One Month Post Op

Jan 04, 2010

So its been a month I've been able to start eating food woo hoo. Not much though I take a few bits and im full.  I can fit into 20 now all my colothes are baggy and im lovin it. I look at my self and still see the same person and dont really see a change in apperence.  I can get in all my water i need I can take pill and dont have to chew my vitimans any more, and can get around sooooo much better.  Im walking evey day and making sure I do it for at least 20 min. each day.

 I dont really get hungery but i eat breakfast and dinner and i drink bullets  for protein.  I make sure everything i eat has a lot of protein little carbs and little sugar.  Sugar  Free is my friend LOL.   I am really glad I had the surgery!

18 Days Post Op!

Dec 20, 2009

Ok its been a couple weeks sense i wrote anything,  I just got back out of the hospital because i had gotten dehydrated due to the connection between my stomach and intestines.  I had to have like 13 bags of IV fluids, and get shots for vitamin and stuff.  Other than that I have been doing good.  I've been losing weight like crazy and I have dropped sizes already Its crazy but assume.  I started out a size 30/32 pants and I can fight into a size 20 I could not believe it I'm going to ask the Doctor for my before Pics tomorrow so I can post them.  For all of you who are getting ready to have surgery or thinking about it, It is so worth it especially if you have Kids, before my surgery I could barley walk and had to use the ride on carts at the stores.  Now I can walk and dance and play with my daughter.  I couldn't do that before I'm just waiting for the day I can go to the park and slide down the slide with her and not get stuck! That day is coming soon.  Everyone has there own trial and tribulation they have to go through but I feel this has had a huge impact on my life for the better.   I may have had a few bumps but Its all good.  Good luck to all.

5 days Post Op!

Dec 07, 2009

So I'm 5 days out and feeling good I went to the mall this morning and walked around for a while.  I am finaly able to get my protein I need down, taking all my vitmans and meds i need.  I have noticed a big difference in my face but dont really know how much weight i have lost yet. I go to my dr. office on Thrusday the 10 for my first post op visit.  I had to go back out to the hospital to get an ultrasound done to see if i had a blood clot in my leg, and when i came out my daughter ask me mommy are you skinny now. LOL  I thought that was cute and I explaned to her that mommy wont be skinny for a while.   But  I losing and thats what counts. 
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I'm Finaly Home!!!

Dec 04, 2009

Hello everyone I just got home from the hospital, I am in pain but its gas pain.  I havent realy had any pain pain yet but I do have large bruses on my stomuch where the insions are.  The surgery went well no complications thank god.  I started walking around 7pm on wed night because i didnt even wake up untill 5pm I was really tired.  I have walked and walked and still am walking, I am getting in about 4 oz an hr of liquid and taking my meds.  I am happy and on my way.

Last Day Before Surgery!!!!

Dec 01, 2009

So I go to the hospital in the morning for surgery  I have packed my bag with everything I can think of that i will need.  I have been on a clear liquid diet for three days and had to take the magnesium citrate this morning so I have not been more than 5 feet from the bathroom  this is not the Biz.  other than that.  Im good  I have only been able to drink water everything else has made me sick.  Yesterday I thought i would die of hunger, I had to go to the grocery store to get milk and some food for my daughter for after surgery.   I never noticed  how much junk is in the store untill i couldnt have it, I dont even like cupcakes but i seen it and I was like that would be so good.   Have you ever noticed how many fast food places you have to pass to get where you need to go, its rediculus there are like fifty just by walmart.

Any way Im so wishing today would hurry and get over with.  I had sat down and wrote a letter to my daughter in the event something would happen and i broke down and wondered if im doing the right thing.  I know i am and its better for her to.  She has never said anything about me being fat  but today I was in the restroom and she said MOmmy you dont fit on the toilet and i ask her if today was the first time she notice that and she said yaeh.  Im glad im getting the surgery so the things she notices are  mommy walking, and being able to play with her insted of how fat mommy is not fitting on the toilet. LOL

I am gratful to all my friends who have been going through this with me and MOVE OVER AND MAKE ROOM I'm on my way to THE LOSERS SIDE!!!!!!!!!!


Surgery Date

Nov 19, 2009

December 2, 2009 is the date of my RNY WOOOOOO  HOOOOOO


Nov 18, 2009

So i called the insurance company this morning and they had told me to call back at 2pm and I did when i called back they told me i had to wait until Friday to get an answer so I was stressed out and had pie I know not the best thing to eat. But I'm a stress eater, any way I had given up on today and was reading my book around 4:50pm my cell rings and its a blocked number normally i don't answer but i did and it was Angie form my Dr. office.  She sounded like she didn't have good news saying your insurance called and it looks like your having surgery YOU ARE APPROVED!!!!! I could not believe it i almost started to cry and couldn't even get my questions out that i had.  She let me know that the girl that dose the scheduling of the surgery appointments wont be in until in the morning and to call first thing.   I called a few of my friends that have the same Dr. and let them know i was approved and posted on facebook. And now am letting my O.H. family know. I will let you guys know tomorrow when the date is!!!

My appointment

Nov 11, 2009

 I went to the Dr. office for my appointment yesterday, It was my pre-op visit.  They let me know they submitted my stuff to insurance, then the nurse came in and talked to me about what everything i need to have for after surgery, and I let her know i have everything already!  They gave me all my pain medications and ulcer prevention medication so that i have it for the surgery. Why when the Dr. came in he said so were doing your surgery next week, and i was like i WISH LOL,  they just submitted to my ins. but he let me know they shouldn't take that long to approve and he's schedule is pretty open right now so it will be in the next few weeks I will have surgery.  I lost weight from the last time i was in the Dr. office but it was only 3lbs i was hopping for more but i have been eating regular food and not my shakes.  The Dr. was telling me he would like me to go on an all liquid diet the week before surgery so I'm use to not eating foods just liquids, which is OK I can do that.  I am so excited I cant wait for the call with the date as soon as i get it i will post it here. Please keep me in your prayer that everything go's though an they approve me!
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Nov 09, 2009

I'm super excited I got a call at 8am this morning from my psych. letting me know that he had faxed my report.  At 9 am I called the DR. office to make sure they received it and they proceeded to let me know that they have everything i need to submit to insurance.  I go in in the morning for my pre-op visit so everyone please cross your finger and pray that they approve me for surgery.  I will let everyone know how my appointment go's tomorrow when i get home.

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I went to the psych. today!

Nov 04, 2009

I went to the psych. today and everything went good he said he would send the report to the Dr. by Monday morning.  That is so good because i go to the surgeon on the 10Th pray i get my approval! 

About Me
Roanoke, VA
Nov 07, 2007
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