April 6, 2003 I called Physicians Care Network to check on the paperwork from Loyola to approve or deny the surgery on Friday, April 4,2003. They told me they still have not received any paperwork from Loyola. I will call Loyola on Monday to verify they have sent everything out. I am trying to be patient but I think a week to get the paperwork sent off to my local office is plenty of time. Hurry up and wait!! =)

April 16,2003 Loyola states they don't have a mailing address for my PCP, thus the 3 week hold-up on sending my paperwork to my PCP. They were supplied that address and after 2 more weeks, my PCP still had no paperwork. I think Sheryl at Dr. Brems office is sick of me calling. The last conversation I had with her she told me, "Your only 1 of many claims I deal with, you need to be patient." Yes, I am only one, but I matter to myself and I am making sure I do everything necessary to get approved the first time around. Plus, I have been told by everyone you have to stay on top of everyone to get approved and not get lost in the paperwork shuffle.

May 9, 2003 YAY! I have finally gotten some word, after a month long wait and numerous phone calls...I am tenatively scheduled for surgery on July 17, 2003, providing insurance approves me. Loyola finally gave up on the mailing of the forms and just faxed the necessary forms to my PCP, and my PCP sent them to my insurance office the same day for approval. My insurance called today and the only thing they are requesting, at this time, is all the previous diets I have attempted in the past. Jenny Craig and my two former doctors who prescribed Phen Fen were both willing to supply those medical records. Hoping to have all my medical records to my PCP by Tuesday May 13, 2003.

May 14,2003 ALL needed paperwork regarding previous diets I attempted have been faxed to PCN. When I talked to PCN today she said everything that was submitted in ref to their request would go back in front of the medical board again and they should have a final decision by this Friday or Monday, on whether or not I am approved or denied!! I believe Dr. Brems has given them the necessary info to approve me for this surgery, I just hope they
feel that I need the surgery as well. Two days seems like an eternity to me and my future and health is now in the hands of my insurance company. My emotions are running high right now, and my stress is unbelievable...I am SO scared I am going to be turned down. It was much easier when I didn't know my future was before the medical board and I was just wondering if they had gotten paperwork or where the process was. It's a grueling wait when you know they are determining your lifes future in a matter of just two days. I am asking everyone to cross their fingers for me and I will post as soon as I know more info.

May 15,2003 I contacted Kathleen at PCN. She said she had faxed all the info over to the medical board and hoped she would have an answer by 4pm. She told me to call her back then and she would let me know, either way..that way I wouldn't have to wait for my PCP to tell me. She is sooo nice! =)
I called back at 4:05 pm and was told I was APPROVED!!!!
I am still in shock. I can't believe how fast and easy it was to
be approved. For everyone who told me BC/BS HMO was tough, they
couldn't be more wrong. I am very happy at how quickly they handled my request. Thank you Dr. Villacorta (my PCP) for referring me, thank you to PCN for making sure all the needed info was sent so we got such a quick approval. The next 2 months are going to seem like an eternity. I can not wait to be on the losing side and doing ALL the things I am not able to do now or don't feel comfortable doing.
If anyone wants to email me feel free to do so.

May 23, 2003, I received a call today from Loyola's surgery team at 4:45 pm, NOT to mention on a holiday weekend no less.
She wanted to > inform < me, that with her sincerest regrets Dr. Brems is no longer performing Gastric Bypass Surgery.
She is sorry but my surgery date of July 17, 2003 has been cancelled. The words kept echoing, CANCELLED!!! CANCELLED!! I am still in shock. I do not understand why they even had me come in for a consult, let alone the surgery to ever be scheduled if he wasn't going to be performing this type of surgery anymore. Her only answer was I am sorry. I asked her why he wasn't going to finish the surgeries he had already scheduled since I was already approved. She said she didn't know, but his decision had been made and she couldn't offer me anything more. > EYE ROLL < I am completely disgusted with Loyola as they are the ones that have held up my approval from the get go on how slow they were to get the paperwork going anywhere. I can't imagine how anyone who was scheduled for surgery in the next few weeks must feel. It is sickening and it completely angers me to no end. I have heard of this happening to others but I don't recall their outcomes. I know generally when this happens, there is another doctor in the same facility and they can end up performing the surgery. However, in my case, Loyola only had Dr. Brems who was performing this type of surgery. If anyone knows where I should go next, in my process, please let me know. I will be calling my insurance tomorrow to find out if they send me out of network now or if I am just completely screwed over, thanks to Loyola. I'd appreciate anyones help!! So much for a Happy Memorial Day!!

