Jaime Breckenridge

Just found out I have Scheuermann's disease

May 13, 2009

I never had this sort of back pain, even at 570lbs. So I did what we all do when we are in pain and it has lasted over 3 months and has progressively gotten worse.  I went to see my PCP yesterday and he took some xrays of my mid/lower spine.  He also sent me to physical therapy.  My stomach fat is hurting me now.  When I got up/down stairs it 'jiggles' and tugs on my lower back.  When I walk, cycle, heck anything, my gut flops side to side and hurts my lower back and pulls on my stomach muscles. I think they are called rectus abdominis, upper ab muscles.

They called me this morning and set up an appointment for this afternoon.  It was great, they wee very nice and seemed to really know their 'stuff'.  they gave me one of those big balls to use.  I am suppose to sit on it because it relieves pressure form my lower back.  It works!

I was back from the physical therapy and got a call from the pcp's office.  The nurse said I had something called Scheuermann's disease.  She told me it is normally found in children (I have always been told to grow up, stop acting like a child, etc... LOL).  I have not had time to do any research on it but give me a day and I will know everything there is available to me about it.  I am a research junkie.  I do know what she told me, it has something to do with the curvature of the lower spine.

I have had xrays before and no one ever said anything about it.  The good news is I might get the insurance company to cover the cost of the panniculectomy.  I asked if that would reverse it and she said no but it will relieve most of the pain caused by having the disease.  That is good but the disease cannot be reversed.  Physical therapy would help but it would be lifelong.  Which I am not looking forward too.

Anyway, just an update.  Oh, and I see my other doctor about my sleeping issues in the morning.  I told him to fix my sleeping issues or I stop taking the medication (Lamictal).  I guess I find out tomorrow morning eh?  I think I will put this post on the forums to see if anyone else knows anything about Scheuermann's disease.

Take care all,


