My Story 6/05 to 6/06

Jun 13, 2009

I am scheduled for surgery June 15, 2005, only 4 days away. I have gotten copies of the OH magazine and read about those who have had surgery and lost over 100 lbs. I am apprehensive but excited about the possibilities opening up for me. Thanks to OH for being there with such wonderful support and help.

Wow, tomorrow I have my surgery. I can't believe the day is finally almost here. I went to my doctor, Dr. Kay Rambalski this morning for my pre-surgery physical. All went well, they took blood, did an EKG and general physical. They will fax it to the Bariatric Center. They told me not to wait for a copy, that they will have it faxed but I am a little nervous about it, hope it all gets there o.k. After I went to the doctor, I went to have a manicure and pedicure. It felt really good to be pampered a bit. Then I came home and put together a notebook with all the paperwork and surgery handbook.
My daughter Heather (21 years old, former MN Vikings Cheerleader and gorgeous) is in New York this week trying out for MTV's 'Making the Band'. She called to tell me she made it through the first round, wow. Anyway, she was so sad the other day because she wasn't going to be here the day of my surgery. I told her she'd be there just after and go make your dreams come true, so she went. Anyway, when I got home I had the most beautiful card from her wishing me well. It was wonderful, I just cried.
So, I had the worst time this past year. I started out last April weighing 248 lbs. I was to lose at least 20 lbs before surgery, go through structured weight loss. I had a very bad year because I have such a long history with Weight Watchers and gaining back weight. Anyway, I got so discouraged that I ended up GAINING 15 lbs. I had to go in and tell the Bariatric Center about the gain. They were very kind, said maybe I just wasn't ready. I tried so hard to lose it for so many months and finally in April, I went in and just sobbed about my plateau at 263 lbs. They scheduled surgery then for June 15th, told me I didn't have to go back to Weight Watchers, that I'd been going long enough and told me just to eat low fat and do my best. When I went in last week, I'd lost the 15 lbs in just 6 weeks. Go figure! But I was so very excited I could hardly stand it. I have done well, eating low fat in the last week but was up a pound (249 lbs) at the doctor this a.m. Hmmm. Anyway, I had to take a laxative last night and am drinking clear liquids only today so maybe I will be a 248 lbs tomorrow again. There is a woman in my support group whose surgery was cancelled after being all prepped for surgery because she was up 2 lbs and the surgeon thought it was too dangerous! She has since had the surgery but these stories make you nervous! I freaked myself out last night by reading some of the stories of surgeries on the site. Then read the successes and calmed down. Please pray for me! Here I go...

I am home, came home yesterday about noon. It has gone well. I don't remember much about the day of surgery except that I was in pain only when getting up or down. It was major surgery, no doubt but I did well, I think and each day is better. It is so hard to get in all the liquids. I was supposed to drink 42 oz. yesterday and only made it to 38 before I just had to go to bed. There was a lot of fussing around before and after my discharge and then I took a long nap. I think I'll get in all the liquids today. It is about 10 to 1p.m. and I have gotten in 28 oz. so I should be able to make it to 52, as is required today. Then 64 oz. tomorrow and every day after that.
I am tired, and feel more like napping than exercising but I did walk for about 5 minutes this morning and will again this afternoon. I want to do this all the right way so I don't have any complications that I can prevent.
After a year of worry about being at the right weight for surgery, I was down 17 lbs. and the doctor said he could tell I was well prepared. That felt REALLY good. Now, it is down from here, no doubt, yeah! :) More soon!

6 days post-op and feeling good! I have very little pain and can lay on my side for short periods of time now (I could probably do longer but I am so aware of the twitching and mild aching in my incision site that I end up on my back). Even though I feel good, I have a couple of problems. One, my tongue was coated in gray last night, it started rubbing off before I knew what it was and it freaked me out a little. I'll have to call the Bariatric Center nurse today and ask her about it. The other thing is that I have trouble going to sleep. I feel kind of twitchy and alert when I go to bed which is not like me, I usually sleep so well (before surgery). Then I wake up at 4 a.m. and can't go back to sleep for a couple of hours. It is so weird. I am not particularly worried or thinking about anything, I am just wide awake. I don't like not sleeping. What has happened the last couple of days is that I go to sleep about 7 a.m. and sleep until 10 a.m. I'd rather sleep well when I go to bed until morning! Maybe I am just spoiled. There are a lot of people who have trouble sleeping, much worse than me!
After the first day, I have had no problem getting in 64 oz. of liquid. It feels like I am drinking constantly but it is working and I am always over the 64... There are so many food commercials on t.v., it is just crazy. I am not tempted at all to eat solid food. The good attitude helps, i.e., I know I am not supposed to and could end up in the hospital so not even a consideration. Also, I am not physically hungry at all. but, everybody is always eating something. It will be nice if I can start tomato and cream soups after I see the MD tomorrow afternoon. Except for skim milk and broth, all of the diet drinks I can have are so sweet! I guess I sound like I am whining. In reality, I feel so happy that this is going well. So far no dumping (fingers are crossed). Glad I am not tempted to eat yet and glad I am satisfied. It is a blessing to feel no real pain at all and feel the healing every day. I also have lost some more weight I think, already. I can feel it. It will be fun to weigh in at the MD tomorrow and see that it is already happening. One of women who had surgery this month as well said she was on her way to being a skinny phat girl. Love it. More soon :)