May 27, 2003 I contacted my insurance company (PCN) and they told me Northwestern Illinois Hospital would be taking over where Dr. Brems at Loyola failed. The downfall, I would have to start completely over from the beginning, having the initial consult and resubmitting for the surgery. UGH!!! I called there to schedule a consult. The girl that answered was rude as can be, told me they were NOT accepting patients til August or later. She refused to give me anymore information and I ended up hanging up on her. I called back to PCN and they put me on hold, came back and told me to contact Rush Presbytarian (St. Lukes) in Chicago. They have 5 doctors there who perform Gastric Bypass Surgery, open and laproscopic. I researched their Doctors online at WWW.USSURG.COM and chose Dr. Deziel. His credentials were outstanding!! I called their office and had a sweet girl listen to me explain how I got screwed over at Loyola and she told me she would do everything she could to help me. I don't even remember her name as everything was a whirlwind. I had an appointement scheduled for Friday, June 6th at 9:40 am. I had to make the trek again to Chicago, hoping to not be let down this time. I arrived at 9:00 and figured I would have to wait for those 40 mins until my scheduled appointment time. They called me to the back 7 mins after I arrived. (I was impressed so far). I met with Dr. Deziels assistant Reynata. What an awesome lady. I was already feeling MUCH more comfortable than at Loyola. They assumed since I was a former Loyola patient, and had been scheduled for surgery, I would already have had Rush's required tests-blood work, EKG, chest x-ray, psych evaluation. They were shocked to learn the only thing I had with Dr. Brems was the initial consult and a meeting with a dietician and I was scheduled for surgery with no other requirements. I waited approximately 10 mins for Dr. Deziel to enter the room. He had a student Doctor with him as well. His mannerisms were warm, he was very personable, he was open to questions and comments, and I was completely relaxed. He understood that I had done a lot of research on GBS but he explained all the details of what would take place, he also told me I would be a good candidate for the Laproscopic RNY. I have not done much research on it and he told me to research it and give him my decision at our next meeting. I am still unsure of which route I am going to go. =) I then was sent back to meet with Reynata for further scheduling of a dietician consult, psychology consult, blood work and xrays. She was excellent to deal with and I really liked her. I am tenatively scheduled for surgery on July 22, 2003. YAY!!!!!!
I am having all my x-rays and blood work done Saturday, June 14 at my local PCP's office. In my overall opinion, I would have to say Loyola screwing me over and me finding Dr. Deziel at Rush was a blessing in disguise. I have said this from day 1, do NOT ever give up for something you desperately want. The difference between Loyola and Rush, I had to do all the legwork and make numerous long distance calls with Loyola. Reynata at Rush is handling everything. I can't believe the difference in degree of professionalism from one place to another.

July 21, 2003 Once again all the postings I have done the last few days are no where to be found. I am beginning to become unhappy with this website. I have thanked several people who have helped to make this surgery a success and even thanked the webmaster who owns this site, to not even find my update here.
I received my call today that surgery is at 1:30 pm tomorrow. In
answer to many of your questions, NO I am not nervous. I just can't wait to get to the losing side. I am looking forward to so
many things. I am >anxious< if your looking for me to term how I feel. It seems daily I meet another person who has had this surgery and is doing well. Mandy had surgery in February and has lost 108lbs. You look great girl! Also, I received an email today from someone who was visiting this site. We have known each other for a few years, and use to work together. She is trying to get approved for surgery. So Irene, this goes out to you....I know your the Fiesty Italian and you won't give up til you get what you want. I am behind ya all the way and say Go Irene GO!! Go get the City and get your approval. I'll say a lil prayer that you get an approval and set the precedence for all the others who want/will want the surgery once your approved!
It's time for those last minute to do things, pack, change the kitty litter, check my check list for the 50th time and try and rest. I have 3 hours to get the last of my fluids/foods in til after surgery. I feel a protein shake coming on baby!!
Take care all and I hope to post again soon after surgery.
*For all of you that have emailed me from this site that I have never met or talked to personally, I really appreciate your well wishes, the kind words and the thoughtful things you have emailed me. It's people like you who make this a great site!!

