of the last year, I think it's been one of my best. I've re-discovered myself and I actually like myself again. It's been a long time since I was able to say that.
I've gained and lost thru this year, I've gained some incredible people in my life. My support group family who have walked with me thru every complication and every accomplishment. You guys have been so amazing and I am grateful every single day for all of you. I don't know that I would have gotten thru some days without having you guys to lean on and depend on. I love you all so much!!
I still find it amazing everytime I sit in a booth or cross my legs or fit in a chair with arms...I never thought I would ever do those things again and in the last year I have hit all of these goals. little goals I know..but they felt like huge accomplishments.
This year has also had some losses in it and some hard learned lessons. I lost my wonderful dog Jake in May and that was like losing my heart..however I got thru it with the help of friends and family..and my nephews bringing me a beautiful new friend, Alli to share my house...but I didn't use food to get thru this loss and that was a first for me, food was always my coping mechanism and it was an accomplishment to not eat my way thru my pain.
I also had to say goodbye, at least for a little while, to my Michael. That was incredibly hard for me to do, He was such a major gift in my life. He loved me when I thought no one else ever would and he was there for me thru so much. I call him my angel because he appeared in my life just when I needed him most.
I am a better person for knowing and loving him and he gave me such gifts..laughter, smiles, friendship and love. I don't know if our paths will cross again, although I hope and pray that they will. He was my light in the dark and he gave me courage when I had none. He is an incredible person and I will love him and miss him forever.
The gifts over the last year have well outweighed any bad things..I'm discovering everyday who I am. It is such a cool feeling to be happy and content. Of course I have bad days and get depressed, but compared to where I was before..wow..it's a whole new world. I also got back out into the dating world...not always a good thing..but not terrible either. I got to know some really nice people and it was fun to be back out there. I don't think I'm ready for a relationship now tho..I'm just relearning who I am and I think I need to do that before I bring someone else into the picture.
I can not say enough good things about this surgery and the gifts I've received. This has not been an easy road to travel..there have been many days where I wondered what I did this for...I've had complications and I've had some problems..but I would go through it all again to get my life and my health back. It's been worth it. Also, the gifts of friendship I've received on this journey and the ability to help other people on the road as well has been such a blessing.
I am so grateful to my wonderful friends and family who stood by me over the last year and who celebrated my victories with me and dried my eyes over the losses.
I know this journey has just begun and there is so much out there...I'm so glad to be on the road with all of you and I thank you for being there with me over the last year and sharing the ups and downs.
I love you guys and thanks so much for helping me thru the first year of my new life, I would never have gotten thru the majority of it without you guys.
8/29/02 Well, I had my hernia surgery on Aug 6th. We were hoping it would be lap, but it ended up being open. The hernia was wrapped around my stomach and colon so I had my old incision opened up again. I'm doing really well and go back to work on the 1st. Yea!! Hopefully this will be my last surgery until Tummy tuck time!! I said goodbye to my wonderful Dr Williams last week and it was so hard to do...he was an angel and I will never ever forget him and all that he has done for me. I also need to thank my wonderful friends for being there for me every step of the way thru this...I can't ever repay your kindness! I've lost about 7 lbs since the surgery...I was hoping for more...but again..as long as the scale moves down, I am happy.
Well...it's almost time to go to the Steeler game...my very favorite thing to do...and the first time that I will be comfortable in my seats since...wow...since a very long time ago!! I got my butt into a size 20 jeans today...last year at this time it was a 38 all elastic waist...this time..no elastic and down 9+ sizes...woohoo...only 4 sizes to go until I am in my goal size...it's almost here and it feels wonderful. Even with the losses in my life...I've gained so much...self respect..confidence...friendships...I'm so glad that I made this journey and am still on the road. I can't wait to see where I am at this time next year!!
Well...time to go...here we go Steelers!! Hope everyone out there is doing wonderful!!
7/24/02 Hi Everyone, Sorry I've been so lax in keeping updated..but life has been a little crazy here,so I apologize.
I went to the doc on Monday and I am still a big loser...yahoo. I was down another 12lbs..which averages out to about 2lbs a week. Not as much as I'd like, but still, I can't complain as long as the scale is still moving downward. I've lost about 152lbs in almost 9 months. I am so grateful that this surgery was available..what a gift!
