3 Months Surgiversary

Jan 17, 2010

Ok so its been 3 months Ive lost 43lbs UNBELIEVABLE, I feel great, lots of energy a few days where I dont take care of food where I feel a little weak but other than that great. At this point I am more disconnected from the scale and the comparison with other vsgers, It is an amazing feeling to also be detached from food and for it to have lost soooo much of its importance. I have finally been able to buy clothes at the same stores as my friends, size 12!!!! and Im only half way through my journey. . Now the only thing left is to start exercising which I havent wanted to do at all and is so important for avoiding the loose skin thing. Maybe its because I am doing velasmooth a laser that contracts the skin and it really works that I havent been motivated to exerise because I have found an easy solution. I believe that as I loose the weight I will exercise more especially since I actually enjoy it. I just feel like I have alot on my plate right now, maybe thats a cheap excuse. We shall see.


About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 08, 2009
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