Wow, major set back. I was to see my surgeon for a follow-up appointment on Wed, 6-22-05. I showered and felt so tired, woozy and sick. I was fairly good when sitting but every time I got up, I felt light headed and fainty. I got dressed and was about to drive in when just after climbing the stairs, I could barely stand. I got all sweaty and weird. My daughter called and encouraged me to call the doctor. I did and he told me to go to the ER. I don't know how I drove there, angels must have carried me. By the time I got to the ER, I felt so awful. They kept me in the ER for 4 hours, giving me fluids and checking my hemoglobin. I had had a bloody stool as well. They admitted me to the hospital and I got worse and worse until at 4 a.m. on Thursday morning, I fainted when I got up to the bathroom and had another bloody stool. My blood pressure dropped to 80/40 and they were having a very difficult time getting it up again. I was transferred to ICU and had a blood transfusion, which really helped. I was discharged to my sister's house on Friday. They said I had a GI bleed and that it was blood from the surgery. They expect no other problems except now I am anemic and can't take iron for another 3 weeks or so... So, I need to do a lot of resting!!! Which I will. Things are on the upswing now. I can have cream and tomato soups and no more bleeding, whew. Glad I am alive and well and that things are good again. I even went to a park with my sis for a little while yesterday :) More soon.

I came home from staying with my sister for a few days last night. It is good to be home with all of my things. I feel much better although I am anemic and will be for some weeks according to the doc so tired... I am doing well with drinking liquids, I am consistently getting over 64 oz. in daily. I miss food a bit, good food smells are a little hard but for the most part, I don't miss it that much. Only 1 more week and I can start doing purees so that will be good. Not sure how long I will be out of work. It has been two weeks today since surgery and I am definetely not ready to go back. Some folks are telling me I should just take the full six weeks and feel good. I guess I will let another week go by and see how I feel. I am so recently out of the hospital with this second problem that I guess I am content just to be home right now. I was so motivated to walk before this happened and now I feel sort of like a slug. I will need to start moving today. More soon.

It has been 1 month since surgery and aside from being tired (still anemic), I am feeling good! I have been eating soft, regular foods and chewing up a storm. I am down 36 lbs since scheduling surgery and I think about 21 lbs down since surgery. So glad. It's funny though, I plateued for a week and sometimes felt like it wasn't working. Then I lost another lb and laughed at myself. Still want everything RIGHT NOW :)... More soon...

I started back to work last Friday, the 15th, so it had been a month from surgery. Last Friday, all I did at work was answer e-mails, so a pretty easy day full of reading and writing. Then this week I was on full schedule, helping with Go-Live of our electronic medical record. It went very well. If I sit, I do really well and most of the work was sitting at a computer and solving problems.

I have now lost 38 total lbs., 23 since surgery. I have been reading all the discouraged people's comments who had surgery the same month as I did. They just don't feel they are losing fast enough and are really bummed. Then one of them wrote that her surgeon said it is normal to plateau between 4 and 6 weeks after surgery. Then the weight starts coming off again. I guess I will just trust the process. I feel so much better in my clothes. Even though I also hate the plateaus (I was 228 for many days), I am starting to lose again and know that I will keep losing. :) More soon!

My children are everything to me. Here is my son Kai:

My daugther Heather was a Minnesota Vikings Cheerleader for 2 years. She is in the middle row, far right in the first picture and first row, far right on the second picture.

I have been back at work now for just over 2 weeks and it is going very well. I have now had to start weeding my closet of clothes and because I have to look nice at work, I have had to buy a few things to wear. I have gone from a size 22 to a size 18 tops. I haven't bought pants yet but all my pants are very baggy so I am probably the same size in pants, we'll see. I now weigh 220 lbs, so 43 total pounds gone, 28 since surgery. So, I think I am doing well. I went on FitDay. It says that if I want to weigh 135 by next August, it means 1.6 pounds per week. Hope I can do it!!!

I had my 5 week appointment last week. It was pretty uneventful, I am apparently doing everything right. I am getting in enough protein and water, eating about the right amount of food, not drinking during or for at least 30 minutes after... They didn't tell me this but I know one of my goals is to slow down more. I am taking 10-20 minutes to eat. It needs to be 20-30 minutes. That will be my goal.

