Day of Surgery

Oct 02, 2008

Sent home from hospital after being prepped, IV'd, and minutes from the O/R. Remember the head cold I mentioned? Well, between the post nasal drainage (gross, I know) and the fact that I was running a low-grade temp, I knew the odds were stacked against me. I mentioned to the anesthesiologist that I was most concerned, however, that the resulting coughing from the head cold might cause a problem with my newly stapled tummy. Well....he mentioned that to the surgeon. The surgeon came back to say that he felt since I wasn't comfortable going forward, we should just postpone. When I asked whether, in fact, it was dangerous to be coughing so deeply following abdominal surgery, he responded that he didn't have statistics for whether it was risky or not. He just repeated that if I wasn't comfortable moving forward then I should just postpone. I was very confused, but felt that since I really had no direction, that I should cancel until I felt better.

So, I'm now scheduled for Nov. 5 - another month of waiting around. Eeeeek!

Day Before Surgery

Oct 01, 2008

So, yesterday was my complete freak out day. I never was one to really buy into support groups, but boy, have I changed my mind. The encouraging notes and messages from these members have been so helpful.

I have a wretched cold - my whole family has had it for over a week now. The difference is that they are running temps, and so far, cross my fingers, I have not. I am coughing though and worry about that post-op tomorrow. It will be interesting, that's for sure. They won't do surgery if I have a temp, so, so far so good.

I'm very much looking forward to having this over and done with. Trying to keep the bad thoughts at bay and focus on the future. That helps.

I had my "last" supper last night - and went pretty darn healthy if I say so myself. An Indian meal of tandoori (baked) veggies, hot tea, and okay, the downfall has to be the naan. But only two small slices.

Today is all clear liquids. Yum.

Broth for lunch, jello for snacks. Hot tea in between. Did I mention that I can't wait until all of this is over?!

Keeping a stiff upper lip and hoping and praying for the best.

Five days and counting

Sep 27, 2008

Yesterday was my 45th birthday - when did THAT happen? Looking forward to this new adventure and to being 46 without having weight as an issue to deal with anymore.

Not nearly as worried as I was at the beginning of the week - not sure why. It's almost as if I know I am going through with this so why worry about the things I can't change. I am resolved to walk and move as soon as possible after surgery to avoid clots and if I run a temp or have any abdominal issues after my discharge from hospital, I will be back in the ER without blinking. Best I can do, I think.

One small worry - our college aged son came home this weekend with a touch of flu or a bad cold. Running a temp and coughing. We Purrelled everything including our hands hourly, but worried that I might catch it. Oh well, if so, I'll just postpone surgery for a few weeks - no big deal. Rather be safe than sorry and a few weeks isn't going to matter in the long run.

10 days out

Sep 23, 2008

I'm going to try to keep up this blog thing - not exaclty sure what I'm doing, but maybe whatever I am going through will help someone else down the line.

Today is a better day than yesterday. My new friend Chastity whom I met on OH has been a great cheerleader and I am re-reading all the positive comments from those having surgeries this week. The odds are certainly in my favor.

Need to keep perspective here, though. Dr. Brody did caution me that if the scar tissue has built up so much that he is uncomfortable with continuing, he will remove my band and not do the sleeve. I need to keep remembering that that is a possibility.

Had pre-surgery bloodwork & EKG at hospital today - and all were so kind. Gave me a good feeling that I hope continues.

1 1/2 weeks pre-op

Sep 22, 2008

I hope it's normal to be SO frightened. I was not nearly so when I had my band placed in France 5 years ago. I am so nervous I almost feel like canceling! Reading the posts, good and bad, is very important, but very scary. Today it was reported that an OH member had passed away and that just gives me the worst feeling. On the other hand, I could have my life back in just a few short weeks.

I know the surgery is a gift and I'm so grateful to my surgeon for suggesting it and working with me to get this done. I am just so nervous.

About Me
Surgery Date
Sep 12, 2008
Member Since

Friends 1

Latest Blog 5
Day of Surgery
Day Before Surgery
Five days and counting
10 days out
1 1/2 weeks pre-op
