Hey everyone!

My name is Jennifer. I am 23 years old. I decided to join this site so that I can get some insight on WLS. I've been overweight pretty much since I was in elementary school. I didn't start to really notice it until I was in 5th grade. Once I got to high school is when I really started to feel self conscious about it.  In 10th grade, I stopped getting my periods regularly...I went for about 6-8 months without a period until I finally went to the doctors to see what was going on. The doctor said I had PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome). I've tried so many different ways to lose weight. I've tried going to the gym a lot. I've tried having smaller meals, ALLI pills, detox cleanses and teas, herbalife, personal trainer...I even went through a phase where I tried throwing up. I am currently 233 lbs and I've stayed at that weight for the longest time. No matter what I've tried, I seem to just stay at that same weight. I may go down one or two lbs, but that's about it. Being overweight has really made me self conscious. I feel like it doesn't allow me to have the life I would like. I always feel like I'm the "ugly" friend and going out is such a hassle for me because I always try to find clothes to wear that won't draw attention to my "rolls" and what not. In the past year, I've noticed some changes in my body; such as my heart racing after eating and sometimes having to catch my breath when I haven't really done anything strenuous. Within the past year I've started thinking about weight loss surgery since everything else I've tried hasn't worked for me. I always said to myself I wouldn't want to get to the point where WLS was my last option...but it seems like I'm at that point right now. I'm really looking into getting gastric bypass. I feel like right now is the best time for me to do it since I'm still fairly young and I wouldn't like to get to an extreme point.  I hope to get lots of information from everyone here..from people that have gone through WLS and had PCOS.  :)

About Me
Manassas, VA
Aug 17, 2014
Member Since

Friends 9
