Jaime Breckenridge

I'm lethargic and it must be med's (I hope)

Apr 14, 2009

So I saw a Psychiatrist last Wed. and he told me they misdiagnosed me with add/adhd combined type, anxiety disorder, and a few other things they said I suffered from.  He said the adderall xr was making me much worse and I needed to stop taking it ASAP.

I was on 30 MG of AdderallXR in the morning and 5 mg of Adderall morning and noon.  He told me even though I scored in the upper 90% for add/adhd combined type on 4 different add/adhd tests that wasn't my problem.  He said I was Bi-Polar.  I told him I had never really been depressed other than the normal depression we get now and then.  I have never, that I can remember, suffered severe deep depression where I wanted to die, or stayed in bed for hours and hours, day upon day, I have never been overloaded with negative thoughts and ideas.  He said I had bipolar and to do some research on it and take a medication.

I take 25 MG at night for 2 weeks, 50mg for 2 weeks then 100MG nightly after that.  I am on day 5 or 6 of the 25mg and I have no gumption at all.  I talk slower, I think slower, I am lethargic and I have the feeling that nothing is important anymore.  I could care less about a single thing in my life right now.  I do not like this feeling and I hope it passes soon.  If it doesn't I am going to call his office and talk to the nurse.  I think it the name of the medication is lamictal.

The last 3-4 days I haven't watched my diet like I was, maybe cause of having an Easter meal at two places, I ate a roll at both place, potatoes, etc... I have yet to do that.  Then Monday I craved food all damn day long.  I hope this drug isn't going to mess with the weight loss goals my surgeon set, or the goals that I have set.

Oh well, is the feeling I have right now and that worries me a lot.

-Jaime, the lethargic