I did have some kinda crappy news tho...first my wonderful doctor,Dr Williams, is leaving his practice here in Pittsburgh and going to Florida. He is such a wonderful kind and compassionate man and I am so sorry to see him go. I truly look at him as a hero, cause he gave me the gift of my life back and that is something I will never be able to repay or forget. 2ndly I have a hernia in my incision that for the last few months has not caused me any problems until recently. Now it looks like it will have to come out. I am not looking forward to another surgery, but I am hopeful that I will have it before Dr Williams leaves town. The hernia is fairly large and I look like I'm pregnant with Zork the alien baby...and it's now causing pain and I'm having problems keeping my meals down. Not that I am not used to throwing up...I've learned how to do that quickly and painlessly..but it is becoming a problem. I go for a CT scan on Monday and will hopefully be scheduled for the repair within the next week afterwards. I am a little worried about the surgery cause my parents are moving to Florida next Friday and they won't be here. Now I know...36 yrs old and wanting my Mommy is a little childish..but my parents have always been there for me thru everything and it seems very strange to me that they will not be here for this as well. I keep a very positive attitude around them,because I know that if I said a word they would postpone their move and they can't do that. They need to move and get their new lives on the road. I know that they are very worried and upset about not being here for me as well..but as I told them..I will talk to them on the phone and let them know how I am doing. I told them that I am a grown up and can handle it. I am so lucky to be blessed with parents like I have. Truly the best in the world!! I also have realized what amazing and wonderful friends I have...I am blessed to work with the world's greatest people and they are truly like another family. They have assured me that they will be around thru the surgery and after and I know they will..also my wonderful support group family. Wow...you guys are amazing and I am so incredibly lucky to have you all in my life..this surgery brought me many more gifts than weight loss. *****************************************************************
6/05/02 Hello out there in WLS land....I went to see the doc yesterday and I was down another 21 lbs....that brings me down about 140 lbs...I was very excited...not bad for 7 months!! I finally moved, and I love my new apartment, but I had a very sad thing happen 2 days after moving in...my beautiful dog Jake had to be put to rest...He had been with me for almost 15 years and losing him was like losing my heart. I know that he lived a good long life and that he knew how much he was loved...but I miss him every day..but I am relieved that he is no longer in pain and on that last day I knew that he was ready to go. He had lost the use of his back legs and the vet said there was nothing we could do to ease his pain except to put him to sleep. It was heartbreaking to say goodbye to him but I held him in my arms and told him how grateful I was to have had him in my life for so long. He was a beautiful wonderful angel in my life and a true friend and blessing. I will miss him forever.
As for other things going on....healthwise I feel wonderful..I'm wearing a size 22 jeans (with no elastic) and I have about 80lbs to go to hit my goal. It's amazing to me that it's been close to 9 years since I was under 300 lbs and now I am getting close to being under 200lbs. This surgery has been a true miracle for me!! I also have a new little miracle in my life...her name is Allie and she was a gift from my nephew...she's an adorable little kitten 8 weeks old on June 10 and she has eased the pain of an empty house. Not much else to update on right now. I hope that everyone is doing well.
4/28/02 Hi Everyone...well, I'm down about 125lbs now and feeling pretty good. The weight is coming of much slower now but as long as it's still moving down, I'm not complaining. I've had another complication...but it's not terrible. I developed a hernia in my incision...I noticed this huge bulge in my belly a few weeks ago and got a little worried...truly I thought I had the "alien" baby lurking in there...so I called Dr William's office and told them that something was going on, they are wonderful, got me in there that same day to see him and told me that I was not giving birth to the next ALF...but that I did have a very large hernia in the incision. Dr Williams feels confident that we will be able to wait until the panni to fix the hernia and that "bigger hernias" are better....hmmmm...okay..thats the first time I was told bigger is better...well, in most things...
Anyway, I'm trying to be careful and do what he tells me...I'm trying not to lift anything over 20lbs etc. but, it's a little strange to look down and see this thing!! Oh well...it could be worse!! last night I was asked if I knew that I was going to go thru everything I've gone thru with this surgery, would I do it again.....without hesitation, I told them YES!! I would go thru the 2 surgeries, the nausea and dehydration, and even the alien baby hernia all over again to have the results I've had. 125 lbs gone in less than 6 months....walking without feeling like I'm going to die...losing the pain in my ankles and knees.....YES YES YES...I'd go thru it all again and more for this!! Oh...and I finally got my butt into a size 24 jeans without any elastic!!! 6 months ago, I wore an all elastic waist jeans that were size 38. So, needless to say, I don't complain. Thats all thats going on here...except that I'm getting ready to move and packing up my house is a pain in the butt!!! But I will be happy to get into the new place!!!