July 31, 2003 I see they didn't find all my postings, but the one prior to sugery is here. That part is good, I guess. I am a loser now, it's official!! My surgery was July 22, 2003 at 1:30 pm. Prior to leaving, my Dr's office called and said they may have to postpone me til July 24, 2003 due to 3 serious emergency OR surgeries that took the operating room. Reynata told me to sit tight and she would call me back in 15 mins. She did, and told me, get on the road..your still a go, they just may do the surgery later in the afternoon instead. We arrived on schedule and went through the admissions process. I did have to wait until about 3:30 before they started getting me ready for surgery. They took me to OR at 4:30 pm and I was out of surgery by 8:00 pm. Everything went very well according to Dr. Deziel.
I was in recovery all of Wednesday because the floor I was going to, didn't have an open room. The only problem I had was with the breathing tube. They stopped giving me the meds in order to come take the tube out but then didn't take it out til I was choking, trying to chew the tube, and beating on the side of my bed as I couldn't breathe. It took them 3 hours to remove it after they stopped the pain meds. The nurse in recovery was calling numerous times and I heard her yelling how it was unfair to me. Finally they come to take it out. They moved me to my room at 6pm on Wednesday night. Home sweet room..sigh. My friend Amy and her fiance Kevin came to see me at 7pm. She said OMG you look great, on my 2nd day I couldn't even carry a conversation. Other than the abdomen being sore, I wasn't in too bad of pain.
On Thursday, they took me down for my barium tests to check for any signs of leaking. PAIN, walk to a bed, climb on a step, lay on the bed, wheeled to another bed, climb onto that, swallow barium, turn from side to side and get pics. PAIN. I got to watch on the camera and tadah, NO leaks!! Yippee the tube from my nose into my stomach got to come out. Climb back onto the bed, wheeled back to my room, climb off my bed onto a step stool, step down and then have to pee. PAIN. Once I exited the bathroom the rudest nurse I had during my entire stay says, HI, I'm Nicole, your day nurse, and your going to walk the floor now, and sit upright for several hours etc. I said uhm I would like to rest for a little bit, I just went through hell. She says, well it's called tough love. OK now I am in tears as I just went thru hell and finally yelled at her to leave me alone about tough love, and to not talk to me unless she had a yes or no question. She did leave me alone to rest and I did sit upright and walk later in the evening, with my FAVORITE pct Reggie. ALL of the nurses and pct were great...I had 2 favorites, Reggie my pct and Valerie my 3rd shift nurse. Aside from listening to the train and the nurses call station ringing, I did get some rest and had no complaints at all about the hospital. The 9th floor, Kellog crew were really awesome. I can't wait to go back and see them when my GF Tracy has her surgery on August 12. 2003. Now this brings me to Tracy, my ANGEL...you guys have no idea how awesome she is, but since my last thanks to her was lost, I will post it again. She is the bestest!! She has called me daily to check on me, drove together with my BF Ron to come see me, together they had a bouquet of balloons for me. Then she drove back Saturday to pick me up and bring me home because she was afraid I would have a hard time sitting in my low riding car. She still calls to check on me daily, has been over to visit and has given me tons of emotional support. Tracy, I love ya and can't thank you enough. I hope to be there for you on August 12, 2003. The other ANGEL I have is my BF Ron and his 9yo son Devin. Ron has ran his butt off for me since the day we have gotten home. Going to get my prescription filled, walking the grocery store and getting me all the things I needed/wanted, getting me a walker and a stool for the tub to sit on when I couldn't stand in the shower the first 2 days I was home. He has been going non stop to help me in any way possible. His son is a blessing as well, vacuuming the house, doing laundry, mowing the lawn, and taking care of all the pets. I love all of you guys and can't thank you enough. xoxo

