Jaime Breckenridge

A long, long stall

May 04, 2009

I have only lost 13 lbs since April 3rd, I weighed 368.  It is now May 4th and I weigh 355.  I was losing a bit over 8 lbs a week and now I am down to a couple of pounds a week.  I am trying to figure out why I have another 105 lbs to goal and it is driving me nuts.  My goal is tossed out the window and there is no way I can make it now.  It is really starting to get to me mentally.  Physically I feel so helpless that I am doing very little with my life at this point.  I almost feel as if I am simply going through life like a... like a drone or the undead,  just wandering through life looking for my next meal.

I am getting pretty down over this stall.  I have tried to reverse the stall I am in but I am having problems.  It is starting to bother me a great deal.  I wouldn't say depressed but damn close.  I am still not sleeping well but I have slowly over the last week or so changed form taking the new medication at night to in the morning and it has helped but I still cannot sleep until about 3-4am, better than before because I could stay up a day or two in a row with no sleep.  I still have to get up early so getting very little sleep but 3-4 hours is better than none.  I would love to get my 7-8 hours though.  I think that has a lot to do with my lack of weight loss over the last month.  It all started with this new medication.  I keep telling myself I need to get used to the new medicine.  I started out on 25mg, then went to 50mg two weeks later, tomorrow is my last 50mg dose then I go to 100mg.  100mg is suppose to be the maintenance dose so things better calm down in another week or so or I am going to flip out.  This is unacceptable.  Maybe I'll talk to the Psychiatrist and see if I can put the medication off until I hit goal then start it up again.

Here's hope to a brighter future,