Hope everyone is doing well!!!
4/06/02 I figure it's been a month since my last update so I'd better take some time to do this...I'm down about 112-115lbs so far and really starting to feel good. I finally got the okay to start excercising and have joined a club where I can swim and take some water aerobic classes. I'm still not released to do any weight bearing excercises. Life has changed drastically for me since this surgery. I have energy again...I can run all day long and still have the energy to keep going...I couldn't do that before at all. I don't get depressed very easily like I did before...of course I still have my moments..(don't we all!!) but it's like the world has opened up and I'm happy to wake up in the morning. It's such a change. I've also started dating...it's been a while since I've been out there in the world and I met someone really terrific and have been seeing a lot of him. So much good has come to me from this surgery...i've found the person I was a long time ago and I thought she was gone forever. I am grateful every day for my new life...and for my wonderful surgeon who gave it to me...and for the people I have met on this journey. You guys know who you are and I am so glad to have you in my life!!!
As for food...I am able to eat more than I thought I would..but as long as I am still losing, I'm happy. I like being able to eat somewhat normally and not only eating 2 bites. I still enjoy food!! I still have some bad days now and then...but they are getting few and far between...so I can't complain. Thats about all for now...I hope everyone is doing well!!!
3/06/02 Hi Everyone!! I got on my scale this morning and found a wonderful surprise....I have hit my first goal...and become a member of the century club...100lbs gone gone gone!!! I am sooo excited!! I still have about 115 to go, but I feel like I have hit a milestone here. I am almost halfway there...and life has gotten so much better!!! I hope everyone is doing great!! =)
2/08/02 Wow...it's been a while since I've updated on here. I'm finally back to work...went back on 1/14 and I am so glad to be back into a normal routine. I'm feeling much better, although I still have a few problems with eating. I am learning what I can handle and what I can't tho. As for weight loss...I am very happy...today brings me to 3months post op and according to my scale I have lost about 90lbs. I can't complain about that!! I still have a long way to go-I want to lose at least another 100-110lbs. Theres not much else to write about...I'm doing well being back to work and my energy level is slowly increasing. I'm so glad everyday that I had this surgery...even though I've had my share of complications with it...it is still the best thing that I have ever done for myself!!!
Hope that you are all doing well!!
1/7/02 Sorry to take so long to update....I ended up back in the hospital before christmas because I was not able to eat or drink anything without terrible nausea and could not keep anything down or worse even the smell of food made me sick. I ended up dehydrated and on IV fluids for 5 days at AGH. They let me come home the Friday before Christmas with a visting nurse and IV's at night and they gave me medication to help with it....well it helped....I no longer have the IV or the nurse and I'm able to eat solids again. I still have bouts with the nausea and I do still throw up every now and again...but usually that is my fault...I ignored the "I am full" signal or ate too fast. but I am 100 percent better than I was and feeling pretty good. I am down 70lbs since surgery and down 3 whole sizes. so I guess this has been worth it. Everyone tells me you have to go thru some trials to get your triumph....so I am paying my dues..so to say. I was asked the question I asked so often the other day.....would I do it again?? Yes. I would definately do it again. What would I tell other pre-ops....reseach this, understand it, make sure you know this is a lifetime choice and things will be different, and if you understand all that and that this is not the "easy" way out...then go for it!! It is the best thing I've ever done for myself....despite the complications. Good luck to everyone out there and to all of you a Happy HEALTHY new year!!! Jaynie
12/13/01 Wow...it's been a long time since I've updated. This has been a very interesting road for me. I've had a few complications but nothing serious...some infections in my incision and a bout with pluerisy..but I am feeling better and hopefully going back to work next week. I finally graduated from broth to solid foods...but that has been a little rough...I am still getting nauseated for hours after every meal...but I am learning from it..although I have my days where I'd like to go back to the broth and liquids!!! Other than that...I'm down close to 50lbs and feeling better every day. I have retained a little water so I am trying to up that some and see if I can't have another big drop next month. Well...thats about all for now...Happy Holidays to everyone and a Heathy Happy New Year filled with Peace to all!!