I am really happy. I was worried that I'd be depressed. I am not. I think the exercise is helping (30 minutes of walking per day), but mostly I am happy because I am in the place I've wanted to be for such a long, long time. I am finally losing weight!!!!!!!! I read other people's comments and there are so many who are upset because they plateau or aren't losing fast enough. I understand completely and know that some might be depressed. I don't want to compare myself to anyone but it kind of reminds me to think positive, to be grateful. I have done nothing but gain weight or gain back weight since Heather (my 22 year old daughter) was about 3 years old. I have now been given the greatest wish of my life. I am losing and know that it is going to be a lot. What joy!!! Now for the 2nd wish, a nice guy to share my life with... Oh well, first things first :) More soon.

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Things I am looking forward to:
1. Sitting comfortably with space and no smooshing anyone else in a theatre seat.
2. Same with an airplane, plus getting to pull down the tray with no tummy pushing back up.
3. Sliding through tight spaces, like between folding chair rows without being embarrassed and taking up other people's space.
4. Passing young boys without the fear of comments about my weight.
5. Shopping in normal sizes / enjoying shopping again! And no wanting to dash out of shopping malls because I am sweating and uncomfortable.
6. Wanting to go out and do things more, having the energy to do fun stuff!
7. Not worrying that I will break a chair if I stand on it to reach something.
8. Not being embarrassed when I stand on the scale at the doctor's office when the skinny nurse weighs me in.
9. Not getting winded walking, walking up stairs and hurrying places with co-workers, friends and family.
10. Feeling healthy!
11. Getting rid of all the medications I take.
12. Working out and feeling like one of the crowd instead of the fat person.
13. Possibly having no asthma, at least to treat.
14. Dancing!
15. Possibly finding a nice man to date :)
16. Not feeling like I can't date because no guy will be attracted to a fat woman (not true I know, many of the women I know who are heavy are married, but it's a feeling-especially since I haven't been asked out in years).
17. Having my fondest wish come true-to loose the weight!
18. Not feeling sloppy when I try hard to look nice.
19. Not getting the looks of concern from my brother.
20. Not getting comments from others about how I'd be so much happier and healthier if I lost weight (duh! don't they think the fat person is the most aware of that fact of anyone??)
21. Crossing my legs!

Stuff I am already noticing and am grateful for:
1. I haven't used my inhaler since surgery
2. I am buying smaller clothes and have to get rid of some of the clothes I have already.
3. I breathe a little easier.
4. I sleep better.
5. People comment about how good I am looking.
6. I feel and look more womanly-even a little sexy sometimes :)
7. I am happy!
8. I can look down and see only my chest and not my stomach.
9. My daughter told me my legs look smaller-wow, my legs are the biggest part on me, yeah!
10. I am down to 3 medications (from 6!)
Thank God and my surgeon for this surgery, I am on my way!!!
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It's been 2 months since surgery. I feel like I have been losing more slowly than I'd like. I shouldn't compare to others but I do... I also had a REALLY hard time losing before surgery. I am not sure why I suddenly feel this way since just a week or so ago, I couldn't figure out why people felt discouraged, I felt grateful. Well, I still feel grateful for this opportunity but I am worried that I won't lose as much as I'd hoped since it's going slowly. I looked at one of the books at the surgeon's office with weight loss pictures last time I was in... It seemed that most had lost 80 lbs or so in a year. I want to lose 100 in a year and 130 total. We'll see... Anyway, I will go on vacation to my neice's wedding now for several days and try to get an attitude readjustment. :) More soon. Jo

My son, Kai (28), my daughter Heather (22) and I at my niece's wedding in Chicago. Aug 19, 2005. I had already lost 47 lbs. here. My children have been very, very supportive through my surgery process. They have seen my pain over the years and want me to be happy.

My brother Richard, Kai and I at Navy Pier:

My daughter Heather and her boyfried Chris and my son Kai with his girlfriend Christina. I had fun watching the romantic moments on this cruise :)

I lost another lb today. I weighed 214 lb this a.m. I am so happy to be losing some. That is only 8 lbs this month. I hope I am able to get to my goal at this rate. I am not as bummed about it as last time I wrote but lots of people are losing a lot more than I am. Oh well. I am losing and that is fabulous!!
I had a couple of really cool things happen today. I went for a "North Metro Coffee" with folks from the MN website. Really great people, so much support and caring. Loved it. Then I went shopping at North Town Mall-at CS Banks. I bought 4 new tops. The 1x was too big! The smallest size they had was called simply x. It fit great. I was so happy!!! Then to Walmart for some stuff. I bought a size 20 jeans and they fit fine. Because I have such huge legs and thighs, jeans always need to be a size bigger. But then I bought 2 pairs of knit slacks, size 16-18. They fit great! They aren't one bit tight. I was very, very happy. The pants were all cheap, the jeans only $11.00, but I know I will lose again soon and will need to replace them. The tops were easier to justify since I am smaller on top and will likely wear them longer. Fun!!!

