Jaime Breckenridge

I am beginning to freak out...

Apr 20, 2009

So after all my preaching about carbohydrates and being careful with what you eat on the boards, my blog, to people that I have actually spoken to, etc... I feel like I am slacking off and not practicing what I have been preaching.

Here's is the down low on what's been going on.  I started a new medication almost two weeks ago, Lamictal, and a side effect is weight gain.  I blew it off because I figured I could deal with it.  Well, I am confident that I was wrong!  A few days went by and the only thing I noticed was the huge lack of sleep since I started the medication (one side effect was that the drug made you sleepy, HA! I wish!)

After a few days of being on the medication I started to feel really hungry, I think.  I have not felt hungry since the day I had the surgery... until last weekend when it all went downhill.  I am craving foods that I haven't in the last 6 months.  I am eating more than I have been eating the last six months.  I started out about 1.5 ounces, then gradually went to 2-3 ounces over the next 4 months, then in Feb/March I could eat about 4-5 ounces.  My wife and I still weigh my food (5 ounces) and I ate all but the last bite or two, then we would weigh it again to see how much I actually ate.  I was eating about 4 ounces, mainly protein (fish, shrimp, beef, pork, poultry, deer & elk meat, etc...) occasionally small amounts (less than an ounce) of taters, baked fries, coleslaw or veggies.  Over the last couple of weeks I eat all 5 ounces and don't get full anymore.  I am also eating the bulk of my food in the evening (like I did before surgery).

We had some sort of beef steak thawed so I cut it up into pieces, tossed it into the old Teflon coated pan with a little soy and teriyaki sauce and browned it, then added water and let it simmer for about 15 minutes.  Meanwhile I took a casserole dish and dumped in a can of mushroom soup, cup or so of rice, half a bag of frozen broccoli, shredded some carrots and added garlic (we use a lot of garlic in our house).  I dumped the mixture from the pan right into the casserole dish and mixed it all up and put the lid on and baked it for an hour and 20 minutes at 300 degrees.  It was delicious and very moist, I added plenty of liquid because of adding uncooked rice.

Anyway, I put a couple of scoops into a bowl and added some noodles (chow mien or something like that, brown and crunchy).  I forgot to tare the scale with the empty bowl on (when you tare you basically reset the scale to zero).  I weighed it once it had my food in it and it was like 14 ounces. I figured I would eat til I was starting to feel full.  After about 20 minutes or so I had a few bites left and told my wife to weigh it.  The difference was about 7-8 ounces.  To say the very least I was shocked!  I had no idea I could eat so much and I am worried, nay, highly concerned.

-Jaime 'needs some support right now' Breckenridge