11/20/01...Hi Everyone...well, today I went and had my staples and feeding tube removed...wow...what a relief!!! Still on liquids for another month...I'm starting to get tired of broth and jello and popsicles...but it's worth it!! I got weigh'd for the first time since surgery and I am down 39lbs...gone and never to return!!! Yahoo!! I guess another 4 wks of liquids won't be so horrible if it means another 20 or so lbs gone. I'm not really looking forward to Thanksgiving...although I am very thankful this year especially...My family has been very blessed...with my father surviving his heart attack and even with a small complication with my surgery...at least it wasn't something life threatening. I hope that all of you out there have a happy healthy holiday!!! Take Care!! Jaynie
11/07/01....Surgery is over and Jaynie is doing fine except yesterday she had the sip test and something wasn't right. She has to go back in for additional surgery tomorrow. They say it's just a correction and should be much shorter than the first surgery (which took 4 1/2 hours) but it's really back to square one. She still hasn't had anything to drink and it's been 7 days.
But...she's a trooper, and she is in pretty good spirits. She said she didn't come this far for it not to work. We will keep you posted. Jaynie's mom.
10/28/01--Ohhh my...well, it's almost here...only a few more days!! I'm soo excited and nervous and ready!! the next few days are going to crawl...but I have sooooo much to do...so hopefully I will get it all done. I don't think that I will be updating on here again until after I get home from the hospital...So, to all my Halloween Sibs...God Bless and may we all come thru this with no complications and easy recoveries!!! To everyone else...Thanks for your support and friendship and I will be back to update once I am on the "better" side!!
10/16/01 Well, my pre-op tests are finally finished...Yeah!!! They weren't too awful....except the upper GI...Yuk!! It's hard to swallow a whole glass of that disgusting barium...and worse that they flavor it!! blrghhh!! They also forget to tell you about the stomach ache that comes after it...but again...if that was the worst...it wasn't bad...I just felt the need to whine!! I'm done now!! So...at this point..the next trip to the hospital will be on 10/31...and that is my big day!! I wish it would hurry up and get here already!! 15 more days and counting!!!
10/07/01...Hi out there in WLS land...just thought I'd update...except that there isn't much to tell. I scheduled my preop tests for next Tues...nothing too horrible..just an upper GI..(YUK)chest X-ray, EKG, and some blood work...it could be worse!!! I notified my work of my date and will be officially off work on 10/27--which is nice because it gives me 4 days before the surgery to take some RR time. I have to talk about this...I never realized the support that we have for each other...but I was shopping last week at Catherines (plus size store) buying some pj's for my hospital stay...and as I was talking to my Mom about not wanting to buy much since hopefully my sizes will be dropping rapidly...the girl behind the counter asked me..."are you having THAT surgery" when I told her that I was...it became the conversation in the store...anyway...when I left there that afternoon it was after hugs from people who 5 minutes before had been strangers and now were friends...it amazed me...because for years I felt so alone in this battle..since I found this web site and started on this journey..I realized that none of us are alone in this and that the support and friendship that we have for each other is probably the greatest gift in the world. I have met so many wonderful people on this journey, some in person and some via e-mail and the telephone and I am so grateful for their presence in my life...It's like we are all family in this and I just wanted to say Thanks!! Okay...well, enough sentiment... It's time to put on my black and gold and head out to Heinz Field for the opening Steeler game....Yea!!!
9/27/01---I have a date!!!! October 31st...Happy Halloween!!! I guess I am trick or treating for a whole new life this year!!!
9/23/01 I got into the pre-op class for this Tuesday and should hopefully have a surgery date at that time!! (woohoo...thank you Brenda for fitting me in!!) I am very ready to get going on this and actually a little nervous too...but I am positive this is the right road for me to follow. I will update again on tues if I have a date. Take Care everyone!!
9/18/01---Well...today I heard the 3 most perfect words I have ever in my life heard...."YOU ARE APPROVED". I can't believe it. I truly did not think that it would happen...especially after all the hassle with the reps at Cigna. But...I must say that Amy, the supervisor there, was fantastic. She really pushed for me and I am so grateful to her!! Now I just need to call the docs office tomorrow and get into the pre op class and hopefully get a surgery date. I'm feeling very blessed and lucky tonight. Thank you to all of you who have e-mailed me with your support...I sooo appreciate it!!! I am approved....wow...I still get tears in my eyes when I hear those words in my head.