I am doing really well. I am always getting in more than 64 oz. of liquid, I walk 30 minutes every day. I take all of my vitamins and supplements every day. I am down to only 2 presciption meds, I eat less than 30 grams of fat daily, and more than 60 grams of protein. My calorie intake is always below 700 calories. Whew! I think I will do o.k. here. My addictive personality is healing. In my 20's I needed to have a man in my life, always. I had another lined up if things started to go bad. Got over that one. I spent money and shopped to make myself feel better back then too. I no longer need to shop, in fact don't like it all that much (though today's shopping was fun and healthy). I was also tempted to smoke pot and drink too much then. Over that (though I have a rare drink with friends). I quit smoking in my 30's. I was bulemic, got help for that but gained a ton of weight and didn't exercise. So that was my last demon. Now I think I can fix this one too, my greatest sadness has been my weight. How joyful is this? I am actually losing. Maybe now that I don't need a man in my life, I can actually attract a nice man and have a really healthy relationship. Ahhh, confession must be good for the soul or something, enough of this! :)

Went snooping and found these abbreviations:

Association for Morbid Obesity Support

Be Back Later


Breast Implants (PS Term)

Brother In Law

Belt Lipectomy (PS Term)

Be Right Back

Butt Tuck (PS Term)

Been There. Done That.

By The Way

Circumferential Body Lift (PS Term)

Carb Countdown (product brand name)

Dear/Darling Daughter

Dear/Darling Husband/Hubby

Daughter In Law

Dear/Darling Son or Duodenal Switch

Dear/Darling Wife

Full Body Lift

Fat Free

Father In Law


Good Luck

Great Minds Think Alike

Got To Go

Hope This/That Helps

In My Honest Opinion

Just Kidding

Lower Body Lift (PS Term)

Laughing My A$$ Off

Laughing Out Loud

Mother In Law

No problem

Non Scale Victory (ie can fit in an airline seat, exercising more ...)

Obesity Help

Oh My God

Off Topic (not related to weight loss or obesity issues)

Productive Burp

Poly-Cystic Ovarian Syndrome

Pain In The A$$

Peeing My Pants

Real Life

Rolling On Floor Laughing

Rolling On Floor Laughing My A$$ Off

Real Time

Scale Victory (ie reached a weight goal)

Sticking My Tongue Out At You

Sugar Free

Sister/Son In Law

To Be Continued

Thigh Lift (PS Term)

Too Much Information

Tummy Tuck (PS Term)

Ta-Ta For Now

Talk To You Later

Thank You

Thank You Very Much

Welcome Back

Way To Go

Your Mileage May Vary

You're Welcome

Ahhhh, I am so pleased, I have been losing weight a little faster the last few days. Hooray! I was so discouraged and in such a ugly mood a few days ago when I discovered that my fellow "June Bugs" appeared to be way ahead of me with the weight loss (I was at thirty-some lbs. down since day of surgery, they were all over 50 lbs. down). Their recommendation was to up my protein as close to 100 grams as possible and also to increase my liquids to 100 oz. as it had worked for several people. So, I started doing 3 Protein Shakes a day rather than the 1 shake I had been doing at breakfast and then trying to get well beyond the 64+ oz. of liquids I was getting. I don't know if it the reason but for the last few days since I started this, I have lost a lb. a day. It may be that it is coincidence but whatever works... :) Anyway, now that I have had inspiration and an attitude adjustment, I don't think I'd be as bummed if I was plataued or didn't lose as fast. I really had to get some perspective. I am happy. My clothes are fitting so well and I have now gotten rid of most of the big, big stuff so good... :) More soon!


I am 1 lb away from Onderland and from being 1/2 way to my goal. I am very, very happy. I worked at ANW today for MD Go-Live on 3 stations. It was very slow so I wandered down to see Lorna and some of the other people I used to work with at Sister Kenny (as a Speech-Language Pathologist) before I left to go to my current job. I was not prepared for the exclamations and wows! Even tears from one friend at how good and "little" I looked! Wow, I didn't know it was that noticeable yet... It was quite an ego boost. Lorna (a very dear friend and my former secretary), kept ooohhhing and ahhhhing. It was a trip! Nice...
I went shopping again this week. I am going to have to watch it because now I really like it again. I tried on 3 different pairs of pants just to get an idea, not to buy. I fit the size 18's fine. I fit the size 16's fine. I tried on the 14's and they were just a little tight. So, now I have no idea what size I wear!! I suppose a 16?? I bought a really cute purple suede shirt in a size XL, a new leather jacket, size XL (only $44.00 and it zipped right up!) and a new jean jacket ($18.00, fits great). So, now I just might be able to stop shopping at Lane Bryant and other stores like it completely. The REGULAR sizes fit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am having a hard time believing that its true. How could this be??
I am going to "Girls Night Out" tonight (people from the OH MN site). We are going out to eat, then to Relatively Hip and then to a s** shop :) Funny! Tomorrow morning I am dunkin' with Dan (I'll put my stats on when I get back), have North Side OH Coffee and then am invited to Christine's (also OH) tomorrow night for a bonfire. What a fun weekend! Don't know what I am going to do with myself between work (3 p.m.) and meeting them at 6 p.m. today or between coffee tomorrow and Christine's. I hate to drive the 1 1/2 hours to get home in between. I wish we'd sell our house so I could move in to the city again!!! Well, enough rambling... More Soon...

