
Oct 15, 2010

Well, I've jumped in with both feet and put the application in.  Not knowing if I'd be approved or not.  Got an email yesterday saying I was approved and that now I just needed to make payment and the date will be set!  Sooooo.....getting nervous.  My wieght has been such a struggle for the past 12 years or so.  I've done every diet out there.  Some are successful, and some were just a disaster.  I've been up and down the scale for years.  My highest wieght has been hovering around the 200 mark.  Right now I'm at 160.  It's exhausting really.  I have every size of clothing from size 6-13.  So, once I get the surgery I shouldn't have to do to much clothes shopping!

I've been having some trouble getting support from my DH.  He's the type of guy that can eat anything, and not gain any weight. He has an awesome body, and is probably way out of my league. When we first met, I was at my lowest wieght since high school.  In the past 5 years, I've gained 60 lbs, lost 40, and then gained back 35.  He seems to think I just need to keep on dieting and hitting the gym more often. 

I know he's just worried and I guess in his eyes he thinks I'm beautiful.  He really is a wonderful man!

So, now I just have to break the news to him that I'm going ahead with the surgery.  I will update after that happens!


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Oct 07, 2010
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