just waiting for a date!!:)
May 04, 2009
Mar 19, 2009
still waiting!
Mar 18, 2009
Today was a very busy day. I took our puppy Dink to the vet early this morning, he thought that he was going there to get educated,but alas, he misunderstood and Thought that I said tudored, he soon found out there was no education going on this morning. I have appologized several times, but he doesn;t seem to get it. He will feel better in a couple of days and perhaps he will quit well, you guys all probably know what he will quit doing. he is our baby and he is spoiled rotten, i think our older dog missed him this morning while he was gone, but he would never admit it. Then this afternoon I went and got my hair colored and highlighted , and cut . That took all afternoon! I picked up Dink from the vet this afternoon on my way home. He is alseep on my lap right now.All of this because I am so hoping to get my surgery date soon, and need to get some things done b4 my surgery. but i have not heard anything yet! SO tomorrow i will call again adn see what is up. the inusrance is approved and they told me over 2 weeks ago that they would be calling me soon with all the information, so tomorrow i will call and maybe find out some info. well I should go for now, will let you all know if I find anything out tomorrow! have a nice evening, hugs and blessing to all of you.
surgery approved!!
Mar 05, 2009
Well i got the call that my surgery has been approved!!!! i am just so excited about it!! they said that the office would call soon with more information about the preop visit and the surgery date. I just can't wait to get that call. I feel giddy about it and just so happy. and well a little nervous but it is a good nervous if that is possible. I have been feeling so much better lately, and am working a bunch more. It feels so nice to be able to work a little more. All i can think about is when i lose this weight i can work even more and will feel so much better!!! Well i must go fro now just had to shout out my news!!
Nutritionist visit
Feb 12, 2009
Well I went to see the nutritionist today for my 2nd visit. Yeeeee Haaaaa I have lost 14.5 pounds from my first visit 1 month ago! I could hardly believe it.I knew i had lost weight but did not think it was that much. She was very happy with my weight loss preop.I took my food journals and she went over them and said that i was making good choices and it showed on the scale. I am so psyched up right now i am almost giddy. I am fortunate with my insurance as they do not require a 6th month diet regimen preop, just the co-morbitities satisfies their needs, so i see the psych on saturday for the 2nd time to go over my lst visit with him and the "test " i took. The Nuts says that after that visit then i should be able to progress to getting approved from ins., and then all the other preop things that the doctor requires. I did set up another appt with the nuts. which also will work out for me to go to a group right afterwards. Boy things seem to be moving along well. I know that journaling my food/ water intake/exercise, is really helping me to be accountable. God has truely blessed me with this bariatric office and this website. My prayer is for a new healthy happier person in this body in the next year. God bless all of you on your weight loss journey.
Another pound gone!
Jan 25, 2009
Well I stepped on the scales this morning, early. as i could not sleep any longer due to a terrible cough. I lost another pound. Wish it was more, but it was still a loss!! so I am now down 10 pounds from where I started.Have not felt well the last few days, sick with a terrible cough, achenes and fever. My exercising did not seem to get done the last few days either. Well it showed on the scales. Still don't feel very well but I will try to get my bike riding done today. Also got some low impact exercises from my surgeons' office last Friday so I will try to begin that regimen. I really do hope for more weigth loss by the 6th of Feb. as I see the nutritionist again preoperatively and hope to get my surgery date set! Until then I will continue with my diet and exercise. My husband has been much more supportive of the surgery lately, although still believes if i put my mind to it I should be able to get the weight off. He means well. He is dealing with some health issues of his own, his diabetes is taking a tole on him right now. He is not your typical Type II diabetic, has never been overweight, does not "exercise" but is very very active around the farm. He watches what he eats and in that respect has been helpful for me. But neuropathy has been a new problem and we are trying so hard to come up with a solution to his tired, burning and hurting feet. Hopefully the newest meds will be of some help! Well my slim fast is gone now as I write this so now it is time for some fruit. Must go to the store today too as my cupboards are telling me we need some more "healthy" food in this house! and the weather is calling for a snow storm this evening , Oh how i hope the weather forecasters are wrong! Blessings and hugs to all! Cora
First Blog
Jan 21, 2009
OK this is my first blog so I will try not to ramble on and on. I tend sometimes to get a little wordy- my father was a talker and my husband always says " Well you are your father's daughter! I was excited this morning when I put my weight in my weight tracker and I have actually lost 9 pounds instead of the 6 # I thought I had lost! Anyway, I have been journaling my food intake and trying so hard to watch what I put in my mouth, My husband and I have really been eating so much more healthier lately. So I do really feel like I am making some headway. I have been averaging riding my stationary bike about 25 minutes a day, well i do miss a day every once in a while. Can't wait to get my Lab band surgery date. I want to get so healthy so I can go back to work full time. I am a nurse and I work in an outpatient surgery center, I do preop and postop care and absolutely LOVE it. 2 years ago I got pneumonia so bad, both lungs full. I was pretty sick and was almost admitted to ICU to be on a vent, but thank the Lord that did not happen, but i was in a progressive care unit and was monitored very closely, obviously I did get better, but have been hospitalized 2 more times with pneumonia and if possible seems to get worse each time. and had pneumonia another 2 times that did not require hospitalization. I was off work so much that I had to take a PRN position( work only if they need me). my nursing director was great though and at least saved a job for me, another blessing from God. I have support at work for my surgery, my husband is really coming around with his support, he was leary at first, my son is actually dating a girl who has had GBS and is at goal so I have the support from them and my other son and his girfriend as well, And now I have the support of my OH family. God just contually blesses us all , Thank you God. Well it is time for me to get my day started and do all those wonderful errands we love to do-- but hey, it is movement. Maybe I will even go to the gym! I will let you know if I get that done. Well blessings and hugs to all of you! TWCAM!! ( together we can achieve more) Cora ( sorry I guess I did ramble)