July 12, 2011

Jul 12, 2011

Almost my birthday!  Things have been up and down these last 5 years since my RNY.  I am up now and looking into having a BOB.  Going to see my surgeon on 7/20/11 and see what he thinks.  Wish me luck!

January 12, 2010

Jan 12, 2010

Wow, time sure flies!  I see that my weight is the same as it was the last time I was here.  It has been down and now it is back up.  I am not very happy with where it is, so I need to get a lot more serious.  What I haven't figured out yet is why I don't just stop eating carbs?  They make me feel sooo sick and yet I do it every single day.  How dense am I? 


May 08, 2008

Well, I started going to a weekly support group.  It is small but mightly.  Started seeing my dietician again.  Very helpful.  Started taking my vitamins regularly and working more movement into my day.  I can do this.  I will do this.  I will take off the weight I have gained.  I will. 


Apr 15, 2008

Tax day!  Good luck all.  

Well, it has been almost a year since my last post.  How is that possible?  Things are good even though my weight is up.  I have sought the advice of a dietician and have gotten back into my support groups and exercising.  So things are looking up.  This really isn't a miracle.  I am still mourning that fact.  I have work this thing.  The sooner I truly get that, the sooner I will get back on the straight and narrow and work this thing.  

I went to my surgeon about having an additional surgery either the band over my rny or the stomaphyx.  Both are expensive and probably not covered by my insurance because I am not heavy enough.  I am going to look into the requirements anyway and see.  In the meantime, I am working out and eating right.


May 24, 2007

It used to annoy me when I read other members blogs and they would suddenly stop putting in entries.  I often wondered what happened to them and thought the worst.  Well, I haven't written in ages and I am still here.

This is NOT easy.  I finally figured out that the "miracle" I was hoping for is that I lost the weight in a short period of time.  Now, I have to work the rest of my life to keep it off and lose more if I want to.  I have been struggling with 20 pounds now.  I am amazed at how little I have to eat and gain weight.  I guess I shouldn't be but I am.  I have started working out every day and following WW.  I just make sure it is full of protein and low carb.  Since I am a sugar addict, I must not have any of that at all.  That is really hard. 

About Me
Bound Brook, NJ
Surgery Date
Jun 24, 2004
Member Since

Friends 2

Latest Blog 5