August 2, 2003 Went to see Dr. Deziel for my 1 week post op. He said I am doing great, took out my staples and told me I have lost 17lbs. Yipee, I'm a LOSER baby!!! I was guessing I had lost about 10lbs as Ron had said he could notice spots I had already dropped weight. 10+7more...woohoo. My only complaints are the abdomen muscle, heat and ice packs just don't seem to take the pain away. The other problems I have are #1 some of the medicine given to me in my IV, pooled into a fatty spot on my arm. I have a severe burning feeling, like my arm is on fire. I keep kneading the muscle but the pain isn't continuous. It is mostly noticeable when I use my arm. #2 is my upper right thigh has numbness when I walk, sit or try to sleep. It's not painful, but more annoying like when your leg goes to sleep. Dr. says both are common and will go away eventually. Other than those complaints. I was given a clean bill of health. We left the Dr. office and walked to the main entrance to get parking passes and bagels for my BF. The bakery shop at the hospital has the best bagels I have ever had for 99 cents a piece. I can't wait til I can have one again. Then walked back to the parking garage. I wasn't feeling too bad after all the walking with no walker. On the drive home we stopped at Caputo's Italian Market and I did fairly well walking the grocery store with no walker or help. I was very tired after the 2 1/2 hour drive in, walking the store and the 2 1/2 hour drive home. We rested for a little while then went to Wal-Mart. I walked our Super Wal-mart from end to end. I paid for it dearly on Friday, as I was very sore and not moving too fast. Today is Saturday morning and I am not feeling too bad. I did notice it was a little easier to get out of bed. It didn't take as long so I think my abdominal muscles are starting to feel better. For being 10 days post op, I actually feel pretty darn good!

August 5, 2003 Just wanted to drop in and post. I am getting around much better each day. Last night I started my nightly walking regimen. My dog and I walked around the block. Halfway through, I was a little sore and tired. I knew to either finish or turn back, it would be another half, so I chose to complete the block. The only pain I have is the muscle in my abdomen and my back. I am not a back sleeper and it's really taking a toll to sleep on my back. I can't wait til I can side sleep again. It feels I stretch the abdomen muscle about every 10th time I get up and then an over whelming burning pain hits me and stops me til I rub my stomach for a few mins. I still have the numbness in my upper right thigh, but it's not as predominant as when I first came home. Basically it's only noticeable now when I try to sleep. It doesn't cause pain, just that annoying feeling of your leg going to sleep. I am hoping walking nightly will eliminate it soon. I am 2 weeks post op now and really have no complaints.

August 6 2003 Just wanted to update and let you know what happen yesterday to scare me. I had a sudden onset of a sharp pain under my left breast. It would come and go as I took a deep breath, yawned, or tried to get up out out of bed or off the couch. It wasn't unbearable but was uncomfortable. By the time I climbed into bed that night and layed down, the pain became unbearable and I had a shortness of breath. It hurt so bad to breath. I woke up several times in the night, trying heat/cold packs with no relief. I decided to call Dr. Deziels office at 7:30 am. They put me right through to his assistant Reynata. Dr. Deziel is on vacation this week but another Dr. called me back within 5 mins. He asked me to go to the local Er, asap. He felt I had a blood clot or pneumonia. I was stunned! How could I get either? I am up and moving non stop, I am walking every night. Tearful eyed and scared to death I went to the ER. They did a chest x-ray and took my blood. They couldn't make a determination off the chest x-ray, stated my blood was elevated some and ordered a cat scan. It came back negative...THANK GOD!!! I was so relieved but I didn't have leg swelling (usually associated with a blood clot) so I would have been shocked to have pneumonia or a blood clot cuz I am up and moving often. He told me I was having chest wall pain, and muscle pain associated with the LAP RNY. They gave me Toradol through the vein, which instantly relieved a lot of the pain. It is still sore, I can't take a deep breath, and god don't let me sneeze. It sharp pains every now and then but feels a little better. I think climbing up into the truck and pulling myself up from bed and off the couch contributed to a lot of it. I have slowed down a little now, even tho I feel ok, I don't want to over do it again. Surgery, and some of the complications you can get from it, are a very scary thing. I have read from numerous postings on here, you don't mess around with any onset of any sudden, severe pain. I feel I did the right thing by being checked out at the ER. The other good news to it is I have lost an additional 6lbs. Yippee!! I am down 23lbs in 15 days. I see Dr. Deziel August 15, 2003 and will post again then.

