J2 O. posted a discussion topic 10 years, 11 months ago
My 6 year surgiversary.....Grateful is an understa - Hello Fellow VSGers!! Today is my 6 year anniversary!! I woke up feeling very thankful, blessed, and happy. I have Type 1 diabetes that was the reason, well that and bei...
About Me
St. Louis, MO
Surgery Date
Jul 25, 2007
Member Since

Friends 195

Latest Blog 18
1 year anniversary post....................
10 month update
9 month update................
BIG DAY...........................
7+ mos......the good, the bad, and the ugly...............
only measurements I have...............
February update.......5+ months
Day after Christmas realizations................
4 month check-up with Dr. Cirangle
Weight Loss by Weeks