9/16/01-Hi. What a tough week this has been for everyone...My prayers and deepest sympathy to anyone out there who has lost a loved one.
I wanted to update and let you know whats been going on with the insurance company. I called them last Monday and spoke with this horribly rude woman named Susan. First she told me that they never received paperwork from the Doc's office and that they had never sent them a letter of medical necessity...I almost freaked...I explained to her that the doctors office would never have sent any of the paperwork to them if that info was not included(and any of you who know Brenda,know this is not true..she was very thorough in what she needed to have before it could be sent!!)...she then changed her story and said that it was "noted" in the computer that they received it but it would be another 10 business days before it went to medical review. I again told her that was not acceptable and that I needed to speak to a supervisor...she refused to get one for me and then told me that she would pull the "microfish" and check to see where they were and would get back to me by Friday...at this point I was a wreck...not only was she the nastiest woman I've ever spoken too...(which when I told her that she did not have to be rude...she replied..."I am not rude, Ma'm..and if you think that I am then I apologize") As a person who works in Customer Service on the phone...she made me shudder!!! Needless to say...I did not hear from her by the end of the week...so I called again..this time I went directly to a supervisor, Amy, and she told me that my info had been sent to Medical Review and was there when I had called on Monday. UGH!! Anyway, I explained my situation to her...and she has promised me a call back tomorrow with some sort of answer....so Please please keep your fingers crossed for me.
Thats about all that has gone on here....I've, as I'm sure most of you, have been consumed by the television and the horror going on in our country. May God Bless us all...
9/9/01--Hi everyone...well, I'm officially worried....the insurance company denied paying for my office consult with Dr Williams...the reason, they don't treat obesity. I'm very very worried now that they will deny the surgery as well. I guess that I just don't understand why they don't treat obesity...or why they don't consider this life threatening. I guess they will have no choice but to treat the diabetes or heart disease that will surely come after the obesity...it just seems crazy to not deal with the problem before there are more issues. I would like for the persons making this decision to live in my shoes for one day...just one. I'd like them to know how it feels to struggle to get out of bed...or be out of breath just getting ready for work....I'd like them to know what it feels like to ache from head to toe from carrying all this extra baggage. I'm so scared that they will deny this and that I will end up in a worse place than I am now. I know I will keep fighting...but I'm very frightened right now. well....I am going to call Brenda in the morning and see what she has to say....I'll let you all know.

8/22/01---Hi Everyone....Well I just got home from my psych consult and I am officially " well suited emotionally to undergo the surgery!!!" WOOOOOHOOOOO!!! I've been doing a happy dance for an hour...(whew...I'm tired!!)I spoke to Brenda from the dr's office today and she said that if my letter was in by Friday that she may be able to get the pre approval by next week and get me in the Sept 11th pre op class...which would mean...an October surgery date....YAHOO!! I am soooo excited!! Now I'm just praying that the insurance doesn't fight us on this. Please keep your fingers crossed for me that it gets approved. I feel like I've jumped thru all my hoops....Now I just want to know that the day will come!!! I hope that everyone is doing well.
8/15/01 Hi...it's been a few days since I've updated...I did get a psych consult scheduled for next Weds afternoon. I will have to call and cancel the one for Sept 5th...but it just seems too far away. I'm hoping that once they get the consult info that I will be on my way to a surgery date. I know that my primary physician did send the letter of medical necessity last week...so it's getting down to the wire!!! I'd really like to be done before the holidays!!!
I got to meet my friend, Diana and her sister Crystal on Sunday for lunch...they were both so nice and it was so nice to talk to people who just understand what you go thru on a day to day basis....I guess if you've never walked in these uncomfortable shoes...you just can't understand what it feels like.
I am going to San Fransisco with my sister over labor day weekend...and I am sooo excited to go there...but I am worried about the plane ride...it's a long one and the seats are awfully uncomfortable...I guess some of you know what I mean...you feel just squished. I hope this is the last plane ride I will take feeling like that!!! I almost wasn't going to go because of it...but I've never been to California...and I am sooooo excited!! I'll just deal with the teeeny seats...or my too big one!!
Well...hope that everyone is doing great...talk again soon!!!

