Eric Schlesinger

"I had my initial consult on 3/30/00. My first impression of Dr. S was that he was shall we say...rehearsed. But I have worked in sales giving the same "schpeel" to people and I know how routine it can get, whether you are sincere or not. After a while, though, when I got to ask him specific questions, I found him to be personable and knowledgeable. He did kinda/sorta dodge one question I had about how WLS affects us in our "twighlight" years...I asked him 2 or 3 times in different ways, and he always kind of took a long road around it, but that's okay. If I live the next 30 years of my life with more energy and few health problems at around 130 - 140, I will not mind so much only being able to eat strained beets when I'm 80...(or so I say now!) Dr. S. emphasized aftercare to a great degree, he really let it sink in that this surgery was a TOOL, not a CURE. I need to do my part and work WITH the surgery and not expect the procedure to be a magic solution. BTC does have a structured aftercare program and he was very clear abou the extended aftercare that would be necessary should I choose him as my surgeon. The risks associated with this surgery were well explained and although I had done significant research and knew most of the possibilities, I had brought my mother with me and I think his talk eased her mind more than mine. I did tell him that what I wanted was for him to tell me I wasn't going to DIE from this, and, not surprisingly, he wouldn't do that. He didn't come right out and say he wouldn't promise me a rose garden, but he just slyly said, (paraphrasing) 'Well, what I CAN guarantee is that if you continue to gain weight, with your medical history, co-morbidities and family history, you are going to die from the weight anyhow." Gee, thanks, Doc! Over all, I would rate Dr. S. at an 8 out of a 10. I would give him an extra brownie point up to a 9 if I thought for a second he would recognize me on the street 20 minutes after our meeting. But I think he is a definite 'out of sight, out of mind' type of a guy. Which is fine. Just as long as I'm not 'Out of Mind' when I'm laying on ye olde proverbial table. I'm going to write a note on my stomach the day before surgery that says "WARNING: THERE IS A REAL PERSON IN THIS BODY AND SHE WILL BE REALLY TICKED IF SHE DIES! BE CAREFUL!" LOL. As others have said, I will trade bedside manner for surgical comptetence any day of the week. I have wonderful family and friends to make me feel warm and fuzzy...I need a surgeon that makes me feel alive."
About Me
Bloomington, IL
Surgery Date
Mar 09, 2001
Member Since
