6 months out

Feb 12, 2009

I am 6 mths out and have come off all insulin and oral diabetes medication.  I found that I haven't been using the lap band properly.  I had been drinking too many high protein shakes and not eating solid food and when I tried to eat solids thay came back up...so...the doctor took out some saline and voila' I can eat healthy solids.  It is very important to communicate all you symptoms to your doctor.

On the Road Again!

Jan 23, 2009

Sorry I missed my December post BUT December is a crazy month around here.  I am now down 34 pounds and it is really beginning to show.  Evertone comments now on how good I look which always makes a person feel very nice.  Unfortunately, I can't eat hardly any solid food, absolutely no meat of any kind.  I am subsisting on high protein milk shakes and protein bars.  I had hoped to eat anything I wanted only in small portions...Well....I guess that will come later.

November 17th, 2008

Nov 17, 2008

I had my 3rd fill and have resumed losing weight...thank goodness.  I also started exercising at the gym and am starting to feel really, really good:-) it is a struggle to find foods to eat that are high in protein that can be swallowed easily.  The other night, I had about 3 ounces of grilled ribeye steak  and it went down just fine...it was the best thing I've tasted since surgery!

October 14, 2008

Oct 13, 2008

Sorry to be so long in updating my blog but I have been on the road for the last 4 weekends which should tell all that I am feeling really
good  I have had two fills so far and I am struggling with what to eat as my old foods such as bread, meat and certain vegetables  don't go down.  I end up eating a lot of oatmeal with added protein and baked potatoes with cheese.  I don't think this is how I am supposed to be eating.  I will have to work harder on getting in the proper nutrients.
I have an appointment with a personal trainer on November 3 to start my exercise program which I am sure will help with the weight loss.

One last note...it feels really good to know that I am not gaining weight anymore.  I used to feel that I gained just by looking at food.

On we go...

September 25, 2008

Sep 24, 2008

Well...I had my first fill on Tuesday and it was an easy experience!  I had hoped it would be the so-called sweet spot but I realized that would be very unusual.  Tuesday night I was only able to eat half of a frozen dinner;however, yesterday I was back to eating more.  I know I will probably need another fill next week...whatever it takes, I will do.  I am not losing as I expected.  Of course, I think I want to lose 93 pounds in one week and just get it over with...lol.  I have been traveling a lot and have more to come but I will try to be more regular on my posts.  OK...I am off to drink some water!

August 28, 2008

Aug 28, 2008

I had my first post surgery doctor visit  yesterday and have officially lost 11 pounds since surgery.  He was pleased with my progress.  I will get my first fill on September 23.  Thank goodness as my appetite has returned;however, I get full really quickly.  I have now moved to semi-soft diet - yeah for soft scrambled eggs.

August 26, 2008

Aug 25, 2008

OK...I wonder if I am the only one who decides to eat something with some crunch...LOL.  My appetite has returned.  I go to the doctor tomorrow and I hope he does a fill although I think it may be a little soon.  I think I may just transition a little sooner to the semi-soft diet.  Weight loss has slowed but my medication is still much better.  Energy levels are good and I only had one bad experience with nausea and took my nausea medication, slept for 4 hours (what's in that stuff) and awoke a new person.  Will give official report tomorrow.

August 22, 2008

Aug 21, 2008

Not every day is a good day and this is one of them.  I feel quite nauseated this morning.  I don't know why.  Could it be that I cheated last night and had a slice of cheese and one cracker...maybe upset my all liquid regime?  Last night was the first night I did not take any pain meds, as well. 

On the positive side, I have cut my insulin intake in half...from 60 to 30 units.  Weight is holding steady which is dissapointing; however, I still haven't started my walking exercise.

August 21, 2008

Aug 20, 2008

I am feeling better and better.  I have cut my insulin in half!  At this rate, I will be insulin free very soon.  I can't wait to go back to my internist and see the results of my A1c...I suspect and anticipate that it will be normal.  My skin feels loose.  I know that sounds weird but my skin normally feels taut.  Today, I will start walking on the treadmill...too hot to walk outside.  I will weigh tomorrow and report back.  Oh, Lordy, where are those grits and soft-scrambled eggs? LOL

August 19 - 1day + 1 week post-op

Aug 18, 2008

OK...this is the 3rd time I have written this blog.  I found that , if you leave the site, your message goes away...arrrgh!

I returned to work yesterday moving painfully slow due to some tummy tenderness.  I think I may call the doctor today just to see if this is normal.

My blood sugar was almost low this morning so I cut back ,again, on my insulin.  Down 30 units /day!!!  Weight is down somewher between 13 - 15 pounds!  The insulin numbers are so much more important.

Well...the all liquid diet is getting to be a real bore:-(  It has certainly challenged my creative cooking abilities.  I have some great hi-protein shake recipes BUT a plain 'ole soda cracker would be very welcome right now.  2 more weeks before semi-solid appers on the diet.  Who would have thought a bowl of oatmeal would be the basis of a party! LOL
Fortunately, I can consume as many liquids as I need to.  I am eating (?) about every 2 hours to avoid the giant hunger monster and I ususally average about 1/2 - 2 cups of shake, yougurt, etc./serving.

About Me
Belton, SC
Surgery Date
Nov 10, 2004
Member Since

Friends 5

Latest Blog 11
November 17th, 2008
October 14, 2008
September 25, 2008
August 28, 2008
August 26, 2008
August 22, 2008
August 21, 2008
August 19 - 1day + 1 week post-op
