Jaime Breckenridge

Silly reason to leave Oh??? Probably.

Aug 26, 2009

I decided this morning, after a month of deliberation, that I will not let a few dozen Oh users pass along inaccurate advice.  Or just plain bad advice because I was too stubborn or irritated to help others with questions.  I was told to get a life and that is just what I have done in the last 10 months.  I want to give others the opportunity to do the same.

So I was simply tired of the negativity that I have found on the Obesityhelp website, mainly the forums.  I simply got tired of the misinformation and the garbage people were spew out of their mouths.  I saw it in full force against a member, I had no idea who the member was, but it bothered me a lot and I posted comments after the negative posters.  I then had people telling me I should just leave OH to better the Oh community.  I thought about it and decided if that is the attitude and public perception of Oh, I didn't want to be a part of such negativity.  So I locked everything on my account and left it open so I could get all my weight loss and blog information.

I decided to make a blog elsewhere, since my blog is more for me than anyone else, more of an on line diary I guess.

I am getting emails from people asking my advice about nutrition and other issues that go along with wls.  I get questions about everything from not getting the surgery and losing the weight the way we all wished we should to pre-op diets, medications, health issues, post-op eating, exercises, back pain, etc...  I guess I did bring a little something to several Oh users because I get half a dozen questions a week from people that tell me they used to follow my advice on Oh and they had a question or two.

I'm on a couple of different sites and post regularly answering questions the best I can.  If I do not know the answer or I do not feel qualified I have a lot of resources so I can effectively give a well documented and stable answer.  I have taken nutrition classes at the university, health classes, I have a physician (Gastro Dr.) in the family, two friends are doctors (a gastro and an orthopedic surgeon) as well as several RN's, LPN's and Nurse Practitioners in my circle of friends and family.  I would say I am well covered in the knowledge category.  That doesn't mean I am smart enough to answer people on my own, I just have a lot of good, qualified resources that do not involve the Internet alone.

Long blog coming to an end.  I came to the conclusion that I should just place the irritating people on ignore and hide them and their posts.  It will make my life easier and I can simply ignore them or report their post(s).  I have placed my profile on "only friends can view" that way I can control something on Oh anyway.

Luck to everyone and God bless.


