Joy S.
3Years Wow!!!!!
Jan 03, 2009
Well almost ,2 more days and it will be 3 years it seems so crazy to me. I have gotten down as far as a steady 225lbs then I moved across state met someone special and have gotten comfortable,then I got hurt at work and could not hardly move and gained 20lbs back so this year I decided to get back on track and then my doctor says he wants me to have the skin removed as it is causing alot of rashes and pulling so bad on the back that I now have a few pinched nerves so as of the 29th of this month I will be having abdominalplasty to get rid of the skin he has assured me that it will help me to get back to a healthy state so that I can exercise better again and be able to get back into shape and that if I start to loose weight since it will be slow like a normal person now It wont hurt the plastics that are done.I am hoping that is the truth. Most days now I am a stay at home mom and Taxi to the sporting events the kids the go to. I am in school while off on disability and hoping to be back to work soon, if all goes the right way. I do enjoy the fact of being thinner do to being able to keep up with the kids ,my one son was dx this year with Bipolar w/ psychosis at 9 yrs old do it has been a challenge but we are getting through it day by day ,thanking God that I have a good man that stays by my side when I am not up to it .Other then that all is great in my world.
1 comment
21 months and still going
Sep 13, 2007
It has been an eternity since I have been on here but now know that I need to stay on here to keep up the weight loss progress if I want to because I have not been able to find a support group here in the new town it is OH to the rescue again which is all good with me.
I AM DOWN TO 214 LBS. I am loving life so very much just hating the excess skin I want it gone so bad but cant really complain about rashes to say it is a nessecity with my insurance company Medical.I still have about 20 lbs I would love to loose befor plastics but if I do I DO,if not its still good.
I need to update some photos here too since I dont really look the same anymore,it seems so funny to look in the mirror and see my mother staring back at me ,guess its a good thing I have always thought she was beautiful
Well I am out of here to check the boards and get some encouragement.

I need to update some photos here too since I dont really look the same anymore,it seems so funny to look in the mirror and see my mother staring back at me ,guess its a good thing I have always thought she was beautiful

Its almost 18 months
Jun 19, 2007
I am so amazed at the difference ,I would not change a thing .I love my new life and all the fun I am having living it.I know I need to get on here more and up date but it is so crazy now I dont know how I did it when I was bigger I could hardly walk and now I am on the go constintly.Well I am off and running.
Over a year now
Mar 09, 2007
Its crazy it has been over a year and lie is so diferent for me and my family.I actually made a appointment witha plastic surgeon yesterday.It is in April I am so excited to finally be on the last leg of this journey I started 4yrs ago.I will be looking at getting abdominalplasty and breast augmentation solife will deffinatly be changing again for the better once again.I also have booked a flight to Morocco as a celebration for my daughter graduating in June and to celebrate my new life.Life is good.
I cant believe it has been almost a year
Dec 17, 2006
I cant believe that in January it will be a year ago I had surgery where has the time gone.I dont regret having the surgery at all but sometimes I wish I would have workout alot more then I did cause I am so flabby.I will go soon for my plastics consult I am not wanting any more then my skin around my belly taken off the rest I can del with ,this was for me not anyone else so if they dont like the looks of me they dont have to look at it Right.Well I have a new man in my life too and he is liking what he sees so I cant complain at all. He plays semi pro football and says I am to skinny looking sometimes never in my life did I think I would hear that.I am comfortable were I am at my weight loss now so if I lose any more it will be ok with me but if I dont I am fine with that too.I figure after plastics I will probably loose a couple of pounds but not much .Well I am off to clean the house something I actually enjoy doing now.
Life in the fast lane is crazy.
Nov 26, 2006
I love my life so much now.No depression,no more hating to get out of bed,I can fit into anything I want to wear (as long as it has not got to big in the last month)I have been given my second chance at life and I love it.I have been throu so much in such a short time when I look back at the last year I am amazed.My Dad passed away last year,my surgery happened in Jan.,my mom moved back to my sister's 400 miles away,I left my husband of 7 yrs(he was a alcoholic and drug user)I have lost over 125 lbs and I am the happiest I have ever been,I hae a good job,I have a new man in my life and have never gotten as much attention as I do now
Life is sweet.My kids can't get over the difference and my family loves to hear me laugh and joke something I hardly ever did befor this.I have so much confidence and self esteem that I am not afraid to lie any more I join in on life not watch from the side lines.WLS was one of the bedt things I could have ever done for my life.
Life is sweet.My kids can't get over the difference and my family loves to hear me laugh and joke something I hardly ever did befor this.I have so much confidence and self esteem that I am not afraid to lie any more I join in on life not watch from the side lines.WLS was one of the bedt things I could have ever done for my life.
About Me
Oroville, CA
Surgery Date
Oct 27, 2004
Member Since