You're Betty Boop!
Bettie Boop

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Went Dunkin' with Dan today. Had both good and bad news... Here are the results:
BS: 77 (good)
Chol: Below 150 (good)
Coronary Arteries: 71 (high normal)
Current weight: 203 lb. (I like my scale better, it says 200) :)
Fat Mass: 86.35
Lean Mass: 116.65
% Fat: 42.5!!!!!
His goal for me: 150 lbs, with 31.1% body fat
A more ambitious goal: 140 lbs., 27.9% body fat (I had been hoping for 135)
BMI: 36.04
Cals per min: .838
Cals per day: 1206
BMR: 1516
Which means I have LOW metabolism. He said most people think they do, you actually do. He said to have my thyroid checked as taking Synthroid can increase your metabolism if its low. Otherwise, you just have low metabolism. This is what I think is probably the case as I think I have had a normal thyroid test but I am going to call my doctor and ask to be sure.

I am not surprised about the metabolism as it was HELL trying to lose weight before surgery, even when I had a personal trainer for 2 years! And, I am still a slow loser (although I am THRILLED with the 63 lbs I have lost so far). I am worried though, I want to increase my metabolism! I want to be a good loser and get to goal! I don't want to be a 50/50 loser (Dan says if you don't exercise, you lose 50% fat / 50% muscle. What he recommends is EXERCISE which will bring me to the recommended ratio of 75% fat and 25% muscle as everyone loses some muscle). So, I think I need to do more than the 30 minutes a day of walking I do now... Gotta find a way to work out that I can afford... More soon...

I am so excited today, my scale says 199 lb., I made it to Onederland! It also means that I am 1/2 way to my goal of 135 lb. I couldn't be happier or more encouraged. There is something about reaching this goal that makes me know in my heart that I can do this. Even with my slow metabolism HOORAY!!!

We sold our house!!!! I move into my downtown Minneapolis apartment on Saturday! So fast but I am so ready!!! Kai and Heather are going to help and I have a truck reserved. I hope Heather's boyfriend and Kai's girlfriend and my brother help too but they may not... Oh well, we'll get it done. I don't have that much stuff anymore so it shouldn't take us long.
I went to see the apartment yesterday. It has a ton of closet space which I like but it is small and not shiny/new like the first apartment I looked at. I hope I don't regret not going with the other one but so many people said the management was bad... The FCG folks who live at my new place aren't crazy about it but my friends Doug and Jane really like it so I am hoping I feel like Doug and Jane. It is an easy 10 minute walk to work as opposed to 1 1/2 hour drive from my house. That is incredibly wonderful. And, the walk is in the skyway so no coat in the winter when I work at the office. :)
I will miss the quiet of my home, the big windows, the peace but I will not miss the care of a big house and the yard work, etc... So, there are always tradeoffs... Can you tell I am weighing everything and a bit nervous??? I go back and forth about so many things... I have hardly any furniture anymore so it will look kind of bare I think and it isn't a pretty apartment without furniture. I also have no money and won't get any from the sale of the house because I owe my friend Gina for my computer with that money... So, I need furniture and I will need clothes. I don't know where that money is going to come from... I wish Allina would come through for me with a raise but it is not at all promising since I turned down one job already because of the low salary. I think I am worrying way too much, but these are the thoughts that are occuring as I write... I have to keep a positive attitude and it isn't working so well this weekend :) Oh well, I have a lot to be thankful for and I will calm down, I always do!! More soon...

