The History of my wls aka. jj journey ( 2003-2005)

Nov 30, 2009

Ok Ok so I am not good at keeping this updated. Wow it seems like just yesterday I started this journey. Now here I sit two years and one day from my surgery. I have just returned from a childrens camp sponsored by a husband and wife team at my church. I COOKED for this camp. That meant up at 5am and finished by 10:30 at night. If I wanted to spend some time with the kids, that meant another hour or so. I took the little boy I work with with me. His brother went also. We had so much fun. Yes it was the hardest week of my life. Keeping up with a 8 year old with Autism and cooking for 60+ people three plus times a day(Tuesday night we had over 100 folks for "parents" night)and keeping juices and water and HEALTHY SNACKS available. I say all this not to complain but to PRAISE GOD for leading me to have this surgery. 2 years ago I could have never kept up this pace. I'm tired mind you... but I feel wonderful. No swollen feet and no feeling like my back is breaking I can't decribe how much this surgery has changed my life.

I am staying weight wise between 145 and 155. I'm still looking into having plastic now that I have insurance again.
I will continue to sing the praises of RNY and Dr. Cook to all.

Congrats to folks just getting started in the process. To all the post oppies... woohoo hang in there... This is the best ride of your life...
Love and kisses to all

Went to see the plastic man today.. better know plastic surgeon. He agreed I would need a circumfial (spelling) lift.. that's cut all around... I would need a breast lift with implants.... my arms and legs could be done if I wanted but he said it wasn't totally necessary..especially the legs... and I told him I wanted a face lift and he said that would be a good option also... so now I just need a butt load of money..LOL I don't have insurance with my current job ....not that it would pay for the surgeries anyway...but anywho... I am still going to go or call other plastic surgeons to get their prices on what I need to have done... If anyone wants to know who I went to and the price... please contact me..
I am still in a losing mode. Becky says she is a little surprized I'm still losing at this point..but with my current lost.... I HAVE A NORMAL BMI WOOOOOHOOOOOO... well I just wanted to update with the next phase of my journey... my best and many prayers to all of you pre oppies and you posters also hugs and kisses to all

WOOOOHOOO the plateau from hell finally broke.. I am below 150lbs..on my scales that is... Just thought I would share that LOL hope everyone is doing well....

WOW a year ago today I was just coming out of surgery... I can't believe what a year it has been... I'm down about 110lbs and about 15ish more to go until I reach my goal... I still have trouble seeing myself the size I am.. I find myself looking at chairs and wondering if I am going to fit in them... or are they going to hold up under me... I guess and hope that gets better with time.. I am also dealing with people not recognizing me when they see me.. it's kinda strange... and funny actually.. I go see Dr. Cook tomorrow and I hope to talk to him about plastics.... I NEED A FACELIFT LOL I was mistakenly asked if I was the mom of a 30 year old... OMG I thought I was going to cry... I just looked at the lady and said.. I want a facelift.. and tummy tuck and a boob job are also not a bad idea.. but that will all come soon enough.. I really hope everyone is doing well and I hope to see you all soon.. I will post 1 year pictures soon..and also before and after...
Take care,

WOOOHOOOOO according to my scales I have hit the century mark.. woohoooo I am so happy... I have been weighting everyday this week (yes I know that's a big no no) just to make sure I wasn't dreaming or it was a fluke.. HA well that all for now.. excuse me now.. I'm going to do the happy dance heheheheehe bye
Love ya...
Mean it...

Wow 8 months today... what a wonderful time it has been.. I am by my scales down 97lbs since Surgery... woohoo I've gone from a size 26/28 to a medium and large top and a size 12 to 16 (16 in some jeans) pants.... I haven't been this size in YEARS... I also have a couple of size 18's that fit me also so go figure..
I've slowed a lot with the weight loss. I still want to lose another 30ish lbs.. but I'm still losing inches rather quickly.. so I'll not complain to much..
I wish everyone sucess.. this tool (remember I said tool not cure) that we have been given has been a God sent for me..
We need to take advantage of the tool and not forget all we have learned from the staff at Hickory Surgical Weight Loss Program...
Hope to see you all soon take care..
love ya mean it..