August 16, 2003 I saw Dr. Deziel yesterday for my 3 week post op. I have lost 33lbs in 3 weeks and 3 days. Yippee!! I was pretty happy with that and so was he. Everything is healing up nicely and as soon as this abdominal muscle heals up, I will be at 100%. I feel great and am ready to start my swim exercises now.
We stopped in to check on my GF Tracy who had her surgery 7-14. She had just been admitted to her reg room. She is doing great also. Welcome to the other side!! We're big losers together! =)
On the drive home, my honey decided to stop in at Joe's Crabshack. Of course the dinner platter looked awesome but I knew there was no way I could order a dinner. I explained to the waiter about my surgery, my ability to eat, and asked if I could just order an add on of crab legs. They had no problem with that.
They brought me 6 Dungeness legs and and I asked for a ton of lemons and skipped the butter. I noticed the lemons were overly tart. By the time my 2nd leg was eaten, I felt this horrendous
chest pain, and my throat felt like it was closing in. My BF asked if I thought I was having an allegic reaction. I said no, just the lemons were really tart and causing some major heartburn. I got up to walk, no relief. I decided that I felt pretty sick. UGH. I went to the bathroom and belched up tons of foamy lemon. I know pretty gross, but honest. I finally asked for the keys to the truck and decided if I went out in the heat it may cause me to throw up and I may feel a WHOLE lot better. The acid was causing severe, burning chest pains. He finally came out and as soon as we drove around the building and to the exit, I said uhm honey, pull over I am gonna hurl. Thank GOD we have tiny stomachs that hold hardly anything. Ohhhhhh my did that ever pull the abdominal muscle that was healing. The good news, once I purged the lemon, I was feeling great. The chest pain stopped and I was a lot better. Now I know what it feels like to dump. OMG painnnnnn. I don't wish to bring on another dumping syndrome anytime soon. I have been lucky the last 3 weeks to not dump on anything. Well back to bed, maybe I can sleep again now that I have rested my back again. I hope side sleeping is in order soon. I miss getting a full nights sleep.
I see the Dr. again in 3 more weeks. Hope to post then.
Take Care!

September 17, 2003 WOW I guess it has been a while since I updated anything on my profile. I have posted several times to
the message board but not to here. Aside from a UTI that hasn't cleared up after a week still, things are going well for me.
I am 8 weeks out and have lost 49lbs. WOOHOO!!! I can sooo taste the 1/2 century mark. I feel like I am a slow loser but I feel great, I no longer have an obsession for food, soda, or sweets, and food doesn't rule me anymore, even when I am having a bad day, pmsing or just bored. I am thankful everyday for having WLS. Some things that have changed since 4 weeks out, I am no longer tired after eating anything. I use to always need a nap. I also don't get the tightness in my esophagus after eating. My extra stinky armpits are no longer extra stinky. The only dumping I have had is once on the lemon (read above) and the second time on Lean Cusine mashed potatoes. I have learned to become more label conscience and make sure I am putting only good things into my body.
I am also starting to get compliments more often now on how much thinner certain parts of my body are becoming and how my clothes are hanging off me. I told my co-workers until my pants fall off me when I walk across the room, I intend to keep wearing them. >gigling< So far everyone I have told has been extremely positive and have given me many words of encouragement.
I still am walking at least 3-5 times a week. Went for my nightly walk last night, but to a new place. It was very serene and peaceful..the bike/walking path wraps around a nice lake.
My bf Ron's work was slow and they asked him if he wanted to go home, so he took the night off and as a nice surprise to me, suggested we make it a family walk. Ron, his 9yo son (losing weight from the no snacks, no soda in the house, walking, drinking lots of water, eating proteins etc.) and I.
On a humorous note, this morning when I woke up, I noticed my necklace, which I never take off, had a knot in it. The weirdest part of it is I could look down and see the diamond and the knot around the stone. I guess I never realized I had a big neck before. LOL. It is amazing the things you learn about your body every day after WLS.
I also need to send a shout out to my angel Tracy, she is doing really awesome as well. I think last count at 6 weeks she was down 40lbs. Great job Tracy. I can't wait til we see Dr. Deziel next Wednesday for our offical weigh in's and more importantly, he sees us and our weight loss!!!
My prayers are with everyone who is in Isabel's line of fire. Please be safe.

