My story is similar to others.  I've had food behaviour problems for many years, which began in childhood. I was always concerned with what others thought of me and self imagine was always forefront in my mind. I developed a very unhealthy relationship with food; I used food to console myself as a young teenager and when I was a small child - sweets and treats were given to me by my parents when I behaved and was a reward.  

I was also a very athletic kid, and was able to continue to eat bad food choices without noticing changes until I stopped playing sports; I of course began to gain weight.  By the time I was 16 I decided the only way to successfully loose weight fast was not to eat - eating was bad - I spiralled out of control, stopped eating for four months and became very ill.  After months of abusing my body I realized I needed to try something else.  I began eating again but tried every silly diet I could.  Nothing worked.

Fast forward to after having my first child.  I gained 60 plus pounds and managed to loose 40.  After baby number two, I weighed more than before I delivered.  I've done every crazy diet known and have started and stopped many exercise programs - not finding what exercise I really enjoyed I seemed to quit every exercise routine after only afew months of beginning. In 2000 I had a vbg which was successful for about two years.  I needed to stick with eating healthy and following doctors orders.  

In the fall of 2014 I sought a referral to a clinic with a nurse, dietician, psychologist and surgeon here in Edmonton, Alberta who may be able to me turn things around.  I've been logging my food, following instructions and I'm in the pool three times a week to live healthier and prepare myself for revision sugery.  I've been given a second chance, I am having surgery in February to remove the ruptured staples and band and to complete a bypas.  I still struggle with food choices at times, negative self talk finds me doubting myself; but this is a new chapter in my life and at the end of the day I want to be the best I can be.  Stay tuned for updates, and thank you to all of you who have shared your stories.

About Me
Edmonton, AB
Jun 30, 2015
Member Since