Happy New Year everyone... I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday.. I sure did.. as I had planned, At Christmas, I had a standing rib roast with garlic mashed potatoes, roasted brussel sprouts and Yorkshire Pudding.. and a Sugar Free almond crusted Cheese cake for dessert.. since I just started eatting red meats.. I wanted something special for supper.. I ate my little portion (Yorkshire Pudding made in mini muffin pans ) But my family loved it also... the best part of the holiday was spending time with my family... I couldn't have gone thru the last 7 months without their support.. (and my church family also)
Going back to red meats, I have found out I can handle red meats better than I can chicken.. that's so weird to me... maybe because I am extra extra careful about eatting that???? who knows.. but I still limit the red meats...
I was in the ER over the holidays...The Saturday after Christmas...I started having pain in my upper left side.. worse than the rny surgery.. worse than my gall bladder surgery... it was BAD.....I had no vomiting or dirahha....I went to Frye cuz I thought I might have eatten something and got it stuck... but all the test came back normal...Dr. Cook was on call that morning so I really felt good he was the one checking out the situation.... so really not sure what that was all about..
but I'm all better now...
Well enough rambling for now.. everyone have a great week and hope to see or hear from you soon... bye Oh yeah. I'm down 90lbs now.. well actually flucuating between 87 and 90lbs... but according to my new BMI... I no longer qualify for the surgery..LOL I think that is so funny...
Love ya...
Mean it...

WOW 6 months today.. what a ride.. I can't believe that 6 months ago I was in the Hospital changing my life... and what a wonderful change it has been.. I am about 82lbs lighter.. I feel wonderful... People are commenting on how good I look..(still see the fat chick but anyway)the main thing is I FEEL like a new person.. I have new engery.. new self esteem... new confidendece.. still struggle with body image..but I think that will get better as I progress.. I pray everyone is doing well also..
I had a great time at the Gala.. it was so wonderful seeing everyone there.. thanks to all who gave me complements on the food and the decor.. You know 6 months ago.. there would have been NO WAY I could have done all of that.. even with three times the help I had...and I am thankful for the surgery because of that..
I still have a long way to go to reach MY goal..but I am working hard at it.. I don't like the fact that I have slowed down but that's part of the process.. I usually lose in spurts.. go about 3 weeks with nothing and then drop like crazy for a couple of weeks.. I can live with that for now..
as far as nutrion.. I was low on potassium so Dr. Cook and Dr. Plyler put me on the pills.. we will see how that goes.. I started eating beef and pork last week and so far. it's ok.. can't eat much but dang I was so tired of chicken and fish..but I must say.. it's not as good as I thought it would be.. Oh well!
I will up date with a 6 month picture soon..
Take care everyone
Love ya..
Mean it..

Boy I can't seem to update this thing in a timely manner.. oh well. I went to see Dr. Cook earlier this month.. My blood work looked fine except my protein level was boarderline normal..He wants me to up the protein.. so I am trying the no bake drop cookie made with powered milk peanut butter and protein power.. we'll see how that goes. I had my blood work done at the PCP office the day before my appointment with Dr. Cook.. they all were so excited about my weight loss.. as of this morning.. I weigh 181.. woohooo thats 79lbs in 5 months.. I hope to be at least 80 by thanksgiving... or my birthday (the day before thanksgiving).. I think I'll make it..I am getting a lot of attention from my friends and family about the weight loss and it is still a little strange.. I still see myself at 260 sometimes.. I guess this is normal and I will just have to deal with the body image thing.. I told someone I was still VERY uncomfortable with my body.. I even mentioned to Dr. Cook about a tummy tuck and boob job.. and he said we would talk about that later when I was closer to my goal or at least 1 year post...
oh well I hope everyone is doing well.. I can't wait to see you all at the Gala.. I'll be the one in the apron..LOL I'm catering along with Mark Chapman..
take care..