I have been in my new apartment now for 3 weeks. I love it. I am not completely settled in yet, Kai needs to get his weight bench which I am storing on the patio and Heather needs to get her electric piano (when Chris's sister moves out, she is not out yet!) and bring me the other book shelf which she is storing at her dad's house right now. So, I am unable to put all of my books away, but I am fine with that because it is pretty settled and comfortable to live in. Only a couple of boxes left. I went to Ikea Friday and bought some mirror squares to put up behind my couch and an inexpensive black table top with black metal legs that I'll use as a desk in the front entryway once Heather gets her piano. I will need to get the pieces with drawers that are on casters too, but that can wait a bit. I also need a dining room table which I'll buy in February or March when I have more money :)
My weight loss is going well. I have now lost a total of 79 lb. I look so much better in clothes and can really see the loss when I look in the mirror which I am greatful for. I went shopping with Rebecca yesterday. We had so much fun. We started with Caribou coffee in Oakdale with our OH buddies and then to MOA for shopping. I wasn't going to buy anything but ended up in Christopher and Banks which has become my favorite store. I found two jackets to wear to work, both size (drum roll please...) MEDIUM!!!! Both were on sale, one for $14.99, one for $35.00!! What a good buy and at size medium, I should always be able to wear them :) I was so excited. We went to Old Navy too, I tried on size 14 and 16. They actually both fit o.k., the 14's were a little more difficult to button but the style is all wrong for me, they weren't flattering at all. I found a really cute pair of jeans at Christopher and Banks but they were a little too big at size 16 and were not a petite length so too long and couldn't be shortened because of the look at the cuffs that needed to stay the same. I will keep looking for jeans. I am still wearing the 18's but they are looking pretty darn big :) Rebecca is becoming a fast friend. She is so wonderful. I really like her so much. There are a lot of women that I really, really like in the support groups and coffees. I feel very lucky to be making friends with such great people. More soon from this very happy girl :)

Getting ready for Gala and at Gala, November, 2005

Just had to add that I bought a size 14 Tommy Hillfiger jeans yesterday and aside from being a little too long, they fit perfectly!! Guess I better stop wearing those 18's :)

I have now lost 86 lbs!! Well, the doctors office said 80 yesterday, but I had lost another lb. on my scale this a.m. so probably 5 lbs. difference. Hey, I'll take either at this point. Sandy, Dr. Baker's nurse said my weight loss was "excellent". :) She set my goal at 136 lbs.; I said I wanted to get to 135 lbs. so I was right on! Heather thinks that might be too small. She is slender at 140 lb. but she is solid muscle and smaller than me so I might be able to be smaller, who knows. I am not stuck on a number. I don't want to look skinny with loose skin hanging everywhere so I'll let her help me decide when I get closer. It looks like I have between 40 and 45 lbs. to lose. I am giving myself until next August to get there so I think I can do it. FitDay says that is about 1.27 lbs. per week. Doesn't that seem do-able?? I think so. I haven't lost for 9 days until this morning but I think these little plateaus are normal. I do need to watch how much I eat, what I eat and most importantly, I need to slow down. Sandy said to keep up the daily walking, she felt I was doing everything right so I am harder on myself than she is on me.
Heather and I are going to go on a cruise to celebrate my weight loss next summer or fall. I am going to pay for our cruise tickets in February, so we'll set a date then. She will pay for her own airline ticket and tips... Sounds good :)
Kai is still thinking about whether he'd go or not. We might do something different together, maybe go to Europe? :)
I think the best thing is that my mood has been so good. I am very happy. The 6 month picture Sandy took of me yesterday was good. You could really see the weight loss. My shoulders look more square and my arms hang down straight. I am getting a ton of complements, which I love. Cheryl, at work today said I looked "so great, you are an inspiration!". So nice to hear. My clothes are completely different than what I have ever worn before. Another thing is that I am spending too much money! I love to shop now and what I need to do is pay off my credit cards, and get a savings together. It is hard when I have so much fun shopping and things look so much better on me than in many years. I'll find a balance I guess, I just need to be careful.
Christmas will be here soon, I am having everybody over to my apartment on Christmas Day. We'll do a potluck so all I have to cook is one kind of meat and potatoes. Christmas Eve, it will probably be Richard, Kai and I (maybe Christina) for appetizers, and wine. Heather is going to Chris's parents but they will be here for Christmas Day. I haven't decorated at all. I probably need to since people are coming here... Maybe Saturday afternoon or Sunday?? I haven't been too inspired and will not be getting a tree. Moving was enough with the boxes!! More soon...

I am now down 92 lbs. and I am wearing a size 11-12 jeans :) Woooo Hoooo! I have 36 lbs. to go before I meet my goal (and Sandy's-Dr. Baker's nurse). Dr. Carey came to the PNC group last night and explained the BMR, underwater weighing again. His goal for me is 150 lb. or more ambitious 140... Since my lean mass was 115 lb., 135 would put me at about a body fat % of 22 which is low. So that is probably why he said that. I still want it though-we'll see how I look. Rebecca and Teri are such sweeties as are most all of the OH MN people I've met. It is so much fun to make new friends :) More soon...

I did it! I am down 100 lb. as of this morning! I am so excited. I am just about to get into a size 10 jeans (they zip but a just slightly too tight to wear yet) and I had to go down to a small in the last 2 tops I bought!! What size am I going to be at goal??? This is an amazing ride. I am so happy. I have GOT to get some new pictures in my profile, good grief! John (OH) said I looked 10 years younger than my pictures, too cool! Not only is that wonderful but I got my bonus and am getting my tax return soon so now Heather and I can celebrate by going on a cruise (probably in September or October). Wooooo Hoooooo!!!!

