NOVEMBER 18, 2007

Nov 18, 2007

It is amazing the difference.  I have no more pain when I walk.  I do not use a cane anymore to walk.  I was able to attend my son's last couple of marching band competitions and could carry my own backpack and walk the stands and sit on the bleachers.  Just loosing 52 pounds since 9/28 is like night and day.  I recommend this surgery for anyone obese.  I feel like I am finally getting my life back!  It feels so good!

Beginning the journey

Aug 11, 2007

I have been to the seminar, made my appointments now just waiting to see the family doctor and then the surgeon for the beginning of my new life.  I am still very scared so any words of encouragement helps.  I am 46 soon to be 47 female, diabetic, dependant on 3 types of insulin.  My biggest fear is complications.  My sister had the gastric sleeve in Oct 2006 at age 36 and has lost 160 pounds.  Looking for information on complications or health issues after surgery

About Me
Miamisburg, OH
Aug 11, 2007
Member Since

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Latest Blog 2
NOVEMBER 18, 2007
Beginning the journey