September 23, 2003 Hi everyone, just wanted to drop in and say I weighed myself on my scale and it shows....drum roll please....
50lbs gone, bye bye, out the window, lost forever! Woohooooooo!! OK I don't want to get too overly excited I am only at the 1/2 century mark but I have been waiting for this first milestone. I contribute a lot of my success to, water, proteins and exercise. I walked miles and miles on Saturday afternoon. Our family walk around a lake in a state park we have was for 3 hours straight. We walked the trail around the lake which means, stepping over fallen trees, stumps, hilly parts, flat parts, you name it. I felt great during the walk and only found myself out of breath 2x after climbing some BIG hills.
I am really starting to notice more and more the clothes falling off me. Some days when I look in the mirror, I can't believe it's me staring back and I think wow 50lbs really makes that much of a difference? Other days I look and say you have a long way to go and strangers still see you as the fat obese person that you still are. I am ok with that, I know where I came from 9 weeks ago and am proud of my accomplishment. I am thankful for this surgery every day, well except on the days that I get sick on my food and stand in the bathroom begging to God to just let me throw up..haha!
I met up with my GF and Angel Tracy on Sunday.We met up at the mall and as soon as I saw her she said, I have to throw up. All I could do was laugh, because I have been there. We can totally relate to each other. Her surgery was 2 weeks after mine and almost everything I experience happens to her 2 weeks after it does to me. We left the mall and went to a local park and walked the lake. I have to send up 3 cheers for Tracy because last year at this time she wouldn't have even attempted the walk, let alone make it. I have started my 2nd prescription to axe my UTI, not to mention Aunt Flo couldn't have arrived at any worse of a time. Such is life!

November 10, 2003 Hi Everyone, sorry I haven't been here to post in a while. Fall is just a very busy time for me. Ron's birthday is October 28th, Halloween is the 31st, Devins birthday is November 30th. Putting up decorations, making plans for Turkey Day dinner, dart league 2x a week, ahhhh you get the picture. Things are going well for me, I have lost 73lbs now and am down to 242. I checked the scale today and I am really close to pushing 240. YAY Me!! Even tho I am no longer a daily scale checker, more like 2x a week. More than anything, I am going by my pants. I have dropped down another size in "regular" jeans to a 22/24. They are starting to get loose also but I can't slip into an 18/20 quite yet. I also tried on my boyfriends 36in waist Levi's. I can get them up but no way in blazes are they going to zip or button. My goal is to wear his jeans for 1 day. The only problem is, since my surgery he has lost 20 plus pounds of his own. NOT that he needs it by any means, but now he has dropped to a 34in waist and they are a lil baggy.
I also have kicked my bad soda habit. For about a month I couldn't resist any kind of soda..diet, fruit punch, orange, sierra mist, non diet, caffeine free. I was just obsessed and had slowed down on my water too. A few Mondays ago at work, I decided no soda for the whole week. I dropped 5lbs that week. If that isn't an incentive to lay the heck off soda, I don't know what is!!!! I have discovered I kinda like Crystal Lite's raspberry tea as well. I am still walking as much as possible. It is starting to get freezing cold here in Rockford, so I imagine that is going to die down soon. I use to wear shorts thru November to my dart leagues, my teammates are teasing me that I am losing my >insulation< as I am always freezing now. I am thinking Bally's here I come!!
It is also nice that people are really starting to notice the weight loss. I receive a compliment at least several times a week. We went to dinner at our favorite china buffet, the owner could not believe me. She had me twirl around in a circle, lol! BTW, my BMI is now 39.9 down from 53.3. I hope the site will post my new pics soon. I will be sending them along today.

November 24,2003 Hi everyone! I just wanted to drop in and wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving. It's been about 4 months for me now since my lap. I am down about 80lbs. My clothes are falling off me, rings are loose, and even my shoes are getting smaller. I still can't believe what I see when I try on the clothes I wore last year at this time. I literally can put my boyfriends son in my jeans with me to make the size I was in those 30/32 jeans. ACK!!! I can't thank Dr. Deziel enough for helping me to start my life again. MUAH!!!
Happy Thanksgiving!