I have been a part of a study at the U of M for many years now. They are studying heart disease development and started studying me when I was in my early 30's. It is called Cardia. Last time, I think it was about 3 years ago, I had some bad numbers and was really worried about my health. Well, this last one, done last month, brought the following results:

Albumin, my result=2, Less than 20 is optimal
Total Cholesterol=156, Desirable
Triglycerides=106, Desirable
HDL=45, Desirable
LDL=90, Desirable
Fasting Glucose=79, normal
GFR (creatinine)=94, normal kidney function
Lung Function=normal
"...the results of these tests suggest that you at very low risk for future heart disease. Keep up the good work!"

You know, I did this for my health more than anything else. To hear this kind of news brings me so much joy!!!! Hugs to all! Jo :)

Heather dancing at the Myth as Beyonce'

Kai's promotional picture for his band, gorgeous hunk, huh?

I didn't realize it had been so long since I updated this! I am now 110 lb. down since scheduling surgery last April. I am so happy and really feel good. I am wearing some size 8's, mostly 10's. I feel like I look small when I look in the mirror but feel I still look kind of large in pictures. Oh well, who cares, I am so happy. The hanging skin is a problem. My thighs and upper arms are Sharpei-like and my breasts and tummy are not cute but when I put on clothes, it's better.

With my brothers at Easter in Illinois

I have had 2 dates, the first from e-Harmony. A disaster. Yuck, didn't like this guy who was an extreme introvert and seemed to have some mental health problems. The second, Joe, from was really nice. The date was great. He has four motorcycles, and took me for a ride on his Harley. It was great. I was amazed that I liked being on a motorcycle! Who would have thought??? I don't want to drive one but liked being on the back with an experienced rider. He isn't the best looking guy I ever saw but who cares, he was sweet and kind and I had a good time. It is nerve racking to date. I have had a lot of hits on Craig's List and It is tough to sort through them all. I have dates lined up with 3 other guys in the next couple of weeks. We'll see but I keep thinking about Joe, I must like him! Who would have thought!!

I just got back from the Spring Thaw in Hinkley, what a blast. Those people are my people, I feel a great deal of love for them all, especially the friends I am making. Hugs to all of you!!!!

Well, Joe turned out to be a dud. Passive agressive and then downright angry when I told him I didn't want to date him. Yuck. He turned out to be scary.

All the other dates were duds too EXCEPT Al. Wow, we are very attracted to each other and we have decided after 4 dates only to date each other and see what happens. I haven't told him about my surgery yet but I did tell him I had lost a lot of weight and he's seen some of the pictures of me heavy on my wall. It doesn't appear to phase him at all. Last night we went to the Dakota Bar and listened to jazz. We ended up making out. How fun is that? This is very likely the guy I have been wanting in my life. He is so generous, such a gentleman and wants to share my life. We have a lot of common interests. I thought he was too serious for me, but wasn't at all last night. I am so happy. And, this is awakening the kind of feelings I haven't had for a long time. This is so great. Now, to feel comfortable enough with my body for a future stage in our relationship... I will need to be talking to him about this... Wish me luck!! Jo :)

I have had 2 more dates with Al. He is a wonderful person. I told him about my WLS and he was supportive. The only thing he said that was not positive really was when he asked if it wasn't a dangerous surgery. I didn't take any offense at that though, it probably is and it is certainly what the public hears. I told him how dangerous it was to be obese and shared some of the facts with him. He totally got it and has been really great. He was with a group of WLS people with me last night, it went well and I had fun. He has planned many dates into the future for us too, buying tickets for events and such. It is so nice, the kind of dating I really wanted.
The down side is that he very recently broke up with a woman he dated for 6 months. He really liked her a lot and she dumped him so he is wanting to takes things slowly. That is absolutely fine with me. I think it is wise. However, I told him I didn't want to pay for someone else's mistakes. He said he wasn't the kind of person to do that. Which is great, but I feel like I subtly have a couple of times. For example, he didn't communicate with me much at all this week. We had a date Friday night and I hadn't heard from him by Friday afternoon about what time to meet, etc. We finally communicated, and met at 8 p.m. for dinner. That is when he told me he was practicing for when I was in CA and didn't know what he thought about getting involved with me being gone so much. I told him not to practice. :) I am going to want him to communicate with me when I am out of town!!! And, I need support and someone to come home to, AND I need more money!!! If I am not going to get married again, I need to be the one I rely on and I need to pay some bills, be able to travel, buy clothes, etc. Al has talked several times about how he is glad I said I didn't want to get married again as he didn't think he wanted that either. I am really fine with that although I will never rule it out completely if all the circumstances were very, very right. Now that there is a live person involved instead of just thoughts, it doesn't change much at this point but even though it is early, there is someone else's feelings and life to consider. So, taking it slow is very wise and good. I love that I am very attracted to him and the chemistry is good, so the future looks really good.
I am now at 151 lbs. with only 16 more to lose so I am doing great. I thought I'd be able to do it by August but not so sure now as I have only lost 2 lbs. so far this month but who cares!! If I never get to that particular goal it will be fine and I don't care as I look good in clothes, etc. now. I don't like the sagging skin or my boobs, but not sure if I'll do surgery for it... Being in some size 8's is great. I feel like I look pretty good.