Well it's been exactly 4 months ago today that I had surgery.. WOW time flies... I am by my scales FINALLY under 200 lbs. I was stuck at the 200 mark for about 3 weeks before I broke it.. I feel a lot better with 65ish lbs off of me...I had to buy some new clothes the past couple of weeks.. I bought a pair of jeans that were 18 womens... they fit me nice when I bought them.. I have room in them now... I also bought a black skirt size 14/16... I bought 2 sweaters from the REGULAR SIDE OF THE STORE NOT THE PLUS SIDE they were extra larger but they were not plus size clothes woohoo.And think.. I was a size 26/28 just 4 months ago...I am having my picture taken sometime in the next week in my new clothes I'll post these on the picture trail site..
My back still hurts occasionally but right now I can live with that.. I am getting a lot of completments on my weight loss.. it's been nice but I am starting to get a little embarrassed by it.. I know I am losing and I look smaller..but sometimes I still see the big ole girl looking back at me in the mirror.. I haven't been able to do curves for a while because of my back and the sagging skin is starting to show.. I will have to consult my excercise buddies to see if I can do anything along with the walking.. My hair is starting to thin but I'm really not going to stress over that.. it will grow back and I rather be thin and bald than fat and not..HA...I've cut my hair off so the loss may slow down when I don't have to "pull" it straight..
people ask me all the time if I would go thru this again.. the answer is YES YES YES.. this is the best thing I have ever done for myself..
Everyone say a prayer for me..I am interviewing for new jobs right now..
I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long.. I'll try to do better. Take care everyone
Love ya... Mean it...

Hello everyone.. sorry it's been so long since i updated my profile.. shame on me... ;) I am down about 50lbs now. woohoo
I am starting to work a temporary job for a while.. If you didn't know.. I had a "mid life crisis" last spring and resigned my job... LOL but anyway..God knows where I am suppose to be..but this is a stretching for me for sure... My clothes are just hanging on me and actually are starting to look bad.. but that's a problem I can live with for now.. Good friends have been sharing their closets ... I was at the hospital yesterday (Grace in Morganton) and saw my GYN dr. (He had just done surgery on a friend of mine) When he walked out he greeted the family and looked at me and said.. I know I know you don't I.. i laughed and said..Dr. Hall.. it's me Jalyn... he said he didn't recognize me... woohooo... he hasn't seen me since I went to talk to him about the surgery referral.
Well I guess this is all for this month.. I'll check back later.. Take care..
Love ya... Mean it... Jalyn

I went to see Dr. Cook today.. I am down about 35lbs. Dr. Cook said I have loss 27% of my excess body fat. AND I am no longer considered MORBIDLY obesit. I am just very obesit. He said this is good progress. I start back at Curves this week. I have been looking foward to this for a long time.
As far as my eatting.. I am still struggling with getting my water and protien in.. but I have found a protien drink I do very well with. It's the Herbalife wildberry mix... It's tangy and not so sweet. I have been sick a few time. One time was when I tried a new recipe and it was tooo rich. The other times I have eatten or drank tooo fast. I really need to work on eatting slower..I think it would help so much in not only keeping me from getting sick.. but it may help get my protien in better.
I'm still seeing myself as being VERY fat.. but others are telling me I am losing so fast and I look so good. I have had two ladies at my church to bring me clothes... Which is a good thing. Most of mine are falling off of me...
well it's after midnight and I need to go.. take care til next time.. and email me anytime ya want to..
Love ya..
Mean it..

7/9/03- I month Post Op
Just got back from a short vaction to Dollywood... I have friends in that area but this is the first time I've been there.. so I guess you can say I'm doing extremely well... I've lost around 25lbs and it's been 1 month today... wooohoooo

I was a bit dissappointed in my trip... I called the Dr. just before I left and found out I couldn't ride any of the attractions...

But I think I will continue to do what he says... I don't want to mess up a good thing....

As far as eating... I am almost to a regular food diet with the exception of no sugar or caffinee... just have to becareful of thing that are toooo rough... (raw veggies, nuts ect...) and I have to remember to slow down and chew... chew... chew..... that's the only problem I'm having... have felt overly full a couple of times and that's a bit painful but I haven't been sick.. so I am happy with that... The pain in my lower side is better... it only hurts from time to time now and not nearly as bad. Now if my back would stop hurting I would be fine. I am so ready to start back to Curves... but Dr. Cook says a couple more weeks...

I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer and I will update soon..
Love ya ...
Mean it....

I am 9 day post op... my staples were removed today.. I am doing very well.. my side hurts when I move to much but it's nothing I can't live with FOR NOW THAT IS.... I am having a bit of trouble eatting and drinking enough.. I get so full so quickly. But I keep trying.. I also weighted to day... I am offically down 14 lbs wooohoooo...
Thanks again to everyone for the calls and prayers...
I have to go now.. church is soon... take care and be blessed..
Love ya..
Mean it..

