my journey with a month to go

Jun 02, 2009

I started thinking about surgery just over 2 years ago.  I went through the process with one facility and just never got my shit together.  I never followed the plan, never did what I was supposed to.  I quit last year.

Then I got a job in am ambulance and let me tell you, being in a confined space with lots of people makes you very aware of just how large you are.  SOOOOOOO I decided to go in for a physical and asked for a re-referral to the bariatrics department. 

So that was in March, I had my orientation scheduled for early april and had to reschedule due to a broken tailbone.  Another good reason to lose weight...landing on a tailbone with 100lbs of extra weight probably contributed to an actual break which is apparently rare.  So I went to orientation the end of April and weighed in at 246 lbs.....the most I have ever seen on the scale although I am sure I have weighed more.   I got my binder and some good info and went home.   I actually started the pre-op stuff.   I started drinking more water, but stopped with meals.   I stopped going to starbucks and then stopped all caffine.   I start watching my portions, eating my protein first and chewing a lot more then I ever have. 

I got an appointment card in the mail to meet my surgeon the week after orientation.  Wow was this already faster.  I met Dr Le on May 14th and we briefly went over what I wanted (gastric bypass vs lapband) and my health.  I had already had a physcial, pap smear and some basic labs done so I apparently skipped a step.  WOOHOO things do go right!!!  Oh yeah and I was down 13 lbs!!!!  So we go to leave and he tells his assistant to put me on the surgery schedule.....wooooooo nelly.  He has a day open for June but I am scheduled to be in Oregon and I am not missing Oregon dunes.  So he tells me I will have to wait until July and that schedule is not even out yet.......panic mode.

Well I go home just to make the drive back first thing in the morning to meet with a phychologist...everything good cleared from him.  Damn I am a good liar!!!  just kidding.

A few days later I get 2 more appointments in the mail for a nutrition and lifestyle changes class June 1st...well at least I am still moving along. 

I get a call on May 27th saying the surgery schedule is out and would I like July 1st?  UMMMMM YEAH YES SURE OK WOOHOO.  wow back on cloud nine.  I am soooooo excited at this point.  Not only is this going quickly, but I am following the rules and I haven't been lost in the system.

So I go to my classes yesterday and they were really a waste of time.  Lots of stupid questions in my point of view and things they should have known if they read their binders.  Oh yes but I was now down 5 more lbs and I weighed in with my jacket and heavy shoes on....18lbs maybe more GONE. 

So I have a few things left, appoint and class about the operation and stuff which I hear is really good on the 16th.  I have my pre-op meeting with the physican June 30th and labs drawn.  Somewhere in there I need to go to a local facility and get an EKG and Chest xray done.  Then surgery July will be here in no time.  I have so much planned between now and then, bday, kids out of school, vacation all well staying focused and motivated.  


About Me
Fairfield, CA
May 31, 2009
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