24 days...

Aug 03, 2007



This little ticker froggy I put on this site is starting to make me more nervous! lol 24 days until surgery. I've told a few more people. Mom's at playgroup today. They were OK about it. It seems like most people I talk to know someone that has done it.  Then they base their point of view on that persons experience. That's human nature I guess. One of my friend said her mom had it done and did well. 

I'm really worrying about the recovery time. How long will it be until I can be back to at least my normal activity level. Picking up toddlers, laundry, vacuuming and such? I figure that I can keep up Taylor's schoolwork even if I can't keep up with the house.  We will have 2 weeks of school in before surgery , then take a week off. (hopefully a week will be enough) I'm a big baby when it comes to pain, so I am honestly worried about that. I guess I worry too much.

On another note, Dr Hankins called me yesterday to say he has the report (Psych eval) ready to fax to the Surgeon. He wants me to go back to my old therapist for awhile now and right after the surgery. He said there are still signs of depression and that it would be good to have someone to talk to. Not a big surprise. Actually I had already scheduled an appointment to go back.

So that's it for now.



Aug 01, 2007

2 Timothy 1:7

God has not given us a fearful spirit, but a spirit of power, love and a sound mind..

Getting my head in the right place.

Aug 01, 2007

      Last night I had dinner with a friend. I decided to try eating less , listening to my body and so on. I'm sure that I still overate but I really felt like I needed to "practice" for this new lifestyle.  I start my liquid diet on 8/13 so today I tried a test run. Carnation instant breakfast at 10am and Isopure w/ 6oz of skim milk at 1 pm. By 4:30 I was starving. I still managed to have some control when I ate regular dinner with my family. I really worry about not doing well on the pre-surg diet. I'm thinking of calling the Nutritionist and making sure that I understand it all. 3 Shakes a day at 150 calories each does not seem like it will work.    

I bought Gut Feelings by Carnie Wilson last night and read most of it today. She has a really honest, down to earth outlook. I like the book . I will have to check out her web site. Between reading her book, the info and support I have found her prayer and getting into the Word. I feel like I am starting to get my head in the right place to prepare for this. My husband and oldest son support this decision. Now, if only my family(Mom, sisters etc.)  could understand it. .......


Aug 01, 2007


I have a date....

Jul 29, 2007

I have a surgery date of August 27th! I can't believe it. I can't believe my range of emotions happy, sad, scared, excited. As pathetic as it might sound I feel like I have to say goodbye to all my old friends. (Reese, The Count Chocula, The old gang M&M) I scheduled an appointment with my old therapist for 8/21 just in case I lose it with out my friends I 'll have her to keep me sane. I'm also so glad to have found this group. I have received so many great helpful answers to my question about my emotions. It has really lifted me up and pointed me in the right direction. 
Blessings to all,

About Me
Wooday , TX
Surgery Date
Jul 25, 2007
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16 pounds until I'm in Onderland!!
Harder than I thought.
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4 Pounds!
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Pre-op appointment
Liquid diet
Last Weekend
Water park splash bash!!