8/06/01 Well...today I met Dr. Williams and Brenda...both were really wonderful. Now I need to get my psych consult completed and make sure that my family doctor forwards the information over to Brenda. I also removed my name from Dr. Schauer's waiting list....I spoke to Robin this afternoon to do so...this was my first time talking with her and she was not very nice and I am actually glad to have found another surgeon's office. From what I was told, if everything goes thru for me, I should be looking at end of Sept/Oct for surgery!!

One more week until my consult with Dr. Williams....I am SO ready to go NOW!! I went for a physical today with my regular physician and he is all for the surgery and definately believes this is the right decision. It has to be...I watched my dad in the ER and then in ICU this week when he was rushed in after going into congestive heart failure...thank God he survived...but he kept saying to me...don't let this be you....believe me I am now truly scared!! I still haven't heard from Dr. Schauer's office...they have had my paperwork for 7 weeks and no call with an initial appt...I think calling Dr Williams office was definately what I was supposed to do and I'm so glad they were able to fit me in!! I am also very excited and happy for my friend Diana who FINALLY got her surgery date....WOOHOOO...IT'S ABOUT TIME!!! Talk about going thru hell and highwater to get that!! Well...thats about all for now.....I will update more next week after meeting Dr. Williams!!! Wish me luck!!
Well...I talked to Dr. Schauer's office today and I just wanted to cry. I was told that I wouldn't even get my initial visit until at earliest--January!! I was so upset!! I can't stand the thought of waiting that long to get this done!! I just want to be on the road to recovery and I feel like waiting until January is just tempting fate. I've decided to look for a different surgeon. I called Dr. Ken William's office today and they made an appointment for me on August 6th...wooohoooo!! I am very excited about that!! They also suggested I meet with the nutritionist and the Psychologist on the same day....so...I've got appointments starting at 7am!! At last I feel like I'm doing something pro-active!! I've left my name with Dr. Schauer's office as well..for now. But...I just don't think I can handle waiting a year for the surgery to take place and that is what it is looking like now. I don't know too much about Dr. Williams...but once I go for my appointment, I will update again!!
Well...no news yet...but it's only been a few weeks....I'm very anxious tho...I just want this to get started already!!! I do have to say tho...this site has helped me so much!! I've talked with so many great people on here thru e-mail and the chat room and it is wonderful to talk to people who understand the way I feel!!! I think that is what will help me get thru the long waiting period ahead of me...so to those of you who I've met so far on this journey...thanks and good luck!!
Well...it's been about 2 wks since I've updated...I finally got the call that my paperwork was sent to the weight loss center and that I am a candidate for the surgery...and my forms have been forwarded to Dr. Schauer's office. She said I should hear something from them in 6-8 weeks regarding an appointment...sounds like forever!! Then she said that it might be Feb before I get my consultation....I was so upset...but from what I've read on here...it looks like most have had the surgery within 8 or 9 months of sending their paperwork in...so I'm hoping that when she said February she was thinking surgery...not consultation!! I am so ready to get started on this road...I am ready!! I keep hoping that nothing will happen to stop the progression and for a miracle that somehow they will get me in their soon!!!!! I'd love to hear from anyone who has gone to Dr. Schauer or has had the surgery.

Well....I have finally changed my status to "Hoping to have surgery" I feel like I'm on the right road now....I got my packet of info from the Dr's office, filled it out, and mailed it back...and now I am waiting to hear from them for an appointment. I even called my insurance company to see if this surgery was one that was ever approved...and they said that it was providing you meet the criteria....well...with a BMI of 60...I can't imagine that I won't meet it. I'm so ready to get started....I hope that it won't take forever to get into the office and really get the ball rolling. I keep reading everyone's profiles....and I feel like I am well prepared as to what I should expect...both good and bad...Now if I could just get that appointment!!!!!
Hi Everyone....Well, after months and months of procrastinating...I've taken the first step and contacted a surgeon to make an appt for the weight loss surgery!! They are sending me a packet to fill out and then say they will call me back with an appt date. I'm so anxious and I wish that I could get in tomorrow to see him. As of now, it looks like it will be late summer early fall. But...at least it's a start. I'd love to hear from anyone who has gone thru this...the good the bad and the ugly. I want to hear it all. I'm so ready to do this!!

About Me
Pittsburgh, PA
Surgery Date
Jan 17, 2001
Member Since
