Yet Another WOW Moment.....

Mar 26, 2008

I was at Walmart picking up my Husbands pills so I thought I would go try on some jeans ok......Picture this a dress room me and two pairs of jeans........The first pair a size 8 they went on with no problem now I went for the second pair a size 6 YES a size 6 OMG they went on just as easy as the size 8 

I started doing my happy dance again than I called my Husband Steve to share my news with him 

I know in an everyday world most people really wouldn't care if you got into a size 6 jeans.....but when I came from a size 22 just over 10 months ago to this.....To me and my family it is a WOW Moment that brings tears to me when I see myself in the mirror....

As for the other people in the store near the dressing room I'm really sure that were think listen to the crazy women in there...I'm glad that I'm that crazy women in the Walmart Dressing Room Today!!!! 

WOW Moment....

Mar 22, 2008

This morning I got on the made me cry....(Happy Tears) I'm down 92 pounds 133...While out shopping today I had to humor  myself so I tried on a size 8 jeans...they went on with no problem I danced around in the dressing room watching myself in the mirror....

Could this person really be ME  Yes it was Me for the first time I really saw the new ME...Everybody tells me how thin I am but I was still seeing my self very over weight funny when I do shop for myself I always go for the larger sizes now I just go up to a rack and pick up a shirt or what ever and just get it...yes without trying it on...

I'm 8 pounds from losing 100 pounds and 13 pounds from my goal weight  (I'm doing my dance again...LOL) 

Life's too short......Dance like No one is Watching you!!!

Ok I back I lost my first

Jul 24, 2007

As I said I had my surgery May 1st 2007 I weighed 225 I was doing great with my weight loss but I had some down time I had a pallet fell on my foot so I haven't been able to walk or do much for the last 3 weeks I'm down to 172 which is awesome for me......

The Docter said I should be able to start walking by next week and I was walking 6 mile a day and the weight was coming off it's still coming off just not as fast as I want it out Gym I'm coming back!!!

About Me
Lansing, MI
Jul 24, 2007
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Yet Another WOW Moment.....
WOW Moment....
Ok I back I lost my first