Well I am offically on the LOSING SIDE OF LIFE... I had surgery on Monday. Debby and I got there about 6 am.. Her surgery was scheduled first. I went up to get prepared and my family hadn't arrived yet.. OH NO ~~~~ But they did get there in time. They just got lost in Hickory... what a concept... lost in Hickory..LOL I came thru surgery fine. When they brought me back to the room, my back was hurting very bad and I asked if I could stand up and walk over to get in the bed. They really didn't want me to do that but I finally got my way... I usually do..LOL just kidding. They said that was a first.. actually I took no more than three steps.. but talk about relief for my back. I can't say enough about the Frye staff and Dr. Cooks staff.. they are the best...
Thanks to Lynn (you go girl with that weight loss) and Kathy (your day is coming soon girl..) for the visit. I also want to thank everyone for the prayers and messages. Well I need to go now I will update soon..
Be Blessed

Well Debby and I had our pre op test today... it wasn't something I would want to do everyday or even ever do it again.. but it wasn't as bad as what I was expecting or had heard about...The blood gas test wasn't bad at all and they even had to stick me twice... The upper GI was gross but I had had one in March so I knew what to expect.. maybe that made it worse.. but again not as bad as I thought... Becky was so good explaining our diet after the surgery... I want to thank Debby again for going thru this with me. Her husband and son went with us today and we all had a blast.. We went to lunch at O'Charleys then to SAMS after the pre op and also made a trip to GNC to get some stuff... pray I don't gain any weight this week.. I had actually lost some weight but I have freinds who have been taking me out to eat since last week... Ragazzi's, Carrabba's, Ashley's at the Holiday Inn in Morganton... Fatz(LOL I tell everyone it's redundant for me to go to Fatz)... but anyway, I just wanted to check in and let you know I made it thru my test...
be blessed everyone
A funny thing happen in the grocery store is what I am calling this post... HA...
Being the end of the school year, I told my students what Debby and i were doing this summer...I told them in language I thought they could understand that we were going to have surgery to help us lose weight...
Now for the mind of a child... I was in the grocery store the other night... One of my students was there with his mother and brother. They saw me and stopped me to talk... All of a sudden the little boy yells... MOM Ms. JJ is going to get skinny.... She and Mrs. Dula are going to the hospital and it's going to make them skinny... LOL
The mother who is in my class a lot (for good reasons) knew about my surgery but wanted me to explain it to her son.. She and I laughed at what he had heard me say and his interpretation of the information....
Any ways.. I thought that it was funny..
I am having pre-ops tomorrow... not looking foward to that.. but anyway I am going.... keep me in prayer..
Be Blessed everyone.. Love ya .. Mean it... Jalyn

I just want to share a letter I wrote to family and friends most of whom I don't see very often. I have gotten good response from this. I have to admit.. this wasn't my idea.. I "borrowed" it from another member of this site. I actually reworded hers to fit me and where I am.. but anyway.. I really like this letter and it explains a lot of what's going on and why..

here goes..
Dear Family and Friends,

I am very excited about a decision that I've made. I have decided to have weight loss surgery, otherwise know as "gastric bypass." I know that you are the people you are you are probably very concerned right now.... Maybe even shocked...

Because it is very important for me to have your support, let me exlain a little bit about the surgery. Weight loss surgery has changed greatly over the years, it's different now than the old "stomach stapling" (that my mother had in 1980). It's safer, more effective and has a higher probability of mainted sucess. The National Intstititues of Health reports that "the benifits outweigh the risk" and recommends weight loss surgery as an effective means of weight control for those who are obese.

The surgery is recommended and endorsed by"
The National Institutes of Health
The Mayo Clinci
Dr. C Everett Koop
Harvard Medical School
and many others....

At first, I thought this surgery was only for people who are larger than me.. I was amazed to find out that I was medically categorized as "morbidly obese." I know that ANOTHER diet will not work for me. Over the years, it has become increasingly more difficult for me to loose weight.... even when I stick to the plan... The last time I tried, I only lost about 8 lbs in 12 weeks..... and of course, if i did manage to lose some weight , the chances of me keeping it off are very very slim...

I have become uncomfortable in my body... I have zero engery.... my back and legs hurt all the time.. I am becoming less active all the time... I am in so much pain (physical and emotional).

This is not a decision I've made lightly. I have prayed and thought about it and researched it for over a year. Then I prayed some more...I have talked to my parents my sister and her husband close friends and my pastor. I have the support of all these people and that means alot to me. Now as I have told some, I am VERY open to God shutting this door at any time of this process.

