Jaime Breckenridge

Panniculectomy cancelled, I am slipping into depression !!!

Nov 10, 2009

So back in Feb. 2009 Dr. Rossi's office called and let me know my vitamin A was in the lower 20's.  So they upped my vit A intake, and since it has bounced between 20 and 24 and been checked 4-5 times.  In July I met with him and it was still low, We also talked about getting my panni removed.  He gave me a price and a 90 day quote.  I borrowed the money and set a surgery date of Nov. 19th.  In October I had my 1 year checkup with Dr. Rossi and he said in a month I would have my panniculectomy but we needed to get my vit A up first.

He sent me to see an Endo doctor in Bloomington/Normal.  That Dr. said he had never treated someone for a vitamin A deficiency.  He wants me to go to Barnes Jewish hospital in St. Louis.  Dr. Rossi's office told me today that my surgery will be postphoned indeffinately until I get my vit A up.  I was livid.  I borrowed the money for the surgery with interest.  It could be 2-3 months before Barnes Jewish can see me.  I took this semester off of school due to having surgery in Nov. and missing the last 3 weeks of classes (final projects and final exams) and had use my 6 month grace period for student loans.  Not to mention I could have graduated in May 2010.

How do I sign up for spring classes not knowing if I will have surgery or not?  So I put off one more semester and will graduate a year later.  We picked November 19th because it was the Thursday before Thanksgiving because my wife had to take the least amount of time off from work, I would be healed up by the time spring classes started and it fit in well.  We planned that date back in July.  Dr. Rossi knew my vit A level was low then and didn't do anything other than what he normally does, "Take 50,000 iu daily and get rechecked in 3 mo."... HORSE SHIT!!!

All because my surgeon should have sent me to a specialist in July when we talked about surgery and he knew since Feb. that my vit A level was tanked.  wtf?

On top of all that I got a speeding ticket Thursday on my way home from visiting my sister and her family in Traverse City, Michigan (98 miles an hour) and then Sunday less than 72 hours later I got another ticket (74 miles an hour) and then... the front passenger tires blew out and the spare was almost flat.

Money issues are mounting up and I am beginning to flip out big time.  I keep thinking of the quote from Talladega Nights, "I'm all jacked up on Mt. Dew!"  I don't even drink soda, beer, booze, caffeine, etc...  I am thinking of starting soon if this surgery doesn't happen on the 19th.  Maybe some weed and booze will help mellow me out and de-stress...  I've never tried either before but now seems like a good time to start.


