I am celebrating my ninth year postop open RNY bariactic surgery.  I had a previous long story on this  site but it seems to be gone.  I was asked to update it but  that is not possible.  So in a nutshell I will tell you that on May 3, 2003 I weighted 300 poundS.  Over an eighteen month period and a second surgery to correct an issue I lost 133 pounds.  My lowest weight  was 167 pounds. I maintained  that weight  for about a year but gained  back up to 180 pounds that seemed to be my ideal weight.  My diabetes was arrested- no meds.  My hypertension was easily controlled and I never felt better.  Those facts remains so even today.  But I have gained back over 30 pounds. My weight today May 8, 2012 is 193 pounds. I have not remained with any support group and I should have.   I have recently joined weight watchers and am doing fine.  I hope to get back to 180 pounds and I will be happy.  I just had my    annual physical and I have never been in better shape.  I am still happy that I had the surgery and I would encourage all pre and post ops to be careful but it was all worth it in the long run.

About Me
Phoenix, AZ
Surgery Date
Mar 31, 2003
Member Since