If you would like any futher information, here is a good web site:

I hope once you recover from the shock of this that you will be supportive and prayerfull of my decision. I know this is a life altering change but it's one I think is necessary

Be blessed,
Love ya...
Mean it....

I hope this helps someone else as much as it has helped me explain to my family and friends.. I also posted this on a Christian site I go to... and my sisters and brothers in Christ have been great... they are a great prayer support.. if you want to know more about this site.. email me...
Love ya...
Mean it..

Hello everyone, I joined Curves a couple of weeks ago. So far today will be my 10th workout. I can already tell some slight definition in my arms. woohooo... I haven't really lost any weight. Bit bummed about that. Nevertheless, I reason I join is to do what I can about loose skin after my surgery. I know this will not prevent it but I am going to do what I can to minimize it. well I have to go for now. Take care all.
Love ya...
Mean it...

Well I have a slight change in my surgery date. But I can definitly go for this one. Thanks to Lisa at Dr. Cooks office, Debby and I CAN have our surgeries on the same day. We are so excited. I was in Hickory Wednesday and stopped by the weight loss center to see if I could reschedule my pre-op day because it conflicted with an event at school. While I was there I weighed myself and I have lost another 6 lbs. I've had strep throat this past week so I guess that played into the weight loss.... anyway, I had to wait for Lisa as she was doing her presentation for the group meeting of soon to be RNY patients When she got out, we were talking about the dates and she said she would show Dr. Cook Debby and my charts. She would see if he would consider doing the surgeries the same day. I called back today and found out she was waiting to review the information with Dr. Cook and I should know this afternoon or Monday. Well less than an hour later, I got the call from Lisa that Dr. Cook had agreed to do both surgeries on the 9th. Debby and I are so excited. We are even going to do pre-op together on June 2. Well I hope I haven't bored you all toooooooo much.. I'll go for now hugs to all
Love ya...
Mean it...

WWWOOOOOOHOOOOOOO After a couple of days on the phone with the insurance company... I'VE BEEN APPROVED AND I HAVE A DATE...
I need to thank Lisa Craig at Dr. Cook's office... and my beloved Antonio at the insurance company... I have called only 10 times this week. I called Monday and found out that they were reviewing my chart.. I called back Tuesday and was connected to Antonio. He looked up my chart and became upset and said I should have heard from it last week. I called him back that afternoon and he told me he was going to get the chart and give it to the head medical director himself. Wed. I called several times to check on the progress. Antonio finally let me talk to the directors assistant. She was wonderful also.. Everyone understood my anxiousness because I explained that my assistant had her approval in less than a week. Any way,
When I called yesterday evening just before 5, my sweet Antonio told me they haven't signed off on it but unoffically I had been approved. I told him I think I need to marry him, he was so patience with me during all of this and I told everyone he was my new best friend and I loved him....LOL just kidding folks...
I called this morning and got the offical approval and then called Lisa at Dr. Cook's office and got my date (she had the approval in hand). BCBS state employee's has been very good to work with.... Oh yeah... as you can tell I finally got my picture posted.. and Praise the Lord, I have lost some since this picture was taken last summer. I can't wait to post my after pictures... wooohoooooo
Well I have to go for now.. I'll write more later

I got a call from the Dr. office today telling me they mailed my information for the insurance... so the wait begins... hopefully it won't be long... I told someone I will give the insurance company until next Wednesday before I start calling. LOL oh well patience has never been one of my strong suits...
bye for now..

Well my visit with Dr. Cook went well. I took my mother with me and she was very impressed with Dr. Cook and the staff. I had a big suprize.. I had lost 5lbs since my last weigh in woohooo!
Dr. Cook will dictate a letter and my insurance will be filed by the end of the week hopefully. I am so excited...
Bye for now

I recieved a call from Dr. Cooks office this afternoon. My consult was orginally scheduled for 3/21/03. They asked me if I would be interested in moving my appointment until next Tuesday(3/4/03) DUH!!! Well needless to say, I'm going to the Dr. on Tuesday. My parents are going with me. My mother had a "stomach stapling" back in 1980. She has been a great support and the thing she is stressing is to follow closely what the Dr. and the Nutrionist tell you to do.. I remember my mom having dumping syndrome and vomitting. You bet I am going to follow that advice. Bye for now.. I'll update later


About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 30, 2009
Member Since

Friends 11

Latest Blog 1
