What about using a Juicer?

Feb 08, 2010

Hi I am almost 4 weeks out and on the 22nd I will be able to start to introducing my new mini me( my pouch) to regular foods.  But, I would also like to do some juicing of fruit and vegetables.  Does anyone know if there will be any real benefits to juicing as far as nutrients? Especially, since I will be limited on what fruits I can eat. When can I start drinking decaf coffee?....thanks for your input.

I Hate it!

Jan 22, 2010

Almost two weeks out from my surgery and feeling great!
Don't you just HATE  when people find out that you had gastric bypass and they start telling you about everything else that happen to some else they know.  Today, I received a phone call from a Friend to see how I was doing and they proceeded to tell me about other people they new and what happen to them and then wished me well.  Its that crazy???? But, I guess I need to chalk it up to people are people and sometime they don't think....thanks for listening

Scared to death, but on to the next step!

Nov 22, 2009

My surgery was approved for January 11, 2010.  I was so scared that I was going to be denied, however, when my Dr. office submitted the request in the morning, by the afternoon it had been approved. Wow, I was so shock. Now I have been going back and forth trying to determine which surgery to have.  But, after prayer and thought it is best that I have the gastric verses the band.  Now on to the next step. I see the surgeon on Dec 1, Surg on Jan 11th, please pray for me!


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