July 26,2004 Hi everyone! I have had several people riding my >smaller< than ever behind to get this web page updated. I was officially 1 year out on July 22, 2004. I have lost 150lbs and am at the weight of 165lbs. Did I mention I love life, clothes shopping, looking at myself in the mirror, smiling, laughing, dancing my a$$ off, hiking, walking, taking the stairs etc.
I won't tell you everything was a picnic but it has been worth it every step of the way. First things first is to remove the pic of my X who couldn't handle my weight loss and became very verbally, mentally and physically abusive around the time I lost 80lbs. I have been enjoying the single life, going out with the girls, checking out the eye candy and having tons of fun being single. However, at some point, I still hope to find a wonderful man who just adores me no matter what size I am, how saggy my arms are, (and they are) or understands that my boobs went south. It doesn't feel real when I am told I am soo sexy or look *HOT* in an outfit I am wearing. I went from a size 30-32 and am now wearing size 14 misses. I carry my old "fat" pics with me all the time and have amazed some people I have met or that I had not seen in a long time. I remember spending hours on this site, looking at pics and reading the profiles and hearing about the changes. I never could imagine I would get to this point and could do the same thing. I will tell ya, it is all true, what you read. You have nooo idea what it is like to see yourself after you lose 100lbs, until it happens to you. I don't know that I always get in the recommended protein and yup I am a minimal pop drinker but I think I do pretty dang well following instructions. The only thing I have a hard time with is vanilla ice cream. It can be reg or sugar-free but my body does NOT like it. I am not lactose intolerant, just vanilla ice cream intolerant, lol. My angel Tracy is still one of the greatest friends I have and she is doing awesome as well. I always like to give her a shout out cuz she keeps me grounded. My friend Misty who had the surgery just inherited 2 pair of jeans and a pair of jean shorts from me. Keep up the good work gf your a hotty too. For all of you out there who are waiting for surgery, I will cross my fingers for you, never ever give up on your dreams. Leann this goes out to you..don't give up, you will get approved and you too will be a totally new person. I know you see it in me and how much I have changed. I am right here for ya when you get to the surgery point. I love ya gf! I hope to see my new pics up soon. Until then, time to take the dog for a walk.

August 29, 2004 Just stopped by to say hi to anyone who was reading. Nothing new other than still dropping sizes. I am now
wearing size 12 Levis and Hilfigers. Been hitting the resale shops hard. I love walking in and getting a pair of Tommy Hilfiger jeans with the new tags still on em for 15 bux. I also got a Columbia jacket, size medium...woohoo go me! I had shock and panic when I walked to my winter closet and realized I had no winter coat that I wasnt swimming in, no fall jacket and 2 long sleeved shirts. Darn, guess I HAVE to go shopping now. Just counting down the days to my Door County trip in October and working hella OT. I am ready for a vacation.

October 14, 2004 Just a quick hello. Door County was gorgeous!
Of course it is fall time there. I got a ring while I was there. I had to ask the jeweler if he had a SMALLER size. He said I am wearing about a 5 1/2 to 6. Gorgeous amber stones, very unique looking. Did a lot of walking, took over 300 pics. I couldn't get my dog to come up from the water, lol. Last weigh in was 158lbs. I am still wearing size 12 jeans. Shirts very from M or L depending on the brand. I still love my resale shops. I think I go about once a week now. Take Care.

May 15,2005 Wow, where does the time go. I am working on 2 years out now. My weight is 145lbs. I have lost an additional 20lbs since last summer. I seem to be maintaining at this weight. I am wearing size 8-10 jeans. I am a re-sale shop a holic!! Dr. Deziel told me my weight would be around 160. I told him I wanted to be at 150. I am very happy with 145 and if that's all the smaller I get, I am content. I have no health problems, but most of all no regrets that this was the best choice I have ever made in my life. I believe I use my TOOL to my new life wisely.
Take Care.

About Me
Rockford, IL
Surgery Date
Mar 27, 2003
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
7-22-2003 Day of surgery
5-17-2005 Almost 2 years out / 9-12-06 Over 3 years out

Friends 1
