Losing again !!!

Nov 19, 2008

Sorry for the delay in posting but I have been on a plateu for about a month now, but in consideration, I have had another surgery on Halloween, which was unrelated to my bariatric but still during the recovery time, I didnt lose or gain anything.  Now that I am virtually healed, the loss has started again.

31 lbs in 30 days !!!

Oct 09, 2008

i feel great, i cannot believe the difference 30 lbs makes in how i feel and how much energy I have.  Will keep site updated with my story.

25 lbs in 23 days!!!!!

Oct 02, 2008

266.4 today, down 2 pants sizes, 44 to a 40 !!!!

Sep 25, 2008

Just a quick update, hopefully new pics this weekend.

14 days out.....

Sep 23, 2008

I just came from dialysis and they have a super-accurate scale there so that is what I use to guage my progress, today, after dialysis, I weighed 268.5.  I can't remember the last time i was in the 260's.  I am ecstatic.  It's not "falling" off of me like I'd hoped, but it IS coming off.  But then, again, I am eating more than just the "mashed up food" diet too.   So far, NOTHING i have tried has bothered me.  NO dumping, no cramps, no side effects at all.
I am eating about 3/4 of a McDonald's breakfast burrito in the am because its eggs and cheese (protein).  I special order it from my local McD's.  For lunch I am eating cottage cheese and 1 of those little cups of fruit.  And a sensible dinner.
Right now my biggest hurdle is the way I have been eating for 40 years is effecting me.  I mean I have been taught to "clean my plate", now i can't even begin to do that, so its really hard for me to train myself to stop eating when I am full, not when the plate's empty.  I have a hard time leaving food on the plate uneaten.

Thank you to those who commented, I didn't think anyone out there was reading my story,  I am glad at least a few are.  If it's OK, I am going to add you to my friends list.

6 days past

Sep 15, 2008

Its been 6 whole days since my surgery.  I am doing OK, not in any pain, no real discomfort, no problems from either the drain site or my staples.  Emotionally, kind of depressed, I mean it should get better when I start seeing the difference in the scales.  I am already seeing my blood sugar readings coming into control, that's a huge plus.  I guess ii just expected to feel so different after wards and I just didn't feel "different", so I am wondering if since i don't feel different, if anythings really changed.  doesn't that sound silly.  I know I had surgery, I know it's different but I just "feel" the same.  No real ned for updated pics just yet, but will soon.

The morning of surgery

Sep 08, 2008

well it's 3:26am, i have to be at the hospital at 5:15am for my surgery prep.  I cannot sleep i am so excited that's why i am blogging at 3am.  Please keep me in your prayers as I Undergo what promises to be a life-changing process today.  ad of right now, I weigh 285.2, lets see what happens from here.

5 days until surgery !!!

Sep 03, 2008

Well here it is, I am down to the wire.  I got the last piece of paper needed yesterday from my regular physician (a release), and hand-carried it to my surgeon's office so there would be no chance of it getting lost or misplaced.  I have my pre-op appointment scheduled for tomorrow at 1:30.  Then its just a painfully slow countdown until Tuesday morning.  If this thing gets post-poned for any reason, I am going to be a basket case.  I have built-up such an anticipation that i don't know how i will handle it if its post-poned.  Please keep your fingers crossed for me.

11 days until my surgery !!!

Aug 29, 2008

I had my partner take/upload some current pictures last night.  Will try to keep them current as I continue on my journey.  Look at how bloated I am, I look like I am going to expolde at any moment dont I?  Its ok,  I know it's true.  Fat ain't pretty.  Let's all hope I lose most (all) of that fat face and the most important thing to me is a flat tummy.  Haven't had that in 25 years.

12 days until my surgery !!!

Aug 28, 2008

Hello, my name is J.R. Davis.  I live in Birmingham Alabama.  I am 43 years old and am having Roux-en-Y surgery on September 9th, 2008 - Lord willing.
I have been overweight since I was about 19 or so.  In high school, I just never thought that much about my weight because it just wasn't a problem.  After high school, things changed drastically. 
Over the last 20 some odd years, I have been diagnosed with Diabetes (1988), High blood pressure, ED, Sleep Apnea, Diabetic Retinopathy (legally blind), Anemia, and am in the final stages of kidney failure (dialysis 3x a week).
I have lost all my toes and one foot to staph infections resulting from diabetes and am now getting used to my prosthetic foot.
At my highest weight, I weighed 297 lbs.  As of today, I am 284.4 and don't expect much change between now and my surgery date.
My sister had the surgery Nov 29th, 2007and to date has lost somewhere around 60 lbs.  she feels great and can now run and play with her grandchildren like she never could before.
I am having this surgery to save my life, I don't really care what the scales say, i just want to eliminate some of the co-morbidity's and have a longer life.
I will try to keep my blog updated as my journey continues.....


About Me
Birmingham, AL
Jul 15, 2007
Member Since

Friends 2

Latest Blog 10
Losing again !!!
31 lbs in 30 days !!!
25 lbs in 23 days!!!!!
266.4 today, down 2 pants sizes, 44 to a 40 !!!!
14 days out.....
6 days past
The morning of surgery
5 days until surgery !!!
11 days until my surgery !!!
12 days until my surgery !!!