June 6th, 2006
I weigh 149, only 14 lb. from my original goal. I wear size 8 jeans and size 6 in almost everything else! Small tops! This is incredible.

Many, many good things are happening. I got the job at Stanford! I flew out this weekend and met with them. I love San Francisco! I stayed at the Nikko, and after business and seeing Stanford, I checked in, shopped a bit and then napped. After my nap, I walked to Chinatown, Little Italy, Nob Hill and Fisherman's Wharf where I ate Risotto and drank Chianti next to little bon fires at an Italian restaurant. It was so lovely. I went to Golden Gate State Park before I flew home the next day. It was so great. I will get my offer tomorrow from R3 Health Partners/Bill Hyche. I start July 5th!

The best part, along with this phenomenal job of course, is Al. Turns out his last relationship ended 11 months ago, thank goodness. He still wants to take things slowly but so what. So do I! He is so generous, attentive and really knows what a woman likes in every way. Yet, he is so masculine and I am so attracted to him! Yummy. We have only been dating a month but have already had 10 dates. He won't let me pay for a thing and actually got up at 4 a.m. to take me to the airport. I told him he was the best kept secret in Minnesota. :) He is going to fly out to San Francisco with me June 30th and stay through the 4th. We are going to have a very romantic few days. Mmmmmm. Turns out he is very supportive of my San Francisco work. Hooray! He bought us tickets to the Solstice film festival ($200 each-is he generous or what??) and is talking about season tickets to the Ordway. I can't tell you how much I appreciate dating a man like this. He is so wonderful.

Kai and Heather are doing great too. Kai got a promotion at work with a company car so he is going to have a lot more money. He has had several performances with his rap group and will be doing a festival in the twin cities and making a cd this summer. Heather's dance troup was extended at the Myth for another year! She is so excited. I have been taking her Circuit Training class at The Firm. She is kicking my butt but I love it and she loves having me there. :) Life is soooooo good. Thank you God for all of these wonderful blessings!!

Date Weight Pounds Lost Since Surgery Total Pounds Lost BMI
263 0 0 46.6
Surgery 06/15/05 248 0 15 43.9
07/27/05 222 26 41 39.3
08/01/05 220 28 43 39.0
08/08/05 218 30 45 38.6
08/16/05 216 32 47 38.3
08/29/05 213 35 50 37.7
9/1/05 211 37 52 37.4
09/26/05 200 48 63 35.4
10/5/05 198 50 65 35.1
10/30/05 189 59 74 33.5
11-30-05 180 68 83 31.9
12/29/05 174 74 89 30.8
2/2/06 167 81 96 29.6
2-28-06 162 86 101 28.7
3/31/06 159 89 104 28.2
4/30/06 153 95 110 27.1
5/30/06 150 98 113 26.6
6-10-06 146 102 117 25.9
7-26-06 142 106 121 25.2
11-6-06 137 111 126  
Date#22 W#22 PL#22 TPL#22 BMI#22
Date#23 W#23 PL#23 TPL#23 BMI#23

This profile spruced up by

On July 1, 2005

Want your profile spruced up?
Email a volunteer!

How tall are you?feet,inches.
(Note: don't put " or ' marks in the spaces above.)
How much do you weigh?pounds
09/26/05 200 48 63 35.4
10/5/05 198 50 65 35.1
10/30/05 189 59 74 33.5
11-30-05 180 68 83 31.9
12/29/05 174 74 89 30.8
2/2/06 167 81 96 29.6
2-28-06 162 86 101 28.7
3/31/06 159 89 104 28.2
4/30/06 153 95 110 27.1
5/30/06 150 98 113 26.6
6-10-06 146 102 117 25.9
7-26-06 142 106 121 25.2
11-6-06 137 111 126
Date#22 W#22 PL#22 TPL#22 BMI#22
Date#23 W#23 PL#23 TPL#23 BMI#23


A very happy Jo :)

Nov 07, 2006

I now weigh 137 lb. and I am 2 lb. away from my goal. I am totally and completely in love with a man named Gary Felix. Al was history in July and I don't miss him at all. I am so lucky to have found the man of my dreams. I couldn't be happier and Gary and I are perfectly compatible. He is so generous and dear and I am so thrilled. I finally want to get married again and I am going to pay off my bills so we can travel together. I have moved to California and I miss my MN friends so much. But, I made the right decision for both work and love.  Jo

About Me
Redwood City, CA
Surgery Date
Jun 11, 2005
Member Since

Friends 2

Latest Blog 2
A very happy Jo :)
